Blättern nach Person
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Heinisch, Christian ; Wills, Jon B. ; Reid, Jonathan P. ; Tschudi, Theo ; Tropea, Cameron (2009)
Temperature measurement of single evaporating water droplets in a nitrogen flow using spontaneous Raman scattering.
In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11 (42)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bakic, Sasa ; Heinisch, Christian ; Damaschke, Nils ; Tschudi, Theo ; Tropea, Cameron (2008)
Time integrated detection of femtosecond laser pulses scattered by small droplets.
In: Applied Optics, 47 (4)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Petrov, Victor ; Petrov, Mikhail ; Bryksin, Valeriy ; Petter, Jürgen ; Tschudi, Theo (2006)
Optical detection of the Casimir force between macroscopic objects.
In: Optics Letters, 31 (21)
doi: 10.1364/OL.31.003167
Artikel, Bibliographie
Ripin, D. J. ; Chudoba, C. ; Gopinath, J. T. ; Fujimoto, J. G. ; Ippen, E. P. ; Morgner, U. ; Kärtner, F. X. ; Scheuer, V. ; Angelow, Gregor ; Tschudi, Theo (2002)
Generation of 20-fs pulses by a prismless Cr 4+:YAG laser.
In: Optics Letters, 27
Artikel, Bibliographie
Ganic, Djenan ; Gan, Xiaosong ; Gu, Min ; Hain, Mathias ; Somalingam, Somakanthan ; Stankovic, Svetomir ; Tschudi, Theo (2002)
Generation of doughnut laser beams by use of a liquid-crystal cell with a conversion efficiency near 100%.
In: Optics Letters, 27
Artikel, Bibliographie
Gütlich, B. ; Kreuzer, M. ; Neubecker, Ralph ; Tschudi, Theo (2002)
Manipulations of solitary structures in a nolinear optical single feedback experiment.
In: Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, 375
Artikel, Bibliographie
Karaboué, Chialou ; Krishnamachari, Vishnu ; Denz, Cornelia ; Tschudi, Theo (2002)
Motion detection and microscopy using a photorefractive novelty filter.
In: Recent research developments in applied physics, 5
Artikel, Bibliographie
Becker, Hans Willy ; Tschudi, Theo ; Neubrand, Achim (2001)
Spatially resolved thermal Diffusivity measurements for functionally graded materials.
In: Functionally Graded Materials 2000, 114
Artikel, Bibliographie
Petrov, V. M. ; Denz, C. ; Shamray, A. V. ; Petrov, M. P. ; Tschudi, Theo (2000)
Electric field selectivity and multiplexing of volume holograms in LiNbO3.
In: Applied Physics B, 71 (1)
doi: 10.1007/s003400050072
Artikel, Bibliographie
Jennewein, Holger ; Gottschling, H. ; Tschudi, Theo (2000)
Absolute Distanzmessung mit einem faseroptischen Interferometer.
In: Technisches Messen, 67
Artikel, Bibliographie
Benkler, E. ; Kreuzer, M. ; Neubecker, R. ; Tschudi, Theo (2000)
Experimental control of unstable patterns and elimination of spatiotemporal disorder in nonlinear optics.
In: Physical review letters, 84
Artikel, Bibliographie
Holzfuss, Joachim ; Göhrs, O. ; Tschudi, Theo (2000)
Nichtlineare Zeitreihenanalyse rotierender Maschinen in Echtzeit.
In: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft. R. VI, Bd. 35 (2000). S. 475
Artikel, Bibliographie
Benkler, E. ; Kreuzer, M. ; Neubecker, R. ; Tschudi, Theo (2000)
Noninvasive experimental control of beam profiles in nonlinear optics.
In: Journal of optics. A: Pure and applied optics, 2
Artikel, Bibliographie
Wang, Lingli ; Tschudi, Theo ; Boeddinghaus, M. ; Elbert, A. ; Halldorsson, T. ; Petursson, P. (2000)
Speckle reduction in laser projections with ultrasonic waves.
In: Optical engineering, 39
Artikel, Bibliographie
Balzer, Gerhard ; Denz, Cornelia ; Knaup, O. ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Circling vortices and pattern dynamics in a unidirectional photorefractive ring oscillator.
In: Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 10 (4-5)
doi: 10.1016/S0960-0779(98)00021-6
Artikel, Bibliographie
Zhou, Changhe ; Stankovic, S. ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Analytic phase-factor equations for Talbot array illuminations.
