Items in division
- TU Darmstadt (107356)
- 10 Department of Biology (4047)
- Microbiology and Archaea (136)
- 10 Department of Biology (4047)
Ajon, Małgorzata ; Fröls, Sabrina ; Wolferen, Marleen van ; Stoecker, Kilian ; Teichmann, Daniela ; Driessen, Arnold J. M. ; Grogan, Dennis W. ; Albers, Sonja-Verena ; Schleper, Christa (2011)
UV-inducible DNA exchange in hyperthermophilic archaea mediated by type IV pili.
In: Molecular microbiology, 82 (4)
Article, Bibliographie
Born, Johannes ; Weitzel, Kerstin ; Suess, Beatrix ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2021)
A Synthetic Riboswitch to Regulate Haloarchaeal Gene Expression.
In: Frontiers in microbiology, 12
doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.696181
Article, Bibliographie
Born, Johannes (2021)
Konstruktion eines Reporter- und eines induzierbaren Expressionssystems zur Untersuchung der haloarchaealen Transkription und Translation.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00017851
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication, Publisher's Version
Born, Johannes ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2019)
Improved GFP Variants to Study Gene Expression in Haloarchaea.
In: Frontiers in Microbiology, 10
doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01200
Article, Bibliographie
Bleiholder, Anne ; Frommherz, Regina ; Teufel, Katharina ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2012)
Expression of multiple tfb genes in different Halobacterium salinarum strains and interaction of TFB with transcriptional activator GvpE.
In: Archives of microbiology, 194 (4)
Article, Bibliographie
Bauer, M. ; Marschaus, L. ; Reuff, M. ; Besche, V. ; Sartorius-Neef, S. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2007)
Overlapping activator sequences determined for two oppositely oriented promoters in halophilic archaea.
In: Nucleic acids research, 36 (2)
Article, Bibliographie
Beard, S. ; Hayes, P. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Walsby, A. (2002)
The sequence of the major gas vesicle protein GvpA influences the width and strength of halobacterial gas vesicles.
In: FEMS microbiology letters, 213
Article, Bibliographie
Blaseio, U. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1990)
Transformation of Halobacterium halobium: development of vectors and investigation of gas vesicle synthesis.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 87 (17)
Article, Bibliographie
Betlach, M. ; Leong, D. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Boyer, H. W.
ed.: Silver, S. (1986)
Bacterio-opsin gene expression in Halobacterium halobium.
In: Microbiology 1986
Book Section, Bibliographie
Betlach, M. ; Friedman, J. ; Boyer, H. W. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1984)
Characterization of a halobacterial gene affecting bacterio-opsin gene expression.
In: Nucleic acids research, 12 (20)
Article, Bibliographie
Betlach, M. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Friedman, J. ; Boyer, H. W. (1983)
Bacterio-opsin mutants of Halobacterium halobium.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 80 (5)
Article, Bibliographie
Cline, S. W. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Doolittle, W. F.
ed.: Robb, F. T. (1995)
Transformation of halophilic Archaea.
In: Archaea: A laboratory manual, Edition: New York: Cold Spring Harbor Lab. Press, 1995
Book Section, Bibliographie
Dyall-Smith, Mike ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Witte, Angela ; Oesterhelt, Dieter ; Pfeiffer, Friedhelm (2018)
Complete Genome Sequence of the Model Halovirus PhiH1 (ΦH1).
In: Genes, 9 (10)
Article, Bibliographie
Dong, Anguo ; Turinsky, Andrei L. ; Ah-Seng, Andrew C. ; Taschuk, Morgan L. ; Gordon, Paul M. K. ; Hochauer, Katharina ; Fröls, Sabrina ; Soh, Jung ; Sensen, Christoph W.
ed.: Decker, Reinhold (2007)
Enhancing Bluejay with Scalability, Genome Comparison and Microarray Visualization.
In: Advances in Data Analysis
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-70981-7_64
Book Section, Bibliographie
Englert, C. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1993)
Analysis of gas vesicle gene expression in Haloferax mediterranei reveals that GvpA and GvpC are both gas vesicle structural proteins.
In: The Journal of biological chemistry, 268 (13)
Article, Bibliographie
Englert, C. ; Krüger, K. ; Offner, S. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1992)
Three different but related gene clusters encoding gas vesicles in halophilic archaea.
