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Kaltenbacher, Manfred ; Gschwentner, Andreas ; Kaltenbacher, Barbara ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Reinbacher-Köstinger, Alice (2024)
Inverse Scheme to Locally Determine Nonlinear Magnetic Material Properties: Numerical Case Study.
In: Mathematics, 12 (10)
doi: 10.3390/math12101586
Artikel, Bibliographie

Komann, Theodor ; Wiesheu, Michael ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian (2024)
Robust Design Optimization of Electric Machines with Isogeometric Analysis.
In: Mathematics, 12 (9)
doi: 10.3390/math12091299
Artikel, Bibliographie

Bachtler, Oliver ; Heinrich, Irene (2023)
Automated testing and interactive construction of unavoidable sets for graph classes of small path‐width.
In: Journal of Graph Theory, 104 (2)
doi: 10.1002/jgt.22964
Artikel, Bibliographie

Grimm, Veronika ; Nowak, Daniel ; Schewe, Lars ; Schmidt, Martin ; Schwartz, Alexandra ; Zöttl, Gregor (2022)
A tractable multi-leader multi-follower peak-load-pricing model with strategic interaction.
In: Mathematical Programming: Series A, Series B, 195 (1-2)
doi: 10.1007/s10107-021-01708-0
Artikel, Bibliographie

Schmidt, Martin ; Sirvent, Mathias ; Wollner, Winnifried (2022)
The cost of not knowing enough: mixed-integer optimization with implicit Lipschitz nonlinearities.
In: Optimization Letters, 16 (5)
doi: 10.1007/s11590-021-01827-9
Artikel, Bibliographie

Hansmann, Matthias ; Horn, Benjamin M. ; Kohler, Michael ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2022)
Estimation of conditional distribution functions from data with additional errors applied to shape optimization.
In: Metrika, 85 (3)
doi: 10.1007/s00184-021-00831-4
Artikel, Bibliographie

Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Rinaldi, Giovanni ; Ventura, Paolo (2022)
Optimal patchings for consecutive ones matrices.
In: Mathematical Programming Computation, 14 (1)
doi: 10.1007/s12532-021-00203-z
Artikel, Bibliographie

Klimm, Max ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Raber, Rico ; Skutella, Martin (2022)
Packing under convex quadratic constraints.
In: Mathematical Programming: Series A, Series B, 192 (1-2)
doi: 10.1007/s10107-021-01675-6
Artikel, Bibliographie

Diehl, Elisabeth ; Haubner, Johannes ; Ulbrich, Michael ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2022)
Differentiability results and sensitivity calculation for optimal control of incompressible two-phase Navier-Stokes equations with surface tension.
In: Computational Optimization and Applications
doi: 10.1007/s10589-022-00415-6
Artikel, Bibliographie

Manns, Paul ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2022)
A Simplified Newton Method to Generate Snapshots for POD Models of Semilinear Optimal Control Problems.
In: SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 60 (5)
doi: 10.1137/21M1439821
Artikel, Bibliographie

Schröder, Jörg ; Wick, Thomas ; Reese, Stefanie ; Wriggers, Peter ; Müller, Ralf ; Kollmannsberger, Stefan ; Kästner, Markus ; Schwarz, Alexander ; Igelbüscher, Maximilian ; Viebahn, Nils ; Bayat, Hamid Reza ; Wulfinghoff, Stephan ; Mang, Katrin ; Rank, Ernst ; Bog, Tino ; D’Angella, Davide ; Elhaddad, Mohamed ; Hennig, Paul ; Düster, Alexander ; Garhuom, Wadhah ; Hubrich, Simeon ; Walloth, Mirjam ; Wollner, Winnifried ; Kuhn, Charlotte ; Heister, Timo (2021)
A Selection of Benchmark Problems in Solid Mechanics and Applied Mathematics.
In: Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 28 (2)
doi: 10.1007/s11831-020-09477-3
Artikel, Bibliographie

Kirches, Christian ; Manns, Paul ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2021)
Compactness and convergence rates in the combinatorial integral approximation decomposition.
In: Mathematical Programming: Series A, Series B, 188 (2)
doi: 10.1007/s10107-020-01598-8
Artikel, Bibliographie

Gally, Tristan ; Groche, Peter ; Hoppe, Florian ; Kuttich, Anja ; Matei, Alexander ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Rakowitsch, Martin ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2021)
Identification of model uncertainty via optimal design of experiments applied to a mechanical press.
In: Optimization and Engineering, 23 (1)
doi: 10.1007/s11081-021-09600-8
Artikel, Bibliographie

Schmitt, Johann M. ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2021)
Optimal Boundary Control of Hyperbolic Balance Laws with State Constraints.
In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 59 (2)
doi: 10.1137/19M129797X
Artikel, Bibliographie

Habeck, Oliver ; Pfetsch, Marc E. (2021)
Combinatorial acyclicity models for potential‐based flows.
In: Networks, 79 (1)
doi: 10.1002/net.22038
Artikel, Bibliographie

Mohammadi, Masoumeh ; Wollner, Winnifried (2020)
A Priori Error Estimates for a Linearized Fracture Control Problem.
In: Optimization and Engineering
doi: 10.1007/s11081-020-09574-z
Artikel, Bibliographie

Birx, Alexander ; Disser, Yann (2020)
Tight Analysis of the Smartstart Algorithm for Online Dial-a-Ride on the Line.
In: SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 34 (2)
doi: 10.1137/19M1268513
Artikel, Bibliographie

Brenner, S. C. ; Sung, L.-Y. ; Wollner, W. (2020)
A One Dimensional Elliptic Distributed Optimal Control Problem with Pointwise Derivative Constraints.
In: Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 41 (13)
doi: 10.1080/01630563.2020.1785495
Artikel, Bibliographie

Wick, T. ; Wollner, W. (2020)
Optimization with nonstationary, nonlinear monolithic fluid-structure interaction.
In: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
doi: 10.1002/nme.6372
Artikel, Bibliographie

Bärtschi, Andreas ; Chalopin, Jeremie ; Das, Shantanu ; Disser, Yann ; Geissmann, Barbara ; Graf, Daniel ; Labourel, Arnaud ; Mihalák, Matus (2020)
Collaborative Delivery with Energy-Constrained Mobile Robots.
In: Theoretical Computer Science, 810
doi: 10.1016/j.tcs.2017.04.018
Artikel, Bibliographie

Burggraf, Timo ; Joswig, Michael ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2020)
Semi-automatically optimized calibration of internal combustion engines.
In: Optimization and Engineering, 21 (1)
doi: 10.1007/s11081-019-09434-5
Artikel, Bibliographie

Mang, Katrin ; Walloth, Mirjam ; Wick, Thomas ; Wollner, Winnifried (2020)
Mesh adaptivity for quasi-static phase-field fractures based on a residual-type a posteriori error estimator.
In: GAMM Mitteilungen, 43 (1)
doi: 10.1002/gamm.202000003
Artikel, Bibliographie

Brenner, S. C. ; Sung, L.-Y. ; Wollner, W. (2020)
Finite element methods for one dimensional elliptic distributed optimal control problems with pointwise constraints on the derivative of the state.
In: Optimization and Engineering
doi: 10.1007/s11081-020-09491-1
Artikel, Bibliographie

Mang, Katrin ; Wick, Thomas ; Wollner, Winnifried (2020)
A Phase-Field Model for Fractures in Incompressible Solids.
In: Computational Mechanics, 65 (1)
doi: 10.1007/s00466-019-01752-w
Artikel, Bibliographie

Endtmayer, B. ; Langer, U. ; Neitzel, I. ; Wick, T. ; Wollner, W. (2020)
Multigoal-oriented optimal control problems with nonlinear PDE constraints.
In: Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 79 (10)
doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2020.01.005
Artikel, Bibliographie

Geiersbach, C. ; Wollner, W. (2020)
A Stochastic Gradient Method with Mesh Refinement for PDE Constrained Optimization under Uncertainty.
In: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 42 (5)
doi: 10.1137/19M1263297
Artikel, Bibliographie

Gaspoz, F. ; Kreuzer, C. ; Veeser, A. ; Wollner, W. (2019)
Quasi-best approximation in optimization with PDE constraints.
In: Inverse Problems, 36 (1)
doi: 10.1088/1361-6420/ab47f3
Artikel, Bibliographie

Haubner, Johannes ; Ulbrich, Michael ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2019)
Analysis of shape optimization problems for unsteady fluid-structure interaction.
In: Inverse Problems, 2019
doi: 10.1088/1361-6420/ab5a11
Artikel, Bibliographie

Schmidt, M. ; Sirvent, M. ; Wollner, W. (2019)
A Decomposition Method for MINLPs with Lipschitz Continuous Nonlinearities.
In: Mathematical Programming, 178 (1-2)
doi: 10.1007/s10107-018-1309-x
Artikel, Bibliographie

Beckers, S. ; Behrens, J. ; Wollner, W. (2019)
Duality based error estimation in the presence of discontinuities.
In: Applied Numerical Mathemathics, 144
doi: 10.1016/j.apnum.2019.05.016
Artikel, Bibliographie