In: Applied optics, 38
Artikel, Bibliographie
Sedlatschek, Markus ; Trumpfheller, J. ; Hartmann, Jens ; Denz, Cornelia ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Differentiation and subtraction of amplitude and phase images using a photorefractive novelty filter.
In: Applied physics B, 68 (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Denz, Cornelia ; Müller, Kai-Oliver ; Visinka, F. ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Digital data storage and encryption using a phase-coded holographic memory system.
In: Optical Society of America: OSA TOPS, 27
Artikel, Bibliographie
Denz, Cornelia ; Krolikowski, W. ; Petter, J. ; Weilnau, C. ; Tschudi, Theo ; Belic, M. R. ; Kaiser, F. ; Stepken, Andreas (1999)
Dynamics of formation and interaction of photorefractive screening solitons.
In: Physical review E, 60 (5)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Schwab, Michael ; Saffman, M. ; Denz, Cornelia ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Fourier control of pattern formation in an interferometric feedback configuration.
In: Optics communication, 170
Artikel, Bibliographie
Harkness, G. K. ; Oppo, G.-L. ; Benkler, E. ; Kreuzer, M. ; Neubecker, R. ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Fourier space control in an LCLV feedback system.
In: Journal of optics. B: Quantum and semiclassical optics, 1
Artikel, Bibliographie
Jennewein, Holger ; Ganz, T. ; Gottschling, H. ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Hochpräzise optische Profilometrie an Proben mit variierenden Materialien.
In: Technisches Messen, 66
Artikel, Bibliographie
Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Moderne Optik in der Biomedizin.
In: Thema Forschung
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bhattacharya, S. ; Wang, L. L. ; Sirohi, R. S. ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Optical perfect shuffle using diffractive optical elements.
In: Optik, 110
Artikel, Bibliographie
Schwab, Michael ; Sedlatschek, M. ; Thüring, B. ; Denz, Cornelia ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Origin and control of dynamics of hexogonal patterns in a photorefractive feedback system.
In: Chaos, solitons and fractals, 10
Artikel, Bibliographie
Zou, Changhe ; Stankovic, S. ; Denz, Cornelia ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Phase codes of Talbot array illumination for encoding holographic multiplexing storage.
In: Optics communications, 161
Artikel, Bibliographie
Sutter, Dirk H. ; Steinmeyer, G. ; Gallmann, L. ; Matuschek, N. ; Morier-Genoud, F. ; Keller, U. ; Scheuer, V. ; Angelow, G. ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror-assisted Kerr-lens mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser producing pulses in the two-cycle regime.
In: Optics letters, 24
Artikel, Bibliographie
Denz, Cornelia ; Jensen, S. Juul ; Schwab, M. ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Stabilization, manipulation and control of transverse optical patterns in a photorefractive feedback system.
In: Journal of optics. B: Quantum and semiclassical,optics, 1
Artikel, Bibliographie
Morgner, U. ; Kärtner, F. X. ; Cho, S. H. ; Chen, Y. ; Haus, H. A. ; Scheuer, V. ; Angelow, G. ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Sub-two-cycle pulses from a Kerr-lens mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser.
In: Optics letters, 24
Artikel, Bibliographie
Garcia, Bernardino Barrientos ; Moore, A. J. ; Perez-Lopez, C. ; Wang, L. ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Transient deformation measurement with electronic speckle pattern interferomety by use of a holographic optical element for spatial phase stepping.
In: Applied optics, 38
Artikel, Bibliographie
Neubecker, Ralph ; Thüring, B. ; Kreuzer, M. ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Transition from spatio-temporal order to disorder in a single-feedback experiment.
In: Chaos, solitons and fractals, 10
Artikel, Bibliographie
Denz, Cornelia ; Müller, Kai-Oliver ; Heimann, Thorsten ; Tschudi, Theo (1998)
Volume holographic storage demonstrator based on phase-coded multiplexing.
In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 4 (5)
doi: 10.1109/2944.735769
Artikel, Bibliographie
Krolikowski, Wieslaw ; Luther-Davies, B. ; Denz, Cornelia ; Tschudi, Theo (1998)
Annihilation of photorefractive solitons.
In: Optics letters. 23 (1998), S. 97-99
Artikel, Bibliographie
Thüring, Bernd ; Neubecker, R. ; Kreuzer, M. ; Benkler, E. ; Tschudi, Theo (1998)
Aspects of pattern formation in a liquid crystal light valve feedback system.