In: Journal of molecular biology, 227 (2)
Article, Bibliographie
Englert, C. ; Wanner, G. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1992)
Functional analysis of the gas vesicle gene cluster of the halophilic archaeon Haloferax mediterranei defines the vac-region boundary and suggests a regulatory role for the gvpD gene or its product.
In: Molecular microbiology, 6 (23)
Article, Bibliographie
Englert, C. ; Horne, M. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1990)
Expression of the major gas vesicle protein gene in the halophilic archaebacterium Haloferax mediterranei is modulated by salt.
In: Molecular & general genetics : MGG, 222 (2-3)
Article, Bibliographie
Ebert, K. ; Hanke, C. ; Delius, H. ; Goebel, W. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1987)
A new insertion element, ISH26, from Halobacterium halobium.
In: Molecular & general genetics : MGG, 206
Article, Bibliographie
Ebert, K. ; Goebel, W. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1984)
Homologies between heterogeneous extrachromosomal DNA populations of Halobacterium halobium and four new isolates.
In: Molecular and general genetics : MGG, 194
Article, Bibliographie
Fiebig, David ; Schmelz, Stefan ; Zindel, Stephan ; Ehret, Vera ; Beck, Jan ; Ebenig, Aileen ; Ehret, Marina ; Fröls, Sabrina ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Kolmar, Harald ; Fuchsbauer, Hans-Lothar ; Scrima, Andrea (2016)
Structure of the Dispase Autolysis Inducing Protein from Streptomyces mobaraensis and Glutamine Cross-linking Sites for Transglutaminase.
In: The Journal of biological chemistry, 291 (39)
Article, Bibliographie
Fröls, Sabrina (2013)
Archaeal biofilms: widespread and complex.
In: Biochemical Society transactions, 41 (1)
Article, Bibliographie
Fröls, Sabrina ; Dyall-Smith, Mike ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2012)
Biofilm formation by haloarchaea.
In: Environmental microbiology, 14 (12)
Article, Bibliographie
Fröls, Sabrina ; White, Malcolm F. ; Schleper, Christa (2009)
Reactions to UV damage in the model archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus.
In: Biochemical Society transactions, 37 (Pt 1)
Article, Bibliographie
Fröls, Sabrina ; Ajon, Malgorzata ; Wagner, Michaela ; Teichmann, Daniela ; Zolghadr, Behnam ; Folea, Mihaela ; Boekema, Egbert J. ; Driessen, Arnold J. M. ; Schleper, Christa ; Albers, Sonja-Verena (2008)
UV-inducible cellular aggregation of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus is mediated by pili formation.
In: Molecular microbiology, 70 (4)
Article, Bibliographie
Fröls, Sabrina ; Gordon, Paul M. K. ; Panlilio, Mayi Arcellana ; Duggin, Iain G. ; Bell, Stephen D. ; Sensen, Christoph W. ; Schleper, Christa (2007)
Response of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus to UV damage.
In: Journal of bacteriology, 189 (23)
Article, Bibliographie
Fröls, Sabrina ; Gordon, Paul M. K. ; Panlilio, Mayi Arcellana ; Schleper, Christa ; Sensen, Christoph W. (2007)
Elucidating the transcription cycle of the UV-inducible hyperthermophilic archaeal virus SSV1 by DNA microarrays.
In: Virology, 365 (1)
Article, Bibliographie
Gregor, D. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2005)
In vivo analysis of constitutive and regulated promoters of halophilic Archaea.
In: Microbiology, 151
Article, Bibliographie
Gregor, D. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2001)
Use of a halobacterial bgaH reporter gene to analyse the regulation of gene expression in halophilic archaea.
In: Microbiology (Reading, England), 147 (Pt 7)
Article, Bibliographie
Goebel, W. ; Kollek, R. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Lindenmair, W. (1979)
Properties of mini-plasmids of the antibiotic resistance factor R1 carrying deleted and enlarged ampicillin transposons (Tn3).
In: Contributions to microbiology and immunology, 6
Article, Bibliographie
Goebel, W. ; Lindenmair, W. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Schrempf, H. ; Schelle, B. (1977)
Transposition and insertion of intact, deleted and enlarged ampicillin transposon Tn3 from mini-R1 (Rsc) plasmids into transfer factors.
In: Molecular & general genetics : MGG, 157 (2)
Article, Bibliographie
Heueis, Nona (2015)
Charakterisierung kleiner, nicht-kodierender RNAs in Streptomyces coelicolor.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication
Hechler, T. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2009)
Anaerobiosis inhibits gas vesicle formation in halophilic Archaea.
In: Molecular microbiology, 71 (1)
Article, Bibliographie
Hechler, T. ; Frechen, M. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2007)
Glucose inhibits the formation of gas vesicles in Haloferax volcanii transformants.
In: Environmental microbiology, 10 (1)
Article, Bibliographie
Hofacker, A. ; Schmitz, K. M. ; Cichonczyk, A. ; Sartorius-Neef, S. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2004)
GvpE- and GvpD-mediated transcription regulation of the p-gvp genes encoding gas vesicles in Halobacterium salinarum.
In: Microbiology, 150
Article, Bibliographie
Holmes, M. L. ; Scopes, R. K. ; Moritz, R. L. ; Simpson, R. J. ; Englert, C. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Dyall-Smith, M. L. (1997)
Purification and analysis of an extremely halophilic ß-galactosidase from Haloferax alicantei.
In: Biochimica et biophysica acta, 1337 (2)
Article, Bibliographie
Holmes, M. L. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Dyall-Smith, M. L. (1995)
Analysis of the halobacterial plasmid pHK2 minimal replicon.
In: Gene, 153 (1)
Article, Bibliographie
Holmes, M. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Dyall-Smith, M. (1994)
Improved shuttle vectors for Haloferax volcanii including a dual-resistance plasmid.
In: Gene, 146 (1)
Article, Bibliographie
Horne, M. ; Englert, C. ; Wimmer, C. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1991)
A DNA region of 9 kbp contains all genes necessary for gas vesicle synthesis in halophilic archaebacteria.
In: Molecular microbiology, 5 (5)
Article, Bibliographie
Horne, M. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1989)
Expression of two gas vacuole protein genes in Halobacterium halobium and other related species.
In: Molecular & general genetics : MGG, 218 (3)
Article, Bibliographie
Horne, M. ; Englert, C. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1988)
Two genes encoding gas vacuole proteins in Halobacterium halobium.
In: Molecular & general genetics : MGG, 213 (2-3)
Article, Bibliographie
Jost, Alisa (2022)
Interaktionsstudien der GvpACNO Proteine und Implikationen für die Gasvesikelbildung von Halobacterium salinarum.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00021605
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication, Publisher's Version
Jost, Alisa ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2022)
Interaction of the gas vesicle proteins GvpA, GvpC, GvpN, and GvpO of Halobacterium salinarum.
In: Frontiers in Microbiology, 13
doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.971917
Article, Bibliographie
Jost, Alisa ; Knitsch, Regine ; Völkner, Kerstin ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2021)
Effect of Mutations in GvpJ and GvpM on Gas Vesicle Formation of Halobacterium salinarum.
In: Frontiers in microbiology, 12
doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.794240
Article, Bibliographie
Juettner, Norbert E. ; Bogen, Jan P. ; Bauer, Tobias A. ; Knapp, Stefan ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Huettenhain, Stefan H. ; Meusinger, Reinhard ; Kraemer, Andreas ; Fuchsbauer, Hans-Lothar (2020)
Decoding the Papain Inhibitor from Streptomyces mobaraensis as Being Hydroxylated Chymostatin Derivatives: Purification, Structure Analysis, and Putative Biosynthetic Pathway.
In: Journal of natural products, 83 (10)
doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00201
Article, Bibliographie
Juettner, Norbert E. ; Schmelz, Stefan ; Anderl, Anita ; Colin, Felix ; Classen, Moritz ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Scrima, Andrea ; Fuchsbauer, Hans-Lothar (2020)
The N-terminal peptide of the transglutaminase-activating metalloprotease inhibitor from Streptomyces mobaraensis accommodates both inhibition and glutamine cross-linking sites.
In: The FEBS journal, 287 (4)
doi: 10.1111/febs.15044
Article, Bibliographie
Juettner, Norbert E. ; Classen, Moritz ; Colin, Felix ; Hoffmann, Sascha B. ; Meyners, Christian ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Fuchsbauer, Hans-Lothar (2018)
Features of the transglutaminase-activating metalloprotease from Streptomyces mobaraensis DSM 40847 produced in Escherichia coli.