Hojny, Christopher ; Gally, Tristan ; Habeck, Oliver ; Lüthen, Hendrik ; Matter, Frederic ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Schmitt, Andreas (2019)
Knapsack polytopes: a survey.
In: Annals of Operations Research
doi: 10.1007/s10479-019-03380-2
Artikel, Bibliographie

Wick, T. ; Wollner, W. (2019)
On the Differentiability of Stationary Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems with Respect to the Problem Data.
In: Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 21 (3)
doi: 10.1007/s00021-019-0439-0
Artikel, Bibliographie

Haller-Dintelmann, R. ; Meinlschmidt, H. ; Wollner, W. (2019)
Higher regularity for solutions to elliptic systems in divergence form subject to mixed boundary conditions.
In: Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 198 (4)
doi: 10.1007/s10231-018-0818-9
Artikel, Bibliographie

Altherr, Lena C. ; Leise, Philipp ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Schmitt, Andreas (2019)
Resilient layout, design and operation of energy-efficient water distribution networks for high-rise buildings using MINLP.
In: Optimization and Engineering, 20 (2)
doi: 10.1007/s11081-019-09423-8
Artikel, Bibliographie

Alla, Alessandro ; Hinze, Michael ; Kolvenbach, Philip ; Lass, Oliver ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2019)
A certified model reduction approach for robust parameter optimization with PDE constraints.
In: Advances in Computational Mathematics
Artikel, Bibliographie

Rauls, Anne-Therese ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2019)
Computation of a Bouligand Generalized Derivative for the Solution Operator of the Obstacle Problem.
In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 57 (5)
doi: 10.1137/18m1187283
Artikel, Bibliographie

Schäfer Aguilar, P. ; Schmitt, J. M. ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Moos, M. (2019)
On the numerical discretization of optimal control problems for conservation laws.
In: Control and Cybernetics, 2019 (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Neitzel, Ira ; Wick, Thomas ; Wollner, Winnifried (2019)
An Optimal Control Problem Governed by a Regularized Phase-field Fracture Propagation Model. Part II The Regularization Limit.
In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 57 (3)
doi: 10.1137/18M122385X
Artikel, Bibliographie

Richter, Thomas ; Wollner, Winnifried (2018)
An optimization framework for the computation of time-periodic solutions of partial differential equations.
In: Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 46 (4)
doi: 10.1007/s10013-018-0314-y
Artikel, Bibliographie

Gally, Tristan ; Kuttich, Anja ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Schaeffner, Maximilian ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2018)
Optimal Placement of Active Bars for Buckling Control in Truss Structures under Bar Failures.
In: Applied Mechanics and Materials, 885
Artikel, Bibliographie

Kolvenbach, Philip ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Krech, Martin ; Groche, Peter (2018)
Robust Design of a Smart Structure under Manufacturing Uncertainty via Nonsmooth PDE-Constrained Optimization.
In: Applied Mechanics and Materials, 885
Artikel, Bibliographie

Bucher, Max ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2018)
Second-Order Optimality Conditions and Improved Convergence Results for Regularization Methods for Cardinality-Constrained Optimization Problems.
In: Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 178 (2)
doi: 10.1007/s10957-018-1320-7
Artikel, Bibliographie

Gleixner, Ambros M. ; Bastubbe, Michael ; Eifler, Leon ; Gally, Tristan ; Gamrath, Gerald ; Gottwald, Robert L. ; Hendel, Gregor ; Hojny, Christoper ; Koch, Thorsten ; Lübbecke, Marco E. ; Maher, Stephen J. ; Miltenberger, Matthias ; Müller, Benjamin ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Puchert, Christian ; Rehfeldt, Daniel ; Schlösser, Franziska ; Schubert, Christoph ; Serrano, Felipe ; Shinano, Yuji ; Viernickel, Jan Merlin ; Walter, Matthias ; Wegscheider, Fabian ; Witt, Jonas T. ; Witzig, Jakob (2018)
The SCIP Optimization Suite 6.0.
In: ZIB-Report, 18-26
Artikel, Bibliographie

Kolvenbach, Philip ; Lass, Oliver ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2018)
An approach for robust PDE-constrained optimization with application to shape optimization of electrical engines and of dynamic elastic structures under uncertainty.
In: Optimization and Engineering, 19 (3)
doi: 10.1007/s11081-018-9388-3
Artikel, Bibliographie

Branda, M. ; Bucher, Max ; Červinka, M. ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2018)
Convergence of a Scholtes-type Regularization Method for Cardinality-Constrained Optimization Problems with an Application in Sparse Robust Portfolio Optimization.
In: Computational Optimization and Applications, 70 (2)
doi: 10.1007/s10589-018-9985-2
Artikel, Bibliographie

Fischer, Tobias ; Pfetsch, Marc E. (2018)
Branch-and-cut for linear programs with overlapping SOS1 constraints.
In: Mathematical Programming Computation, 10 (1)
doi: 10.1007/s12532-017-0122-5
Artikel, Bibliographie

Neitzel, Ira ; Wollner, Winnifried (2018)
A Priori L²-Discretization Error Estimates for the State in Elliptic Optimization Problems with Pointwise Inequality State Constraints.
In: Numerische Mathematik, 138 (2)
doi: 10.1007/s00211-017-0906-6
Artikel, Bibliographie

Gugat, Martin ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2018)
Lipschitz solutions of initial boundary value problems for balance laws.
In: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 28 (05)
doi: 10.1142/s0218202518500240
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ludovici, Francesco ; Neitzel, Ira ; Wollner, Winnifried (2018)
A Priori Error Estimates for State Constrained Semilinear Parabolic Optimal Control Problems.
In: Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 178 (2)
doi: 10.1007/s10957-018-1311-8
Artikel, Bibliographie

Wollner, W. (2018)
Optimization of phase-field damage and fracture - and its discretization.
In: Oberwolfach Reports, 15 (4)
doi: 10.4171/OWR/2018/55
Artikel, Bibliographie

Gleixner, Ambros M. ; Eifler, Leon ; Gally, Tristan ; Gamrath, Gerald ; Gemander, Patrick ; Gottwald, Robert L. ; Hendel, Gregor ; Hojny, Christoper ; Koch, Thorsten ; Miltenberger, Matthias ; Müller, Benjamin ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Puchert, Christian ; Rehfeldt, Daniel ; Schlösser, Franziska ; Serrano, Felipe ; Shinano, Yuji ; Viernickel, Jan Merlin ; Vigerske, Stefan ; Weninger, Dieter ; Witt, Jonas T. ; Witzig, Jakob (2017)
The SCIP Optimization Suite 5.0.
In: ZIB Report, 17-61
Artikel, Bibliographie

Lass, Oliver ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2017)
Model Order Reduction Techniques with a Posteriori Error Control for Nonlinear Robust Optimization Governed by Partial Differential Equations.
In: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 39 (5)
doi: 10.1137/16m108269x
Artikel, Bibliographie

Herzog, R. ; Wollner, W. (2017)
A Conjugate Direction Method for Linear Systems in Banach Spaces.
In: Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, 25 (5)
doi: 10.1515/jiip-2016-0027
Artikel, Bibliographie

Goll, C. ; Wick, T. ; Wollner, W. (2017)
DOpElib: Differential Equations and Optimization Environment; A Goal Oriented Software Library for Solving PDEs and Optimization Problems with PDEs.
In: Archive of Numerical Software, 5 (2)
doi: 10.11588/ans.2017.2.11815
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Michael ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Bratzke, Daniela (2017)
A Multigrid Semismooth Newton Method for Semilinear Contact Problems.
In: Journal of Computational Mathematics, 35 (4)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Stefan ; Ziems, Jan Carsten (2017)
Adaptive multilevel trust-region methods for time-dependent PDE-constrained optimization.
In: Portugaliae Mathematica, 74 (1)
doi: 10.4171/PM/1992
Artikel, Bibliographie

Iapichino, L. ; Ulbrich, S. ; Volkwein, S. (2017)
Multiobjective PDE-constrained optimization using the reduced-basis method.
In: Advances in Computational Mathematics, 43 (5)
doi: 10.1007/s10444-016-9512-x
Artikel, Bibliographie

Linke, A. ; Merdon, C. ; Wollner, W. (2017)
Optimal L² Velocity Error Estimates for a Modified Pressure-Robust Crouzeix-Raviart Stokes Element.
In: IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 37 (1)
doi: 10.1093/imanum/drw019
Artikel, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Klimm, M. ; Megow, N. ; Stiller, S. (2017)
Packing a knapsack of unknown capacity.
In: SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 31 (3)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Hajian, Soheil ; Hintermüller, Michael ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2017)
Total variation diminishing schemes in optimal control of scalar conservation laws.
In: IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 39 (1)
doi: 10.1093/imanum/drx073
Artikel, Bibliographie

Neitzel, I. ; Wick, T. ; Wollner, W. (2017)
An Optimal Control Problem Governed by a Regularized Phase-Field Fracture Propagation Model.
In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 55 (4)
doi: 10.1137/16M1062375
Artikel, Bibliographie

Schmidt, Martin ; Aßmann, Denis ; Burlacu, Robert ; Humpola, Jesco ; Joormann, Imke ; Kanelakis, Nikolaos ; Koch, Thorsten ; Oucherif, Djamal ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Schewe, Lars ; Schwarz, Robert ; Sirvent, Mathias (2017)
GasLib - A Library of Gas Network Instances.
In: Data, 2 (4)
doi: 10.3390/data2040040
Artikel, Bibliographie

Gally, Tristan ; Pfetsch, Marc E. (2016)
Computing Restricted Isometry Constants via Mixed-Integer Semidefinite Programming.
In: Optimization Online
Artikel, Bibliographie

Gally, Tristan ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2016)
A Framework for Solving Mixed-Integer Semidefinite Programs.
In: Optimization Methods and Software, 33 (3)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ritter, Tobias ; Euler, Juliane ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Stryk, Oskar von (2016)
Decentralized Dynamic Data-Driven Monitoring of Atmospheric Dispersion Processes.
In: Procedia Computer Science, 80
Artikel, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Matuschke, J. (2016)
Degree-constrained orientations of embedded graphs.
In: Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 3
Artikel, Bibliographie

Burdakov, Oleg ; Kanzow, Christian ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2016)
Mathematical Programs with Cardinality Constraints: Reformulation by Complementarity-type Constraints and a Regularization Method.
In: SIAM Journal on Optimization, 26
Artikel, Bibliographie

Cervinka, Michal ; Kanzow, Christian ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2016)
Constraint Qualifications and Optimality Conditions of Cardinality-Constrained Optimization Problems.
In: Mathematical Programming, 160
Artikel, Bibliographie

Gally, Tristan ; Gehb, Christopher Maximilian ; Kolvenbach, Philip ; Kuttich, Anja ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2015)
Robust Truss Topology Design with Beam Elements via Mixed Integer Nonlinear Semidefinite Programming.
In: Applied Mechanics and Materials, 807
Artikel, Bibliographie

Goll, Christian ; Rannacher, Rolf ; Wollner, Winnifried (2015)
The Damped Crank-Nicolson Time-Marching Scheme for the Adaptive Solution of the Black-Scholes Equation.
In: Journal of Computational Finance, 18 (4)
doi: 10.21314/JCF.2015.301
Artikel, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Feldmann, A. ; Klimm, M. ; Mihalák, M. (2015)
Improving the Hk-Bound on the Price of Stability in Undirected Shapley Network Design Games.
In: Theoretical Computer Science, 562
Artikel, Bibliographie

Chalopin, J. ; Das, S. ; Disser, Y. ; Mihalák, M. ; Widmayer, P. (2015)
Mapping simple polygons: The power of telling convex from reflex.
In: ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 11
Artikel, Bibliographie

Dereniowski, D. ; Disser, Y. ; Kosowski, A. ; Pająk, D. ; Uznański, P. (2015)
Fast Collaborative Graph Exploration.
In: Information and Computation, 243
Artikel, Bibliographie

Kanzow, Christian ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2015)
The price of Inexactness: Convergence Properties of Relaxation Methods for Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints Revisited.
In: Mathematics of Operations Research, 40 (2)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Paffenholz, Andreas (2015)
Faces of Birkhoff Polytopes.
In: Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22 (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ludovici, Francesco ; Wollner, Winnifried (2015)
A Priori Error Estimates for a Finite Element Discretization of Parabolic Optimization Problems with Pointwise Constraints in Time on Mean Values of the Gradient of the State.
In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 53 (2)
doi: 10.1137/140961778
Artikel, Bibliographie

Meyer, Ch. ; Rademacher, A. ; Wollner, W. (2015)
Adaptive optimal control of the obstacle problem.
In: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 37 (2)
doi: 10.1137/140975863
Artikel, Bibliographie

Gasser, I. ; Rybicki, M. ; Wollner, W. (2014)
Optimal Control of the Temperature in a Catalytic Converter.
In: Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 67 (8)
doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2014.02.006
Artikel, Bibliographie

Wheeler, M. F. ; Wick, T. ; Wollner, W. (2014)
An Augmented-Lagrangian Method for the Phase-Field Approach for Pressurized Fractures.
In: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 271 (1)
doi: 10.1016/j.cma.2013.12.005
Artikel, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Ghosh, S. K. ; Mihalák, M. ; Widmayer, P. (2014)
Mapping a polygon with holes using a compass.
In: Theoretical Computer Science, 553
Artikel, Bibliographie

Franke, Jörg ; Kanzow, Christian ; Leininger, Wolfgang ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2014)
Lottery versus All-Pay Auction Contests: A Revenue Dominance Theorem.
In: Games and Economic Behavior, 83
Artikel, Bibliographie

Kanzow, Christian ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2014)
Convergence Properties of the Inexact Lin-Fukushima Relaxation Method for Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints.
In: Computational Optimization and Applications, 59
Artikel, Bibliographie

Hintermüller, Michael ; Schiela, Anton ; Wollner, Winnifried (2014)
The Length of the Primal-Dual Path in Moreau-Yosida-based Path-following for State Constrained Optimal Control.
In: SIAM Journal on Optimization, 24 (1)
doi: 10.1137/120866762
Artikel, Bibliographie

Frei, Stefan ; Rannacher, Rolf ; Wollner, Winnifried (2013)
A Priori Error Estimates for the Finite Element Discretization of Optimal Distributed Control Problems Governed by the Biharmonic Operator.
In: Calcolo, 50 (3)
doi: 10.1007/s10092-012-0063-3
Artikel, Bibliographie

Habermehl, Kai ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2013)
Achilles High Heel - Mach einen Schuh draus!
In: Mitteilung der Deutschen Mathematiker Vereinigung (DMV), 21 (2)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Chalopin, J. ; Das, S. ; Disser, Y. ; Mihalák, M. ; Widmayer, P. (2013)
Mapping Simple Polygons: How Robots Benefit from Looking Back.
In: Algorithmica, 65
Artikel, Bibliographie

Chalopin, J. ; Das, S. ; Disser, Y. ; Mihalák, M. ; Widmayer, P. (2013)
Simple Agents Learn to Find Their Way: An Introduction on Mapping Polygons.
In: Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161
Artikel, Bibliographie

Franke, Jörg ; Kanzow, Christian ; Leininger, Wolfgang ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2013)
Effort Maximization in Asymmetric Contest Games with Heterogeneous Contestants.
In: Economic Theory, 52
Artikel, Bibliographie

Hoheisel, Tim ; Kanzow, Christian ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2013)
Theoretical and Numerical Comparison of Relaxation Methods for Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints.
In: Mathematical Programming, 137
Artikel, Bibliographie

Kanzow, Christian ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2013)
A New Regularization Method for Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints with Strong Convergence Properties.
In: SIAM Journal on Optimization, 23
Artikel, Bibliographie

Opmeer, Mark R. ; Reis, Timo ; Wollner, Winnifried (2013)
Finite-Rank ADI Iteration for Operator Lyapunov Equations.
In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 51 (5)
doi: 10.1137/120885310
Artikel, Bibliographie

Göllner, Thea ; Hess, Wolfgang ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2012)
Geometry optimization of branched sheet metal products.
In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 12 (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Gerecht, Daniel ; Rannacher, Rolf ; Wollner, Winnifried (2012)
Computational aspects of pseudospectra in hydrodynamic stability analysis.
In: Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 14 (4)
doi: 10.1007/s00021-011-0085-7
Artikel, Bibliographie

Besier, Michael ; Wollner, Winnifried (2012)
On the pressure approximation in nonstationary incompressible flow simulations on dynamically varying spatial meshes.
In: International Journal Numerical Methods in Fluids, 69 (6)
doi: 10.1002/fld.2625
Artikel, Bibliographie

Hess, Wolfgang ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2012)
An inexact ℓ1 penalty SQP algorithm for PDE-constrained optimization with an application to shape optimization in linear elasticity.
In: Optimization Methods and Software
doi: 10.1080/10556788.2011.651082
Artikel, Bibliographie

Groche, Peter ; Birkhofer, Herbert ; Bauer, Oliver ; Göllner, Thea ; Gramlich, Sebastian ; Kaune, Vanessa ; Rullmann, Felix ; Weitzmann, Oliver (2012)
Potenziale einer durchgängigen Produktentstehung - Nutzung technologieinduzierter Eigenschaften zur Entwicklung von Blechstrukturen.
In: Konstruktion, (11-12)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Bilò, D. ; Disser, Y. ; Mihalák, M. ; Vicari, E. ; Suri, S. ; Widmayer, P. (2012)
Reconstructing Visibility Graphs with Simple Robots.
In: Theoretical Computer Science, 444
Artikel, Bibliographie

Hoheisel, Tim ; Kanzow, Christian ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2012)
Convergence of a Local Regularization Approach for Mathematical Programs with Complementarity or Vanishing Constraints.
In: Optimization Methods and Software, 27
Artikel, Bibliographie

Hoheisel, Tim ; Kanzow, Christian ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2012)
Mathematical Programs with Vanishing Constraints: A New Regularization Approach with Strong Convergence Properties.
In: Optimization, 61
Artikel, Bibliographie

Wollner, Winnifried (2012)
Optimal Control of Elliptic Equations with Pointwise Constraints on the Gradient of the State in Nonsmooth Polygonal Domains.
In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 50 (4)
doi: 10.1137/110836419
Artikel, Bibliographie

Göllner, Thea ; Günther, Ute ; Hess, Wolfgang ; Martin, Alexander ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2011)
Topology and Geometry Optimization of Branched Sheet Metal Products.
In: PAMM, 11 (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Koller, Daniela ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2011)
Optimal control of hydroforming processes.
In: PAMM, 11 (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ortner, Christoph ; Wollner, Winnifried (2011)
A Priori Error Estimates for Optimal Control Problems with Pointwise Constraints on the Gradient of the State.
In: Numerische Mathematik, 118 (3)
doi: 10.1007/s00211-011-0360-9
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ziems, Jan ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2011)
Adaptive Multilevel Inexact SQP Methods for PDE-constrained Optimization.
In: SIAM Journal on Optimization, 21 (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Januschowski, Tim ; Pfetsch, Marc E. (2011)
The Maximum k-Colorable Subgraph Problem and Orbitopes.
In: Discrete Optimization, 8 (3)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Kaibel, Volker ; Peinhardt, Matthias ; Pfetsch, Marc E. (2011)
Orbitopal Fixing.
In: Discrete Optimization, 8 (4)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Mihalák, M. ; Widmayer, P. (2011)
A polygon is determined by its angles.
In: Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 44
Artikel, Bibliographie

Hoheisel, Tim ; Kanzow, Christian ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2011)
Improved Convergence Properties of the Lin-Fukushima-Regularization Method for Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints.
In: Numerical Algebra, Control, and Optimization, 1
Artikel, Bibliographie

Schiela, Anton ; Wollner, Winnifried (2011)
Barrier Methods for Optimal Control Problems with Convex Nonlinear Gradient State Constraints.
In: SIAM Journal on Optimization, 21 (1)
doi: 10.1137/080742154
Artikel, Bibliographie

Rannacher, Rolf ; Westenberger, Antje ; Wollner, Winnifried (2010)
Adaptive Finite Element Solution of Eigenvalue Problems: Balancing of Discretization and Iteration Error.
In: Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 18 (4)
doi: 10.1515/jnum.2010.015
Artikel, Bibliographie

Wollner, Winnifried (2010)
A Posteriori Error Estimates for a Finite Element Discretization of Interior Point Methods for an Elliptic Optimization Problem with State Constraints.
In: Computational Optimization and Applications, 47 (1)
doi: 10.1007/s10589-008-9209-2
Artikel, Bibliographie

Giles, Mike ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2010)
Convergence of Linearised and Adjoint Approximations for Discontinuous Solu-tions of Conservation Laws. Part 1: Linearised Approximations and Linearised Output Functionals.
In: SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 48
Artikel, Bibliographie

Kanzow, Christian ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2010)
Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints: Enhanced Fritz John-Conditions, New Constraint Qualifications and Improved Exact Penalty Results.
In: SIAM Journal on Optimization, 20
Artikel, Bibliographie

Domschke, Pia ; Geissler, Björn ; Kolb, Oliver ; Lang, Jens ; Martin, Alexander ; Morsi, Antonio (2010)
Combination of Nonlinear and Linear Optimization of Transient Gas Networks.
In: INFORMS Journal on Computing
doi: 10.1287/ijoc.1100.0429
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Michael ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2009)
Primal-dual interior-point methods for PDE-constrained optimization.
In: Math. Progr., 117
Artikel, Bibliographie

Wilms, J. ; Disser, Y. ; Alber, G. ; Percival, I. C. (2008)
Local Realism, Detection Efficiencies, and Probability Polytopes.
In: Physical Review A, 78 (3)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.78.032116
Artikel, Bibliographie

Vexler, Boris ; Wollner, Winnifried (2008)
Adaptive Finite Elements for Elliptic Optimization Problems with Control Constraints.
In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 47 (1)
doi: 10.1137/070683416
Artikel, Bibliographie

Wu, Zhenyu ; Anderl, Reiner ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Günther, Ute ; Martin, Alexander ; Kormann, Marco ; Rollmann, Thomas (2007)
Ein Ansatz zur Algorithmen-getriebenen Konstruktion - Paradigmenwechsel in der Produktentstehung.
In: Konstruktion, (5)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Wu, Zhenyu ; Anderl, Reiner ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Günther, Ute ; Martin, Alexander ; Kormann, Marco ; Rollmann, Thomas (2007)
An approach to algorithm-based design in product development.
In: Konstruktion, (5)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Wollner, W. (2007)
Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Optimal Control Problems with Control Constraints.
In: Oberwolfach Reports, 4 (3)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Stefan (2004)
On the superlinear local convergence of a filter-SQP method.
In: Mathematical Programming, 100 (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Michael ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Vicente, Luis N. (2004)
A globally convergent primal-dual interior point filter method for nonlinear programming.
In: Mathematical Programming, 100
Artikel, Bibliographie

Paffenholz, Andreas ; Ziegler, Günter M. (2004)
The E_t-construction for lattices, spheres and polytopes.
In: Discrete Comput. Geom., 32 (4)
doi: 10.1007/s00454-004-1140-4
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Stefan (2003)
Adjoint-based derivative computations for the optimal control of discontinuous solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws.
In: Systems and Control Letters, 48
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Stefan (2003)
Non-monotone trust region methods for nonlinear equality constrained optimization without a penalty function.
In: Math. Program., 95
Artikel, Bibliographie

Leugering, Guenter ; Lagnese, J. E. (2002)
Domain decomposition in optimal control problems for distributed parameter systems.
In: Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 104 (3)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Leugering, Guenter ; Kogut, P. (2002)
S-homogenization of optimal control problems of Banach spaces.
In: Mathematische Nachrichten, 233-234 (1)
doi: 10.1002/1522-2616(200201)233:1<141::AID-MANA141>3.0.CO;2-I
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Stefan (2002)
Optimal control of unsteady compressible viscous flows.
In: Internat. J. Numer. Methods Fluids, 40
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Stefan (2002)
Numerical solution of optimal control problems governed by the compressible Navier-Stokes equations.
In: Optimal Control of Complex Structures, Internat. Ser. Numer. Math., 139
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, S. (2002)
A sensitivity and adjoint calculus for discontinuous solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws with source terms.
In: Siam Journal on Control and Optimization, 41 (3)
doi: 10.1137/s0363012900370764
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Stefan (2000)
Superlinear convergence of affine-scaling interior-point Newton methods for infinite-dimensional nonlinear problems with pointwise bounds.
In: SIAM J. Control Optim., 38
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Stefan (1999)
Superlinear and quadratic convergence of affine-scaling interior-point Newton methods for problems with simple bounds without strict complementarity assumption.
In: Math. Program., 86
Artikel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Stefan (1999)
Global convergence of trust-region interior-point algorithms for infinite-dimensional nonconvex minimization subject to pointwise bounds.
In: SIAM J. Control Optim., 37
Artikel, Bibliographie


Ardah, Khaled ; Haardt, Martin ; Liu, Tianyi ; Matter, Frederic ; Pesavento, Marius ; Pfetsch, Marc E.
Hrsg.: Kutyniok, Gitta ; Rauhut, Holger ; Kunsch, Robert J. (2022)
Recovery Under Side Constraints.
In: Compressed Sensing in Information Processing, Auflage: 1. Auflage
doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-09745-4_7
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Skiena, S. S.
Hrsg.: Goodman, J. E. ; O'Rourke, J. ; Tóth, C. D. (2016)
Geometric Reconstruction Problems.
In: Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Stefan
Hrsg.: Carraro, Thomas ; Geiger, Michael ; Körkel, Stefan ; Rannacher, Rolf (2016)
Preconditioners based on "Parareal" time-domain decomposition for time-dependent PDE-constrained optimization.
In: Multple Shooting and time domain decomposition methods
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Burdakov, Oleg ; Kanzow, Christian ; Schwartz, Alexandra
Hrsg.: Gao, David Y. ; Ruan, Ning ; Xing, Wenxun (2015)
On a Reformulation of Mathematical Programs with Cardinality Constraints.
In: Advances in Global Optimization
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Herzog, Roland ; Rösch, Arnd ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Wollner, Winnifried
Hrsg.: Leugering, Günter ; Benner, Peter ; Engell, Sebastian ; Griewank, Andreas ; Harbrecht, Helmut ; Hinze, Michael ; Rannacher, Rolf ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2014)
OPTPDE: A Collection of Problems in PDE-Constrained Optimization.
In: Trends in PDE Constrained Optimization
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-05083-6_34
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Bott, Stefanie ; Clever, Debora ; Lang, Jens ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Ziems, Jan ; Schröder, D.
Hrsg.: Leugering, G. ; Benner, P. ; Engell, S. ; Griewank, A. ; Harbrecht, H. ; Hinze, Michael ; Rannacher, R. ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2014)
On a Fully Adaptive SQP Method for PDAE-Constrained Optimal Control Problems with Control and State Constraints.
In: Trends in PDE Constrained Optimization
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Wollner, Winnifried
Hrsg.: Bredies, K. ; Clason, C. ; Kunisch, K. ; Winckel, G. von (2013)
A Priori Error Estimates for Optimal Control Problems with Constraints on the Gradient of the State on Nonsmooth Polygonal Domains.
In: Control and Optimization with PDE Constraints, Auflage: 1.Auflage
doi: 10.1007/978-3-0348-0631-2
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Koller, Daniela ; Ulbrich, Stefan
Hrsg.: Groche, Peter (2012)
Ableitungsfreie Optimierungsverfahren für die optimale Steuerung von wirkmedienbasierten Tiefziehprozessen.
In: Tagungsband 4. Zwischenkolloquium des Sonderforschungsbereich 666
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Göllner, Thea ; Günther, Ute ; Hess, Wolfgang ; Pfetsch, Marc ; Ulbrich, Stefan
Hrsg.: Groche, Peter (2012)
Optimierung der Geometrie und Topologie flächiger verzweigter Blechbauteile und von Mehrkammerprofilen.
In: Tagungsband 4. Zwischenkolloquium Sonderforschungsbereich 666
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Clever, Debora ; Lang, Jens ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Ziems, Jan
Hrsg.: Leugering, Guenter (2012)
Generalized Multilevel SQP- methods for PDAE-constrained Optimization Based on Space-Time Adaptive PDAE Solvers.
In: Constrained Optimization and Optimal Control for Partial Differential Equations
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Drewes, Sarah ; Ulbrich, Stefan
Hrsg.: Lee, Jon ; Leyffer, Sven (2012)
Subgradient Based Outer Approximation for Mixed Integer Second Order Cone Programming.
In: Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Avemann, Jörg ; Schmitt, Sebastian O. ; Ederer, T. ; Lorenz, U. ; Groche, Peter (2012)
Analysis of Market Demand Parameters for the Evaluation of Flexibility in Forming Technology.
In: Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness and Economic Sustainability
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Rannacher, Rolf ; Vexler, Boris ; Wollner, Winnifried (2012)
A Posteriori Error Estimation in PDE-Constrained Optimization with Pointwise Inequality Constraints.
In: Constrained Optimization and Optimal Control for Partial Differential Equations
doi: 10.1007/978-3-0348-0133-1
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Ederer, T. ; Lorenz, U. ; Martin, Alexander ; Wolf, J. (2011)
Quantified Linear Programs: A Computational Study.
In: Algorithms – ESA 2011
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-23719-5_18
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Göllner, Thea ; Günther, Ute ; Hess, Wolfgang ; Martin, Alexander ; Ulbrich, Stefan
Hrsg.: Groche, Peter (2010)
Form- und Topologieoptimierung verzweigter Blechbauteile.
In: Tagungsband / Sonderforschungsbereich 666 Integrale Blechbauweisen höherer Verzweigungsordnung - Entwicklung, Fertigung, Bewertung : 3. Zwischenkolloquium 29./30. September 2010
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Koller, Daniela ; Ulbrich, Stefan
Hrsg.: Groche, Peter (2010)
Optimale Steuerung wirkmedienbasierter Tiefziehprozesse.
In: Tagungsband / Sonderforschungsbereich 666 Integrale Blechbauweisen höherer Verzweigungsordnung - Entwicklung, Fertigung, Bewertung : 3. Zwischenkolloquium 29./30. September 2010
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Stefan
Hrsg.: Biegler, Lorenz T. ; Keyes, David ; Ghattas, Omar ; Bloemen Waanders, Bart van ; Heinkenschloss, Matthias (2007)
Generalized SQP-Methods with 'Parareal' Time-Domain Decomposition for Time-dependent PDE-constrained Optimization.
In: Real-Time PDE-Constrained Optimization
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Wäldele, Martin ; Birkhofer, Herbert ; Martin, Alexander ; Fügenschuh, Armin (2007)
Algorithmenbasierte Produktentwicklung für integrale Blechbauweisen höherer Verzweigungsordnung.
In: 5. Gemeinsames Kolloquium Konstruktionstechnik 2007 Tagungsband
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Wäldele, Martin ; Birkhofer, Herbert ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Alexander, Martin ; Fügenschuh, Armin ; Günther, Ute ; Walter, Martin (2006)
Topology- and shape-optimization of branched sheet metal products.
In: Operations Research Proceedings 2005
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Wäldele, Martin ; Birkhofer, Herbert ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Martin, Alexander ; Fügenschuh, Armin ; Günther, Ute ; Walter, Martin (2006)
Optimization of Sheet Metal Products.
In: Operations Research Proceedings 2005, Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Bremen, September 7–9, 2005
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Stefan (1996)
Automatic differentiation: a structure-exploiting forward mode with almost optimal complexity for Kantorovic trees.
In: Applied mathematics and parallel computing
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie


Ziems, Jan (2010)
Adaptive multilevel SQP-methods for PDE-constrained optimization.
Buch, Bibliographie

Hess, Wolfgang (2010)
Geometry optimization with PDE constraints and applications to the design of branched sheet metal products.
Buch, Bibliographie

Hinze, Michael ; Pinnau, Rene ; Ulbrich, Michael ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2009)
Optimization with PDE constraints.
Buch, Bibliographie


Liu, Tianyi ; Deram, Sai Pavan ; Ardah, Khaled ; Haardt, Martin ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Pesavento, Marius (2024)
Gridless Parameter Estimation in Partly Calibrated Rectangular Arrays.
49th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2024). Seoul, Republic of Korea (14.-19.04.2024)
doi: 10.1109/ICASSP48485.2024.10446959
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Liu, Tianyi ; Matter, Frederic ; Sorg, Alexander ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Haardt, Martin ; Pesavento, Marius (2023)
Joint Sparse Estimation with Cardinality Constraint via Mixed-Integer Semidefinite Programming.
9th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing. Herradura, Costa Rica (10.-13.12.2023)
doi: 10.1109/CAMSAP58249.2023.10403415
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Neumann, Jannik ; Corbean, Elisa ; Dammel, Frank ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Stephan, Peter (2022)
Energy and Exergy Assessment of Renewable Energy Storage using Iron as Energy Carrier.
35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. Copenhagen, Denmark (03.06.2022-07.06.2022)
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00022982
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Erstveröffentlichung, Postprint

Matei, Alexander ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2021)
Detection of Model Uncertainty in the Dynamic Linear-Elastic Model of Vibrations in a Truss.
4th International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering. virtual Conference (07.06.2021-08.06.2021)
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-77256-7_22
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Kuznik, Alexander ; Steinhaus, Tim ; Stumpp, Maximilian ; Beidl, Christian (2021)
Optimierung des Emissionsverhaltens innerhalb der hybriden Betriebsstrategie am Prüfstand mittels Co-Simulation.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-63524-7
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Hrsg.: Pelz, Peter F. ; Groche, Peter (2021)
Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering : Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering (ICUME 2021), June 7–8, 2021.
International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering (ICUME 2021). (07.-08.06.2021)
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-77256-7
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Schmitt, Andreas
Hrsg.: Neufeld, Janis S. ; Buscher, Udo ; Lasch, Rainer ; Möst, Jörn (2020)
Exploiting Partial Convexity of Pump Characteristics in Water Network Design.
Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR 2019). Dresden, Germany (04.09.2019-06.09.2019)
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-48439-2_60
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bott, Andreas ; Matei, Alexander ; Steinke, Florian ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2020)
Methodenbaukasten für Flexible Wärmenetze der Zukunft.
Fachkonferenz der BMWi-Forschungsnetzwerke Bioenergie und Energiewendebauen 2020. virtual Conference (24.11.2020-24.11.2020)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Birx, Alexander ; Disser, Yann ; Schewior, Kevin
Hrsg.: Achlioptas, Dimitris ; Végh‬, ‪László (2019)
Improved Bounds for Open Online Dial-a-Ride on the Line.
22nd International Conference on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX/RANDOM 2019). Cambridge, USA (20.09.2019-22.09.2019)
doi: 10.4230/LIPIcs.APPROX-RANDOM.2019.21
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bitsch, Thorsten ; Schäfer, Julian ; Diehl, Elisabeth ; Sauer, Hans Martin ; Dörsam, Edgar ; Ulbrich, Stefan
Hrsg.: Ridgeway, C. (2019)
An experimental and numerical cooperative research concept for doctor blading.
46th International Research Conference of IARIGAI. Stuttgart, Germany (15.09.2019-18.09.2019)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Shinano, Yuji ; Rehfeldt, Daniel ; Gally, Tristan (2019)
An Easy Way to Build Parallel State-of-the-art Combinatorial Optimization Problem Solvers: A Computational Study on Solving Steiner Tree Problems and Mixed Integer Semidefinite Programs by using ug{SCIP}-*,*-libraries.
2019 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (20.05.2019-24.05.2019)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Birx, Alexander ; Disser, Yann
Hrsg.: Niedermeier, Rolf ; Paul, Christophe (2019)
Tight Analysis of the Smartstart Algorithm for Online Dial-a-Ride on the Line.
36th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2019). Berlin, Germany (13.03.2020-16.03.2020)
doi: 10.4230/LIPIcs.STACS.2019.15
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Hopp, A. V.
Hrsg.: Lodi, A. ; Nagarajan, V. (2019)
On Friedmann's Subexponential Lower Bound for Zadeh's Pivot Rule.
20th Interantional Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO 2019). Ann Arbor, USA (22.05.2019-24.05.2019)
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-17953-3_13
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Altherr, Lena C. ; Brötz, N. ; Dietrich, Ingo ; Gally, Tristan ; Geßner, Felix ; Kloberdanz, Hermann ; Leise, Philipp ; Pelz, P. F. ; Schlemmer, Pia Dorothea ; Schmitt, Andreas
Hrsg.: Pelz, Peter F. ; Groche, Peter (2018)
Resilience in Mechanical Engineering - A Concept for Controlling Uncertainty during Design, Production and Usage Phase of Load-Carrying Structures.
doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.885.187
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Altherr, Lena C. ; Leise, Philipp ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Schmitt, Andreas
Hrsg.: Pelz, Peter F. ; Groche, Peter (2018)
Algorithmic Design and Resilience Assessment of Energy Efficient High-Rise Water Supply Systems.
doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.885.211
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Altherr, Lena C. ; Joggerst, Laura ; Leise, Philipp ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Schmitt, Andreas ; Wendt, Janine
Hrsg.: Pelz, Peter F. ; Groche, Peter (2018)
On Obligations in the Development Process of Resilient Systems with Algorithmic Design Methods.
doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.885.240
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Hrsg.: Pelz, P. F. ; Groche, Peter (2018)
Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering III.
International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering. Darmstadt
doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.885
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Erstveröffentlichung

Schwartz, Alexandra ; Bucher, Max (2018)
Second-order optimality conditions for cardinality-constrained problems.
23nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming - ISMP 2018. Bordeaux (01.07.2018-06.07.2018)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Nowak, Daniel ; Mahn, Tobias ; Shatri, Hussein al- ; Schwartz, Alexandra ; Klein, Anja (2018)
A Generalized Nash Game for Mobile Edge Computation Offloading.
6th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering (MobileCloud). Bamberg, Germany (26.03.2018-29.03.2018)
doi: 10.1109/MobileCloud.2018.00022
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Nowak, Daniel ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2018)
Games with Vanishing Constraints.
Winter School 2018 - "Modern Methods in Nonsmooth Optimization". Würzburg, Germany (26.02.2018-02.03.2018)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Stefan ; Biehl, Johanna (2018)
Multilevel Optimization of Fluid-Structure Interaction based on Reduced Order Models.
GAMM 89th Annual Meeting 2018. Munich, Germany (19.03.2018-23.03.2018)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Biehl, Johanna ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2018)
Adaptive Multilevel Optimization of Fluid-Structure Interaction based on Reduced Order Models.
ISMP 2018. Bordeaux, France (06.07.2018-06.07.2018)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Biehl, Johanna ; Ulbrich, Stefan
Hrsg.: Schäfer, Michael ; Behr, Marek ; Mehl, Miriam ; Wohlmuth, Barbara (2018)
Multilevel Optimization of Fluid-Structure Interaction based on Reduced Order Models.
4th International Conference on Computational Engineering (ICCE 2017). Darmstadt, Germany (28.09.2017-29.09.2017)
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-93891-2
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Yann ; Mousset, Frank ; Noever, Andreas ; Škorić, Nemanja ; Steger, Angelika (2017)
A general lower bound for collaborative tree exploration.
24th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity. Porquerolles, France (19.06.2017-22.06.2017)
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-72050-0_8
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Hojny, Christoper ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Schmitt, Andreas (2017)
Extended Formulations for Column Constrained Orbitopes.
International Conference of the German Operations Research Society. Berlin, Germany (06.09.2017-08.09.2017)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Kuttich, Anja ; Ulbrich, Stefan
Hrsg.: Scheven, Malte von ; Keip, Marc-André ; Karajan, Nils (2017)
Feedback Controller Design and Topology Optimization for Truss Structures Under Uncertain Dynamic Loads.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Altherr, Lena C. ; Ederer, T. ; Schänzle, C. ; Lorenz, U. ; Pelz, P. F.
Hrsg.: Doerner, Karl Franz ; Ljubic, Ivana ; Pflug, Georg ; Tragler, Gernot (2017)
Algorithmic System Design Using Scaling and Affinity Laws.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-42902-1_82
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Schwartz, Alexandra ; Bucher, Max ; Kanzow, Christian ; Burdakov, Oleg ; Cervinka, Michal ; Branda, Martin (2017)
A Nonlinear Approach to Sparse Optimization.
18th French-German-Italian Conference on Optimization. Paderborn (25.09.2017-28.09.2017)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Schwartz, Alexandra ; Bucher, Max ; Branda, Martin ; Cervinka, Michal (2017)
Convergence of a Scholtes-type Relaxation Method for Optimization Problems with Cardinality Constraints.
15th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization. Montreal (12.07.2017-14.07.2017)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Schwartz, Alexandra ; Bucher, Max ; Branda, Martin ; Cervinka, Michal (2017)
Convergence of a Scholtes-type Relaxation Method for Optimization Problems with Cardinality Constraints.
SIAM Conference on Optimization. Vancouver (22.05.2017-25.05.2017)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Schwartz, Alexandra ; Bucher, Max ; Branda, Martin ; Cervinka, Michal (2017)
Convergence of a Relaxation Method for a Complementarity Reformulation of Cardinality Constrained Optimization Problems.
4th Workshop on Variational Analysis and Optimization. Marianska, Czech Republic (16.02.2017-19.02.2017)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Schwartz, Alexandra ; Thünen, Anna ; Steffensen, Sonja (2017)
Multi-Leader-Follower Games in Function Space.
Annual Meeting of SPP 1962. Kremmen (09.10.2017-11.10.2017)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Schwartz, Alexandra ; Tabbert, Anne (2017)
Modeling Truss Structures using Vanishing and Cardinality Constraints.
11th International Conference on Parametric Optimization and Related Topics,. Prag (19.09.2017-22.09.2017)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bernstein, Aaron ; Disser, Yann ; Groß, Martin (2017)
General Bounds for Incremental Maximization.
44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2017). Warsaw, Poland (10.07.2017-14.07.2017)
doi: 10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2017.43
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Kuttich, Anja ; Götz, Benedict ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2017)
Robust Optimization of Shunted Piezoelectric Transducers for Vibration Attenuation Considering Different Values of Electromechanical Coupling.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Abed, F. ; Chen, L. ; Disser, Y. ; Groß, M. ; Megow, N. ; Meißner, J. ; Richter, A. ; Rischke, R. (2017)
Scheduling Maintenance Jobs in Networks.
10th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity. Athens, Greece (24.05.2017-26.05.2017)
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-57586-5_3
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bjelde, Antje ; Disser, Yann ; Hackfeld, Jan ; Hansknecht, Christoph ; Lipmann, Maarten ; Meißner, Julie ; Schewior, Kevin ; Schlöter, Miriam ; Stougie, Leen (2017)
Tight bounds for online TSP on the line.
28th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. Barcelona, Spain (16.01.2017-19.01.2017)
doi: 10.1137/1.9781611974782.63
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bärtschi, A. ; Chalopin, J. ; Das, S. ; Disser, Y. ; Graf, D. ; Hackfeld, J. ; Penna, P. (2017)
Energy-efficient Delivery by Heterogenous Mobile Agents.
Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Kratsch, S. (2017)
Robust and adaptive search.
Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Nowak, Daniel ; Schwartz, Alexandra ; Mahn, Tobias ; Klein, Anja ; Shatri, Hussein al- (2017)
A Generalized Nash Game for Computation Offloading with an Extension to an MPEC/EPEC Structure.
11th International Conference on Parametric Optimization and Related Topics (ParaoptXI). Prague, Czech Republic (19.09.2017-22.09.2017)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Branda, M. ; Bucher, Max ; Cervinka, M. ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2017)
Regularization of a Complementarity Formulation of Cardinality Constrained Optimization Programs.
11th International Conference on Parametric Optimization and Related Topics (ParaoptXI). Prague, Czech Republic (19.09.2017-22.09.2017)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Branda, M. ; Bucher, Max ; Cervinka, M. ; Schwartz, Alexandra (2017)
Regularization of a Complementarity Formulation of Cardinality Constrained Optimization Programs.
18th French - German - Italian Conference on Optimization. Paderborn, Germany (25.09.2017-28.09.2017)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bärtschi, Andreas ; Chalopin, Jeremie ; Das, Shantanu ; Disser, Yann ; Geissmann, Barbara ; Graf, Daniel ; Labourel, Arnaud ; Mihalák, Matus (2016)
Collaborative Delivery with Energy-Constrained Mobile Robots.
23rd International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2016). Helsinki, Finnland (19.07.2016-21.07.2016)
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-48314-6_17
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Altherr, Lena C. ; Ederer, T. ; Lorenz, U. ; Pelz, P. F. ; Pöttgen, Philipp
Hrsg.: Lübbecke, Marco E. ; Koster, Arie ; Letmathe, Peter ; Madlener, Reinhard ; Peis, Britta ; Walther, Grit (2016)
Designing a Feedback Control System via Mixed-Integer Programming.
OR 2014. Aachen (02.09.2014-05.09.2014)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Altherr, Lena C. ; Ederer, T. ; Lorenz, U. ; Pelz, P. F. ; Pöttgen, Philipp (2016)
Experimental Validation of an Enhanced System Synthesis Approach.
International Conference of the German Operations Research Society 2014. Aachen, Germany (02.09.2016-05.09.2016)
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-28697-6
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Hackfeld, J. ; Klimm, M. (2016)
Undirected Graph Exploration with Θ(log log n) Pebbles.
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Böhmová, K. ; Disser, Y. ; Mihalák, M. ; Sramek, R. (2016)
Scheduling Transfers of Resources over Time: Towards Car-Sharing with Flexible Drop-Offs.
Proceedings of the 12th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Altherr, Lena C. ; Ederer, T. ; Pöttgen, Philipp ; Lorenz, U. ; Pelz, P. F.
Hrsg.: Pelz, P. F. ; Groche, Peter (2015)
Multicriterial Optimization of Technical Systems Considering Multiple Load and Availability Scenarios.
doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.807
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Altherr, Lena C. ; Ederer, T. ; Vergé, Angela ; Pelz, P. F. (2015)
Algorithmische Struktursynthese eines hydrostatischen Getriebes.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Altherr, Lena C. ; Ederer, T. ; Farnetane, Lucas S. ; Vergé, Angela ; Pöttgen, Philipp ; Pelz, P. F. (2015)
Multi-criterial Design of a Hydrostatic Transmission System by Mixed-Integer Programming.
OR 2015. Wien (01.09.2015-04.09.2015)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Oberle, Marius ; Ederer, T. ; König, Christina (2015)
Mathematical and human-centered optimization of the distribution of rare resources on the example of seating choice.
Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA. Melbourne (Australien) (09.08.2015-14.08.2015)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Skutella, M. (2015)
The Simplex Algorithm is NP-mighty.
26th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. San Diego, USA (04.01.2015-06.01.2015)
doi: 10.1137/1.9781611973730.59
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Klimm, M. ; Lübbecke, E. (2015)
Scheduling Bidirectional Traffic on a Path.
Proceedings of the 42nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Mihalák, M. ; Montanari, S. (2015)
Max Shortest Path for Imprecise Points.
Proceedings of the 30th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Böhmová, K. ; Disser, Y. ; Kravina, E. ; Mihalák, M. ; Widmayer, P. (2015)
Interval Selection on Unrelated Machines.
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Ederer, T. ; Lorenz, U. ; Opfer, Thomas ; Wolf, J. (2014)
Multistage Optimization with the Help of Quantified Linear Programming.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Ederer, T. ; Lorenz, U. ; Opfer, Thomas (2014)
Quantified Combinatorial Optimization.
International Conference on Operations Research (OR2013). (03.09.2013-06.09.2013)
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-07001-8_17
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Megow, N. ; Klimm, M. ; Stiller, S. (2014)
Packing a Knapsack of Unknown Capacity.
Proceedings of the 31st Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Mihalák, M. ; Montanari, S. ; Widmayer, P. (2014)
Rectilinear Shortest Path and Rectilinear Minimum Spanning Tree with Neighborhoods.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Kratsch, S. ; Sorge, M. (2014)
The Minimum Feasible Tileset Problem.
12th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA 2014). Wrolaw, Poland (11.09.2014-12.09.2014)
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-18263-6_13
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Feldmann, A. ; Klimm, M. ; Mihalák, M. (2013)
Improving the Hk-Bound on the Price of Stability in Undirected Shapley Network Design Games.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Böhmová, K. ; Disser, Y. ; Widmayer, P. ; Mihalák, M. (2013)
Interval Selection with Machine-Dependent Intervals.
Proceedings of the 13th International Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Dereniowski, D. ; Disser, Y. ; Kosowski, A. ; Pająk, D. ; Uznański, P. (2013)
Fast Collaborative Graph Exploration.
Proceedings of the 40th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bilò, D. ; Disser, Y. ; Gualà, L. ; Mihalák, M. ; Proietti, G. ; Widmayer, P. (2013)
Polygon-Constrained Motion Planning Problems.
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Algorithms for Sensor Systems, Wireless Ad Hoc Networks and Autonomous Mobile Entities (ALGOSENSORS).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bäcker, Frederic ; Turan, Emrah ; Koller, Daniela
Hrsg.: Groche, Peter (2012)
Flächige Bauteile mit verzweigtem Querschnitt durch integrierte Spaltbiege-, HSC-Fräs- und Tiefziehprozesse.
8. Fachtagung Walzprofilieren und 4. Zwischenkolloquium SFB 666. Darmstadt (14.11.2012-15.11.2012)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Ederer, T. ; Lorenz, U. ; Avemann, Jörg ; Schmitt, Sebastian O. ; Groche, Peter (2012)
Assessment of flexibility in forming technology in an uncertain sales market framework.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Ghosh, S. K. ; Mihalák, M. ; Widmayer, P. (2012)
Mapping a polygon with holes using a compass.
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Algorithms for Sensor Systems, Wireless Ad Hoc Networks and Autonomous Mobile Entities (ALGOSENSORS).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Mihalák, M. ; Widmayer, P. (2012)
Mapping polygons with agents that measure angles.
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Matuschke, J. (2012)
Degree-constrained orientations of embedded graphs.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Sichau, Adrian ; Ulbrich, Stefan (2011)
A Second Order Approximation Technique for Robust Shape Optimization.
First International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering (ICUME). Darmstadt, Germany (14.11.2011-15.11.2011)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Chalopin, J. ; Das, S. ; Disser, Y. ; Mihalák, M. ; Widmayer, P. (2011)
Telling convex from reflex allows to map a polygon.
Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Clever, Debora ; Lang, Jens ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Ziems, Jan (2010)
Combination of an Adaptive Multilevel SQP Method and a Space-Time Adaptive PDAE Solver for Optimal Control Problems.
Procedia Computer Science.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Mihalák, M. ; Widmayer, P. (2010)
Reconstructing a simple polygon from its angles.
Proceedings of the 12th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Chalopin, J. ; Das, S. ; Disser, Y. ; Mihalák, M. ; Widmayer, P. (2010)
How Simple Robots Benefit from Looking Back.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Wäldele, Martin ; Birkhofer, Herbert ; Martin, Alexander ; Fügenschuh, Armin (2009)
Modeling properties for the design of branched sheet metal products.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bilò, D. ; Disser, Y. ; Mihalák, M. ; Suri, S. ; Vicari, E. ; Widmayer, P. (2009)
Reconstructing Visibility Graphs with Simple Robots.
Proceedings of the 16th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Bilò, D. ; Mihalák, M. ; Suri, S. ; Vicari, E. ; Widmayer, P. (2009)
On the Limitations of Combinatorial Visibilities.
Proceedings of the 25th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

El-Dsoki, Chalid ; Hanselka, Holger ; Hochbaum, Dorit ; Fügenschuh, Armin ; Hernandez-Magallanes, Irma ; Moreno-Centeno, Erick ; Peter, Andrea
Hrsg.: Groche, Peter (2008)
Das ANSLC-Programm und das SDM im Vergleich.
2. Zwischenkolloquium des Sonderforschungsbereichs 666: Integrale Blechbauweisen höherer Verzweigungsordnung - Entwicklung, Fertigung, Bewertung. Darmstadt (12.11.2008-13.11.2008)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Hirsch, Nils ; Birkhofer, Herbert ; Hanselka, Holger ; Landersheim, Volker ; Martin, Alexander ; Günther, Ute (2008)
Ontology-Based Approach to Transform Fatigue Properties of Branched Sheet Metal Products for Use in Algorithm- Based Product Development.
ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. New York; USA (03.08.2008-06.08.2008)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Fügenschuh, Armin ; El-Dsoki, Chalid ; Hochbaum, Dorit (2008)
A Data-Mining Linear Programming Model to Predict Cyclic Metal Fatigue Parameters.
18th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS). Sandton, Südafrika (14.07.2008-18.07.2008)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Müller-Hannemann, M. ; Schnee, M. (2008)
Multi-criteria Shortest Paths in Time-Dependent Train Networks.
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Hirsch, Nils ; Birkhofer, Herbert ; Günther, Ute (2007)
Transforming of Technological Findings for a Better Design of Branched Sheet Metal Products.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Martin, Alexander ; Fügenschuh, Armin (2006)
Mixed-Integer Models for Topology Optimization in Sheet Metal Design.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Martin, Alexander ; Günther, Ute (2006)
Mixed Integer Models for Branched Sheet Metal Products.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Groche, Peter ; Wu, Zhenyu ; Anderl, Reiner ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Martin, Alexander ; Günther, Ute ; Greif, Günter ; Rollmann, Thomas (2005)
An Algorithm Based Approach for Integral Sheet Metal Design with Higher Order Bifurcations.
PACE Annual Forum 2005. Darmstadt, Germany
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Ulbrich, Stefan (2001)
Towards adjoint-based methods for aeroacoustic control.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie


Liu, Tianyi ; Matter, Frederic ; Sorg, Alexander ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Haardt, Martin ; Pesavento, Marius (2024)
Maximum A Posteriori Direction-of-Arrival Estimation via Mixed-Integer Semidefinite Programming.
doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2311.03501
Report, Bibliographie

Liu, Tianyi ; Deram, Sai Pavan ; Ardah, Khaled ; Haardt, Martin ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Pesavento, Marius (2024)
Gridless Parameter Estimation in Partly Calibrated Rectangular Arrays.
doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2406.16041
Report, Bibliographie