In: Asian journal of physics. 7 (1998), S. 453 ff
Artikel, Bibliographie
Haidner, Helmut ; Dias, D. ; Wang, L. L. ; Tschudi, Theo (1998)
Binary subwavelength structures/resonance gratings as polarisation elements.
In: Pure and applied optics, 7 (6)
doi: 10.1088/0963-9659/7/6/013
Artikel, Bibliographie
Wang, Lingli ; Haidner, Helmut ; Tschudi, Theo (1998)
Diffraktive Optik für die Biosensorik.
In: Thema Forschung, (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Müller, Kai-Oliver ; Denz, Cornelia ; Rauch, Torsten ; Heimann, Thorsten ; Tschudi, Theo (1998)
High capacity holographic data storage based on phase-coded multiplexing.
In: Optical memory and neural networks, 7 (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Würtz, M. ; Borneis, S. ; Kühl, T. ; Laeri, F. ; Marx, D. ; Tschudi, Theo (1998)
High-power tunable infrared laser source.
In: Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung: Scientific report 1998. Darmstadt: GSI, 1999. S. 181
Artikel, Bibliographie
Denz, Cornelia ; Schwab, M. ; Sedlatschek, M. ; Tschudi, Theo (1998)
Pattern dynamics and competition in a photorefractive feedback system.
In: Journal of the Optical Society of America. B 15 (1998), S. 2057-2064
Artikel, Bibliographie
Sutter, Dirk H. ; Jung, Isabella D. ; Kärtner, Franz X. ; Matuschek, Nicolai ; Morier-Genoud, Francois ; Scheuer, V. ; Tilsch, M. ; Tschudi, Theo ; Keller, Ursula (1998)
Self-starting 6.5-fs pulses from a Ti: Sapphire laser using a semiconductor saturable absorber and double-chirped mirrors.
In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 4 (2)
doi: 10.1109/2944.686720
Artikel, Bibliographie
Zhou, Changhe ; Wang, ; Tschudi, Theo (1998)
Solutions and analysis of fractional Talbot array illuminations.
In: Optics communications. 147 (1998), S. 224-228
Artikel, Bibliographie
Wang, Lingli ; Tschudi, Theo ; Halldorsson, T. ; Petursson, P. (1998)
Speckle reduction in laser projection systems by diffractive optical elements.
In: Applied optics. 37 (1998), S. 1770-1775
Artikel, Bibliographie
Angelow, Gregor ; Laeri, F. ; Tschudi, Theo ; Laeri, F. ; Tschudi, Theo (1996)
Designing resonators with large mode volume and high mode discrimination.
In: Optics letters. 21 (1996), S. 1324-1326
Artikel, Bibliographie
Vogeler, Thomas ; Kreuzer, ; Tschudi, Theo ; Simoni, (1996)
Investigations of filled nematics by second harmonic generation.
In: Molecular crystals and liquid crystals. 282 (1996), S. 419-428
Artikel, Bibliographie
Fehl, Andreas ; Gerstner, Klaus ; Neidhardt, Dirk ; Otten, Jörn ; Tschudi, Theo (1996)
Laser-Tomographie zur Temperaturmessung in Flammen.
In: thema Forschung, (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Goebel, Bernd ; Wang, ; Tschudi, Theo ; Wang, ; Tschudi, Theo (1996)
Multilayer technology for diffractive optical elements.
In: Applied optics. 35 (1996), S. 4490-4493
Artikel, Bibliographie
Murazyan, A. L. ; Tabiryan, ; Vogeler, ; Tschudi, Theo ; Tabiryan, ; Vogeler, ; Tschudi, Theo (1996)
Non-resonant optical limiting due to self-induced multiwave interference.
In: Optik. 101 (1996), S. 145-148
Artikel, Bibliographie
Denz, Cornelia ; Dellwig, Thilo ; Lembcke, Jan ; Tschudi, Theo (1996)
Parallel optical image addition and subtraction in a dynamic photorefractive memory by phase-code multiplexing.
In: Optics Letters, 21 (4)
doi: 10.1364/OL.21.000278
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dellwig, Thilo ; Denz, Cornelia ; Rauch, ; Tschudi, Theo (1995)
Coherent refreshment and updating for dynamic photorefractive optical memories using phase conjugation.