In: Journal of biotechnology, (281)
Article, Bibliographie
Juettner, Norbert E. ; Schmelz, Stefan ; Bogen, Jan P. ; Happel, Dominic ; Fessner, Wolf-Dieter ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Fuchsbauer, Hans-Lothar ; Scrima, Andrea (2018)
Illuminating structure and acyl donor sites of a physiological transglutaminase substrate from Streptomyces mobaraensis.
In: Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society, 27 (5)
Article, Bibliographie
Jäger, A. ; Samorsky, R. ; Zimmermann, P. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Klug, G. (2002)
Individual gvp mRNA segments in Haloferax mediterranei exhibit varying half-lives which are differentially affected by salt concentration and growth phase.
In: Nucleic acids research, 30
Article, Bibliographie
Knitsch, Regine (2021)
Mutationen in GvpA und GvpJ - Eine Mutationsanalyse zweier essentieller Gasvesikelproteine.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00018607
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication, Publisher's Version
Knitsch, Regine ; Schneefeld, Marie ; Weitzel, Kerstin ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2017)
Mutations in the major gas vesicle protein GvpA and impacts on gas vesicle formation in Haloferax volcanii.
In: Molecular microbiology, 106 (4)
Article, Bibliographie
Krüger, K. ; Hermann, T. ; Armbruster, V. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1998)
The transcriptional activator GvpE for the halobacterial gas vesicle genes resembles a basic region leucine-zipper regulatory protein.
In: Journal of molecular biology, 279 (4)
Article, Bibliographie
Krüger, K. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1996)
Transcript analysis of the c-vac region and differential synthesis of the two regulatory gas vesicle proteins GvpD and GvpE in Halobacterium salinarium PHH4.
In: Journal of bacteriology, 178 (14)
Article, Bibliographie
Losensky, Gerald ; Jung, Klaus ; Urlaub, Henning ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Fröls, Sabrina ; Lenz, Christof (2017)
Shedding light on biofilm formation of Halobacterium salinarum R1 by SWATH-LC/MS/MS analysis of planktonic and sessile cells.
In: Proteomics, 17 (7)
doi: 10.1002/pmic.201600111
Article, Bibliographie
Losensky, Gerald (2016)
Shedding light on adhesion and biofilms of Halobacterium salinarum R1.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication
Losensky, Gerald ; Vidakovic, Lucia ; Klingl, Andreas ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Fröls, Sabrina (2014)
Novel pili-like surface structures of Halobacterium salinarum strain R1 are crucial for surface adhesion.
In: Frontiers in microbiology, 5
Article, Bibliographie
Leong, D. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Boyer, H. ; Betlach, M. (1988)
Characterization of a second gene involved in bacterio-opsin gene expression in a halophilic archaebacterium.
In: Journal of bacteriology, 170 (10)
Article, Bibliographie
Marschaus, Larissa Renée (2012)
Analyse einer divergenten Promotorregion in Halobacterium salinarum: Wirkung einzelner Promotorelemente und Stärke der Aktivierung.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication
Marschaus, Larissa ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2012)
A Dual Promoter Region with Overlapping Activator Sequences Drives the Expression of Gas Vesicle Protein Genes in Haloarchaea.
In: Microbiology (Reading, England), 158
Article, Bibliographie
Mayr, A. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1997)
The characterization of the nv-gvpACNOFGH gene cluster involved in gas vesicle formation in Natronobacterium vacuolatum.
In: Archives of microbiology, 168 (1)
Article, Bibliographie
Orell, Alvaro ; Fröls, Sabrina ; Albers, Sonja-Verena (2013)
Archaeal biofilms: the great unexplored.
In: Annual review of microbiology, 67
Article, Bibliographie
Ochsenreiter, T. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Schleper, C. (2002)
Diversity of archaea in hypersaline environments characterized by molecular phylogenetic studies and cultivation approaches.
In: Extremophiles, 6
Article, Bibliographie
Offner, S. ; Hofacker, A. ; Wanner, G. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2000)
Eight of fourteen gvp genes are sufficient for formation of gas vesicles in halophilic archaea.
In: Journal of bacteriology, 182 (15)
doi: 10.1128/jb.182.15.4328-4336.2000
Article, Bibliographie
Offner, S. ; Ziese, U. ; Wanner, G. ; Typke, D. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1997)
Structural analyses of halobacterial gas vesicles.
In: Microbiology, 144
Article, Bibliographie
Offner, S. ; Wanner, G. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1996)
Functional studies of the gvpACNO operon of Halobacterium salinarium reveal that the GvpC protein shapes gas vesicles.
In: Journal of bacteriology, 178 (7)
doi: 10.1128/jb.178.7.2071-2078.1996
Article, Bibliographie
Offner, S. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (1995)
Complementation studies with the gas vesicle-encoding p-vac region of Halobacterium salinarium PHH1 reveal a regulatory role for the p-gvpDE genes.
In: Molecular microbiology, 16 (1)
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2958.1995.tb02387.x
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas (2022)
Recent Advances in the Study of Gas Vesicle Proteins and Application of Gas Vesicles in Biomedical Research.
In: Life (Basel, Switzerland), 12 (9)
doi: 10.3390/life12091455
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeiffer, Friedhelm ; Losensky, Gerald ; Marchfelder, Anita ; Habermann, Bianca ; Dyall‐Smith, Mike (2020)
Whole‐genome comparison between the type strain of Halobacterium salinarum (DSM 3754T) and the laboratory strains R1 and NRC‐1.
In: MicrobiologyOpen, 9 (2)
doi: 10.1002/mbo3.974
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas (2015)
Haloarchaea and the formation of gas vesicles.
In: Life (Basel, Switzerland), 5 (1)
Article, Bibliographie
Petrasch, Dennis (2014)
Untersuchung und biotechnologische Nutzung thermophiler chemolithotropher Mikroorganismen.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication
Pfeifer, Felicitas (2012)
Distribution, formation and regulation of gas vesicles.
In: Nature reviews. Microbiology, 10 (10)
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Frommherz, Regina ; Faist, Karin ; Hechler, Torsten ; Teufel, Katharina ; Marschaus, Larissa
ed.: Ventosa, A. (2011)
Effect of anoxic conditions and temperature on gas vesicle formation in Halobacterium salinarium.
In: Halophiles and hypersaline environments
Book Section, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas (2011)
Gasvesikel in Haloarchaea.
In: Biospektrum, 17 (1)
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Hechler, T. ; Scheuch, S. ; Sartorius-Neef, S. (2006)
Transcriptional regulation in halophilic Archaea.
In: Archaea
Book Section, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas (2006)
Gas vesicles of Archaea and Bacteria.
In: Complex intracellular structures in Procaryotes
Book Section, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas (2005)
Wolfram Zillig (1925 - 2005).
In: Extremophiles, 9
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Zimmermann, P. ; Scheuch, S. ; Sartorius-Neef, S. (2005)
Gene regulation and the initiation of transcription in halophilic archaea.
In: Adaptation to life at high salt concentrations in archaea, bacteria, and eukarya
Book Section, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas (2004)
Gas vesicle genes in halophilic archaea and bacteria.
In: Halophilic microorganisms / ed. by Antonio Ventosa.- Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 2004.- XVII, 349 S.- ISBN 3-540-00926-4.- S. 239-241
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Gregor, D. ; Hofacker, A. ; Plößer, P. ; Zimmermann, P.
eds.: Dürre, P. ; Friedrich, B. (2003)
Regulation of gene expression in halophilic archaea.
In: Regulatory networks in prokaryotes
Book Section, Bibliographie
Plößer, P. ; Pfeifer, Felicitas (2002)
A bZIP protein from halophilic archaea : structural features, dimer formation and DNA binding of cGvpE from Halobacterium salinarum.
In: Molecular microbiology, 45
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Gregor, D. ; Hofacker, A. ; Plößer, P. ; Zimmermann, P. (2002)
Regulation of gas vesicle formation in halophilic archaea.
In: Journal of molecular microbiology and biotechnology, 4
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Zotzel, J. ; Kurenbach, B. ; Röder, R. ; Zimmermann, P. (2001)
A p-loop motif and two basic regions in the regulatory protein GvpD are important for the repression of gas vesicle formation in the archaeon Haloferax mediterranei.
In: Microbiology, 147
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas (2000)
Archaea, Pilze und protozoische Parasiten: Institut für Mikrobiologie und Genetik der TU Darmstadt.
In: Biospektrum, 6
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Mayr, A. ; Offner, S. ; Röder, R.
ed.: Oren, A. (1999)
Comparative analyses of the halobacterial gas vesicle gene clusters.
In: Microbiology and biogeochemistry of hypersaline environments
Book Section, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Krüger, K. ; Röder, R. ; Mayr, A. ; Ziesche, S. ; Offner, S. (1997)
Gas vesicle formation in halophilic Archaea.
In: Archives of microbiology, 167
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas (1995)
Fractionation of halophilic archaeal DNA into Fl and Fll using affinity chromatography on malachite green bisacrylamide.
In: Archaea: A laboratory manual
Book Section, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Offner, S. ; Krüger, K. ; Englert, C. (1994)
Transformation of halobacteria and investigation of gas vesicle synthesis.
In: Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 16
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Ghahraman, P. (1993)
Plasmid pHH1 of Halobacterium salinarium: characterization of the replicon region, the gas vesicle gene cluster and insertion elements.
In: Molecular & general genetics : MGG, 238 (1-2)
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Griffig, J. ; Oesterhelt, D. (1993)
The fdx gene encoding the [2Fe--2S] ferredoxin of Halobacterium salinarium (H. halobium).
In: Molecular & general genetics : MGG, 239 (1-2)
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Englert, C. (1992)
Function and biosynthesis of gas vesicles in halophilic Archaea.
In: Journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes, 24 (6)
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Horne, M. ; Englert, C. ; Blaseio, U. (1991)
Insertion elements affecting gas vacuole gene expression in Halobacterium halobium.
In: General and applied aspects of halophilic microorganisms
Book Section, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Ghahraman, P. (1991)
The halobacterial insertion element ISH28.
In: Nucleic acids research, 19 (20)
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Blaseio, U. (1990)
Transposition burst of the ISH27 insertion element family in Halobacterium halobium.
In: Nucleic acids research, 18 (23)
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Blaseio, U. ; Horne, M. (1989)
Genome structure of Halobacterium halobium: plasmid dynamics in gas vacuole deficient mutants.
In: Canadian journal of microbiology, 35 (1)
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Blaseio, U. (1989)
Insertion elements and deletion formation in a halophilic archaebacterium.
In: Journal of bacteriology, 171 (9)
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas (1989)
Genetic instability of Halobacterium halobium : analysis of an unusual genetic variability.
In: Forum Mikrobiologie, 12
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Blaseio, U. ; Ghahraman, P. (1988)
Dynamic plasmid populations in Halobacterium halobium.
In: Journal of bacteriology, 170 (8)
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas
ed.: Rodiguez-Valera, F. (1987)
Genetics of halobacteria.
In: Halophilic bacteria
Book Section, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas (1986)
Insertion elements and genome organization of Halobacterium halobium.
In: Systematic and applied microbiology, 7
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Betlach, M. (1985)
Genome organization in Halobacterium halobium: a 70 kb island of more (AT) rich DNA in the chromosome.
In: Molecular & general genetics : MGG, 198 (3)
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Boyer, H. W. ; Betlach, M. C. (1985)
Restoration of bacterioopsin gene expression in a revertant of Halobacterium halobium.
In: Journal of bacteriology, 164 (1)
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Friedman, J. ; Boyer, H. W. ; Betlach, M. (1984)
Characterization of insertions affecting the expression of the bacterio-opsin gene in Halobacterium halobium.
In: Nucleic acids research, 12 (5)
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Betlach, M. ; Martienssen, R. ; Friedman, J. ; Boyer, H. W. (1983)
Transposable elements of Halobacterium halobium.
In: Molecular and general genetics, 191
Article, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Ebert, K. ; Goebel, W.
ed.: Kandler, O. (1982)
Structure and functions of chromosomal and extrachromosomal DNA in halobacteria.
In: Archaebacteria
Book Section, Bibliographie
Pfeifer, Felicitas ; Weidinger, G. ; Goebel, W. (1981)
Characterization of plasmids in halobacteria.
In: Journal of bacteriology, 145 (1)
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Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication
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Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication
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