Birx, Alexander ; Disser, Yann ; Hopp, Alexander V. ; Karousatou, Christina (2020)
Improved Lower Bound for Competitive Graph Exploration.
doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2002.10958
Report, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. ; Friedmann, O. ; Hopp, A. V. (2019)
An Exponential Lower Bound for Zadeh's pivot rule.
doi: 10.48550/arXiv.1911.01074
Report, Bibliographie

Disser, Yann ; Hopp, Alexander V. (2018)
On Friedmann's subexponential lower bound for Zadeh's pivot rule.
Report, Erstveröffentlichung

Maher, Stephen J. ; Fischer, Tobias ; Gally, Tristan ; Gamrath, Gerald ; Gleixner, Ambros M. ; Gottwald, Robert L. ; Hendel, Gregor ; Koch, Thorsten ; Lübbecke, Marco E. ; Miltenberger, Matthias ; Müller, Benjamin ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Puchert, Christian ; Rehfeldt, Daniel ; Schenker, Sebastian ; Schwarz, Robert ; Serrano, Felipe ; Shinano, Yuji ; Weninger, Dieter ; Witt, Jonas T. ; Witzig, Jakob (2017)
The SCIP Optimization Suite 4.0.
Report, Bibliographie

Fischer, Tobias ; Pfetsch, Marc E. (2017)
On the Structure of Linear Programs with Overlapping Cardinality Constraints.
Report, Bibliographie

Fischer, Tobias ; Pfetsch, Marc E. (2016)
Monoidal Cut Strengthening and Generalized Mixed-Integer Rounding for Disjunctive Programs.
Report, Bibliographie

Gamrath, Gerald ; Fischer, Tobias ; Gally, Tristan ; Gleixner, Ambros M. ; Hendel, Gregor ; Koch, Thorsten ; Maher, Stephen J. ; Miltenberger, Matthias ; Müller, Benjamin ; Pfetsch, Marc E. ; Puchert, Christian ; Rehfeldt, Daniel ; Schenker, Sebastian ; Schwarz, Robert ; Serrano, Felipe ; Shinano, Yuji ; Vigerske, Stefan ; Wenninger, Dieter ; Winkler, Michael ; Witt, Jonas T. ; Witzig, Jakob (2016)
The SCIP Optimization Suite 3.2.
Report, Bibliographie

Fischer, Tobias ; Pfetsch, Marc E. (2015)
Branch-and-Cut for Linear Programs with Overlapping SOS1 Constraints.
Report, Bibliographie


Herter, Christine Eva (2024)
Eigenvalue Optimization with respect to Shape-Variations in Electromagnetic Systems.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00028783
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung, Verlagsversion

Polenz, Björn (2024)
Robust Shape Optimization of Electromechanical Energy Converters.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00028161
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung, Verlagsversion

Diehl, Elisabeth Andrea Gertrud (2024)
Simulation based Optimization of Multiphase Flow in the Context of Wetting Phenomena.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00026347
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung, Verlagsversion

Weckbecker, David Michael (2024)
Competitive Analysis for Incremental Maximization.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00026447
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung, Verlagsversion

Basava, Seshadri (2023)
Gradient robust methods for nearly incompressible materials.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00026463
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung, Verlagsversion

Walter, Anna (2022)
Optimal control of nonlinear elastoplasticity problems with model order reduction.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Goschin, Kristina (2022)
Optimal design of an energy network involving renewable energies for a settlement.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Schmitt, Andreas (2022)
Mixed-integer nonlinear programming for resilient water network design.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Matei, Alexander (2022)
Optimum experimental design with PDE constraints for identification of model uncertainty in load-bearing systems.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Matter, Frederic (2022)
Sparse Recovery Under Side Constraints Using Null Space Properties.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Nowak, Daniel (2021)
Nonconvex Nash Games : Solution Concepts and Algorithms.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00017637
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung, Verlagsversion

Becker, Jan (2021)
Equilibrium Problems with Complementarity Constraints in Banach Spaces: Stationarity Concepts, Applications and Algorithms.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00019858
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung, Verlagsversion

Rauls, Anne-Therese (2021)
Generalized derivatives for solution operators of variational inequalities of obstacle type.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Schäfer Aguilar, Paloma (2021)
Numerical approximation of optimal control problems for hyperbolic conservation laws.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Birx, Alexander (2020)
Competitive analysis of the online dial-a-ride problem.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.25534/tuprints-00014134
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung

Biehl, Johanna Katharina (2020)
Adaptive multilevel optimization of fluid–structure interaction problems.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Hopp, Alexander Vincent (2020)
The Complexity of Zadeh's Pivot Rule.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Habeck, Oliver (2020)
Mixed-integer optimization with ordinary differential equations for gas networks.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Horn, Benjamin M. (2019)
Shape optimization for frictional contact problems by a bundle trust-region method for constrained nonsmooth problems.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Gally, Tristan (2019)
Computational Mixed-Integer Semidefinite Programming.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Schmitt, Johann Michael (2019)
Optimal Control of Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Hyperbolic Balance Laws with Switching Controls and State Constraints.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Kolvenbach, Philip (2019)
Robust optimization of PDE-constrained problems using second-order models and nonsmooth approaches.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Lüthen, Hendrik (2019)
Partitioning into Isomorphic or Connected Subgraphs.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung

Huang, Wei (2019)
Optimal Operation of Water Supply Networks by Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming and Algebraic Methods.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung

Hojny, Christopher (2018)
Symmetries in binary program : A polyhedaral perspective.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Bucher, Max (2018)
Optimality Conditions and Numerical Methods for a Continuous Reformulation of Cardinality Constrained Optimization Problems.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung

Kuttich, Anja (2018)
Robust Topology Optimization and Optimal Feedback Controller Design for Linear Time-Invariant Systems via Nonlinear Semidefinite Programming.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Fischer, Michael Helmut (2017)
Analysis and numerical approximation of shape optimization problems governed by the Navier-Stokes and the Boussineq equations.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Ludovici, Francesco (2017)
Numerical analysis of parabolic optimal control problems with restrictions on the state and its first derivative.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung

Meinlschmidt, Hannes (2017)
Analysis and optimal control of quasilinear parabolic evolution equations in divergence form on rough domains.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Burggraf, Timo (2015)
Development of an automatic, multidimensional, multicriterial optimization algorithm for the calibration of internal combustion engines.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung

Schäfer, Carsten (2015)
Optimization approaches for actuator and sensor placement and its application to model predictive control of dynamical systems.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Pfaff, Sebastian (2015)
Optimal control of hyperbolic conservation laws on bounded domains with switching controls.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Joormann, Imke (2015)
Analyzing infeasible flow networks.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Sichau, Adrian (2014)
Robust nonlinear programming with discretized PDE constraints using second-order approximations.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Ghiglieri, Jane (2014)
Optimal flow control based on POD and MPC and an application to the cancellation of Tollmien-Schlichting waves.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Habermehl, Kai (2014)
Robust Optimization of Active Trusses via Mixed-Integer Semidefinite Programming.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Göllner, Thea (2014)
Geometry optimization of branched sheet metal strucutres with a globalization strategy by adaptive cubic regularization.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Mars, Sonja (2013)
Mixed-Integer Semidefinite Programming with an Application to Truss Topology Design.
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Kulas, Katja (2013)
Combinatorics of tropical polytopes.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Roth, Rolf (2012)
Multilevel optimization of turbulent flows by discrete adjoint techniques.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Brandenburg, Christian (2011)
Adjoint-based adaptive multilevel shape optimization based on goal-oriented error estimators for the instationary Navier-Stokes equations.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Disser, Y. (2011)
Mapping Polygons.
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Schwartz, Alexandra (2011)
Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints: Theory, Methods, and Applications.
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Witte, Nikolaus (2007)
Foldable Triangulations.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung

Diplom- oder Magisterarbeit

Bott, Stefanie (2012)
Adaptive Multilevel SQP Method for State Constrained Optimization with PDEs.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Diplom- oder Magisterarbeit, Bibliographie

Zeng, Dequan (2011)
Linear Model-Predictive Control of Cooperative Multi-Vehicle Systems for Time-Dependent Sampling Applications.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Diplom- oder Magisterarbeit, Bibliographie

Shafei, Behrang (2010)
Energieoptimale Steuerung von Industrierobotern.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Diplom- oder Magisterarbeit, Bibliographie

Werner, Christian (2009)
Lipschitzian optimization supported by local search on surrogates.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Diplom- oder Magisterarbeit, Bibliographie

Kuhn, Juliane (2009)
Model-Predictive Control of Cooperative Multi-Vehicle Systems Based on Discrete-Time Linear Systems.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Diplom- oder Magisterarbeit, Bibliographie

Schwartz, Alexandra (2008)
Ein semismoothes SQP-Verfahren zur Bestimmung normalisierter Nash-Gleichgewichte.
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Diplom- oder Magisterarbeit, Bibliographie


März, Lars Steffen (2024)
Robust Optimization for Adversarial Deep Learning.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00026745
Masterarbeit, Erstveröffentlichung, Verlagsversion

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