In: Optics communications. 119 (1995), S. 333-340
Artikel, Bibliographie
Sedlatschek, Markus ; Rauch, ; Denz, Cornelia ; Tschudi, Theo (1995)
Demonstrator concepts and performance of a photorefractive optical novelty filter.
In: Optical materials. 4 (1995), S. 376-380
Artikel, Bibliographie
Lembcke, Jan ; Denz, Cornelia ; Tschudi, Theo (1995)
General formalism for angular and phase-encoding multiplexing in holographic image storage.
In: Optical materials. 4 (1995), S. 428-432
Artikel, Bibliographie
Sedlatschek, Markus ; Rauch, ; Denz, Cornelia ; Tschudi, Theo (1995)
Generalized theory of the resolution of object tracking novelty filters.
In: Optics communications. 116 (1995), S. 25-30
Artikel, Bibliographie
Denz, Cornelia ; Müller, K.-O. ; Visinka, F. ; Berger, G. ; Tschudi, Theo (2000)
Beyond volume holographic storage - applications of phase-coded multiplexing to image processing and encryption.
In: Photorefractive fiber and crystal devices: materials , optical properties, and applications, VI
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Jennewein, Holger ; Gottschling, H. ; Ganz, T. ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Interferometrical profilometry at surfaces with varying materials.
In: SPIE (Society for Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers) Proceedings
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Tschudi, Theo (2001)
Hybrid optical pattern recognition and visualisation.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Denz, Cornelia ; Müller, Kai-Oliver ; Visinka, F. ; Tschudi, Theo (2000)
Digital volume holographic data storage using phase-coded multiplexing.
SPIE's International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation. Denver, CO, United States (18.07.1999-23.07.1999)
doi: 10.1117/12.370226
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Neubecker, Ralph ; Tschudi, Theo (1999)
Einsatz optisch adressierbarer Lichtmodulatoren für die nichtlinear-dynamische Bildverarbeitung.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Tschudi, Theo ; Wang, L. L. ; Stankovic, S. ; Hain, M. ; Bhattacharya, S. ; Dias, D. ; Benmohammadi, L. ; Karaboue, C. ; Pawlowski, E. (1999)
Integrated optical pickup for optical discs.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Tilsch, Markus ; Scheuer, Volker ; Biersack, Jochen ; Tschudi, Theo
Hrsg.: Gee, Anthony E. (1996)
3D simulation of thin film growth conditions at ion beam sputter deposition and comparison to experimental investigations.
doi: 10.1117/12.246794
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Wang, Lingli ; Tschudi, Theo ; Asfour, J.-M. ; Goebel, Bernd (1996)
Beam shaping for semiconductor lasers.
Free-space micro-optical systems: Topical Meeting of the European Optical Society. Engelberg, Switzerland (1 - 3 April 1996)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Wang, L. L. ; Columbus, D. ; Tschudi, Theo (1996)
Combined structures for high efficiency diffractive optical elements.
17th Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Optics for Science and New Technology. Taejon, Korea (1996)
doi: 10.1117/12.2298896
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Tschudi, Theo (1996)
Pattern transitions and local dynamics in a nonlinear optical feedback system.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Wang, L. L. ; Boeddinghaus, M. ; Tschudi, Theo ; Halldorsson, T. ; Petursson, P. R. (1996)
Speckle reduction in laser projection systems.
17th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO). Taejon, Korea (19.08. - 23.08.1996)
doi: 10.1117/12.2316155
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Tschudi, Theo ; Schösser, Alexander ; Persson, B. ; Wang, L. ; Frank, W. (1996)
Light induced polymer structures (LIPS) for diffractive optics.
EOS Topical Meeting: Free-Space Micro-Optical Systems. Engelberg, Switzerland (01.04. - 03.04.1996)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Denz, Cornelia ; Dellwig, Thilo ; Rauch, Torsten ; Tschudi, Theo (1995)
Analog optical image addition and substraction using phase-code multiplexing in volume holographic memories.
5th Topical Meeting on Photorefractive Materials, Effects and Devices. Estes Park, Colorado (11.06. - 14.06.1995)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Denz, Cornelia ; Dellwig, Thilo ; Rauch, Torsten ; Tschudi, Theo (1995)
Coherent refreshment of dynamic photorefractive memories using phase conjugation.
5th Topical Meeting on Photorefractive Materials, Effects and Devices. Estes Park, Colorado (11.06. - 14.06.1995)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie