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Schöpp, Ferdinand ; Öztürk, Özgür ; Wilke, Jürgen K. ; Linke, Regina ; Kassens-Noor, Eva (2024)
Impact of an eHighway on the directly emitted greenhouse gases by road freight transport.
In: Transport policy, 155
doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2024.07.011
Artikel, Bibliographie
Wilke, Jürgen K. ; Schöpp, Ferdinand ; Linke, Regina ; Bremer, Laurenz ; Scheyltjens, Maya Ada ; Buggenhout, Niki ; Kassens-Noor, Eva (2024)
Availability of an Overhead Contact Line System for the Electrification of Road Freight Transport.
In: Sustainability, 16 (15)
doi: 10.3390/su16156459
Artikel, Bibliographie
Linke, Regina ; Öztürk, Özgür ; Kassens-Noor, Eva (2024)
Analysis of Technical and Operational Requirements of Alternative Drive Systems by Transport Companies: The Case of the Overhead Contact Line Truck.
In: Sustainability, 16 (8)
doi: 10.3390/su16083276
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kotval-K, Zeenat ; Khandelwal, Shruti ; Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Qu, Tongbin Teresa ; Wilson, Mark (2024)
Are New Campus Mobility Trends Causing Health Concerns?
In: Sustainability, 16 (6)
doi: 10.3390/su16062249
Artikel, Bibliographie
Cai, Meng ; Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Zhao, Zhiqiang ; Colbry, Dirk (2023)
Are smart cities more sustainable? An exploratory study of 103 U.S. cities.
In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 416
doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137986
Artikel, Bibliographie
Linke, Regina ; Wilke, Jürgen K. ; Schöpp, Ferdinand ; Öztürk, Özgur ; Bremer, Laurenz ; Scheyltjens, Maya A. ; Kassens-Noor, Eva (2023)
Das eHighway-System. Erkenntnisse aus der ersten Pilotphase der Oberleitungsteststrecke auf der A5.
In: Internationales Verkehrswesen, 75 (3)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Durst, Noah ; Decaminada, Travis ; Parcell, Jake (2023)
Experiencing autonomous futures: Engaged learning with next generation technology.
In: Active Learning in Higher Education, 24 (1)
doi: 10.1177/1469787420982546
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kotval-K, Zeenat ; Wilkinson, Annabelle ; Brush, Andy ; Kassens-Noor, Eva (2023)
Impacts of local transit systems on vulnerable populations in Michigan.
In: Urban Science, 7 (1)
doi: 10.3390/urbansci7010016
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Darcy, Kip ; Ion Cojocaru, Andreea ; Rzepecki, Ryan ; Jang, Sunghun ; Jiang, Wei ; Monzert, Tobias ; Cai, Meng ; Crittenden, Matthew (2022)
Proposing the foundations of scAInce by exploring the future of artificially intelligent, sustainable, and resilient megaprojects.
In: Journal of Mega Infrastructure & Sustainable Development, 2 (S1)
doi: 10.1080/24724718.2022.2131098
Artikel, Bibliographie
Linke, Regina ; Wilke, Jürgen K. ; Öztürk, Özgür ; Schöpp, Ferdinand ; Kassens-Noor, Eva (2022)
The future of the eHighway system: a vision of a sustainable, climate-resilient, and artificially intelligent megaproject.
In: Journal of Mega Infrastructure & Sustainable Development, 2 (S1)
doi: 10.1080/24724718.2022.2131087
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Darcy, Cornelius H. (Kip) (2022)
Our autonomous future.
In: Journal of the American Planning Association, 88 (3)
doi: 10.1080/01944363.2022.2070407
Artikel, Bibliographie
Megat-Johari, Megat-Usamah ; Megat-Johari, Nusayba ; Savolainen, Peter T. ; Gates, Timothy J. ; Kassens-Noor, Eva (2022)
Does displaying safety messages on dynamic message signs have measurable impacts on crash risk?
In: Transportation Research Record, 2676 (2)
doi: 10.1177/03611981211044461
Artikel, Bibliographie
Pappas, Georgios ; Siegel, Joshua E. ; Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Rutkowski, Jacob ; Politopoulos, Konstantinos ; Zorpas, Antonis A. (2022)
Game-Based Simulation and Study of Pedestrian-Automated Vehicle Interactions.
In: Automation, 3 (3)
doi: 10.3390/automation3030017
Artikel, Bibliographie
Megat-Johari, Nusayba ; Megat-Johari, Megat-Usamah ; Savolainen, Peter ; Gates, Timothy ; Kassens-Noor, Eva (2021)
Examining driver compliance with a move-over/slow down law in consideration of vehicle type and messages displayed on upstream dynamic message signs.
In: Transportation research record, 2675 (12)
doi: 10.1177/03611981211027880
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Siegel, Josh ; Decaminada, Travis (2021)
Choosing ethics over morals: A possible determinant to embracing artificial intelligence in future urban mobility.
In: Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 3
doi: 10.3389/frsc.2021.723475
Artikel, Bibliographie
Mahmud, Md Shakir ; Gupta, Nischal ; Safaei, Babak ; Jashami, Hisham ; Gates, Timothy J. ; Savolainen, Peter T. ; Kassens-Noor, Eva (2021)
Evaluating the impacts of speed limit increases on rural two-lane highways using quantile regression.
In: Transportation Research Record, 2675 (11)
doi: 10.1177/03611981211019732
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Wilson, Mark ; Yigitcanlar, Tan (2021)
Where Are Autonomous Vehicles Taking Us?
In: Journal of Urban Technology, 28 (3-4)
doi: 10.1080/10630732.2021.1985318
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Savolainen, Peter T. ; Gates, Timothy J. ; Cai, Meng ; Decaminada, Travis (2021)
Communicating safety with drivers via dynamic message signs.
In: Transportation research part F : traffic psychology and behaviour, 81
doi: 10.1016/j.trf.2021.06.010
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Wilson, Mark ; Meng, Cai ; Durst, Noah ; Decaminada, Travis (2021)
Autonomous vs. self-driving vehicles: the power of language to shape public perceptions.
In: Journal of Urban Technology, 28 (3-4)
doi: 10.1080/10630732.2020.1847983
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Wilson, Mark ; Kotval-Karamchandani, Zeenat ; Cai, Meng ; Decaminada, Travis (2021)
Living with autonomy: Public perceptions of an AI-mediated future.
In: Journal of Planning Education and Research, 44 (1)
doi: 10.1177/0739456x20984529
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Cai, Meng ; Kotval-Karamchandani, Zeena ; Decaminada, Travis (2021)
Autonomous vehicles and mobility for people with special needs.
In: Transportation research part A : policy and practice, 150
doi: 10.1016/j.tra.2021.06.014
Artikel, Bibliographie
Barnett, Jevin ; Gizinski, Nicholas ; Mondragón-Parra, Eduardo ; Siegel, Joshua ; Morris, Daniel ; Gates, Timothy ; Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Savolainen, Peter (2020)
Automated vehicles sharing the road: Surveying detection and localization of pedalcyclists.
In: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 6 (4)
doi: 10.1109/TIV.2020.3046859
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Hintze, Arend (2020)
Cities of the future? The potential impact of artificial intelligence.
In: AI, 1 (2)
doi: 10.3390/ai1020012
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Dake, Dana ; Decaminada, Travis ; Kotval-K, Zeenat ; Qu, Teresa ; Wilson, Mark ; Pentland, Brian (2020)
Sociomobility of the 21st century: Autonomous vehicles, planning, and the future city.
In: Transport Policy, 99
doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2020.08.022
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Kotval-Karamchandani, Zeenat ; Cai, Meng (2020)
Willingness to ride and perceptions of autonomous public transit.
In: Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, 138
doi: 10.1016/j.tra.2020.05.010
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva (2019)
“Failure to adjust”: Boston’s bid for the 2024 Olympics and the difficulties of learning Olympic wisdom.
In: Environment and Planning A : Economy and Space, 51 (8)
doi: 10.1177/0308518X19857104
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Ladd, Joshua (2019)
No right to share the city: being homeless in Rio de Janeiro during the FIFA World Cup.
In: Human Geography, 12 (2)
doi: 10.1177/194277861901200204
Artikel, Bibliographie
Vertalka, Joshua J. ; Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Wilson, Mark (2019)
Data on sentiments and emotions of olympic-themed tweets.
In: Data in brief, 24
doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.103869
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Kotval-Karamchandani, Zeenat ; Brush, Andrea ; Doshier, Kayla ; Biskey, Matthew (2019)
Michigan's public transportation: An application of statewide performance assessment and management.
In: Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 1
doi: 10.1016/j.trip.2019.100013
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva (2019)
Transportation planning and policy in the pursuit of mega-events: Boston's 2024 Olympic bid.
In: Transport Policy, 74
doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2018.12.005
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Vertalka, Joshua ; Wilson, Mark (2019)
Good games, bad host? Using big data to measure public attention and imagery of the Olympic Games.
In: Cities, 90
doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2019.02.009
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Lauermann, John (2018)
Mechanisms of policy failure: Boston’s 2024 Olympic bid.
In: Urban Studies, 55 (15)
doi: 10.1177/0042098017740286
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Fukushige, Tatsuya (2018)
Olympic technologies: Tokyo 2020 and beyond: the urban technology metropolis.
In: Journal of Urban Technology, 25 (3)
doi: 10.1080/10630732.2016.1157949
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Gaffney, Christopher ; Messina, Joe ; Phillips, Eric (2018)
Olympic transport legacies: Rio de Janeiro’s bus rapid transit system.
In: Journal of Planning Education and Research, 38 (1)
doi: 10.1177/0739456X16683228
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva (2017)
Book Review: The End of Automobile Dependence: How Cities Are Moving beyond Car-Based Planning.
In: Journal of Planning Education and Research, 37 (3)
doi: 10.1177/0739456X16655196
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Lauermann, John (2017)
How to bid better for the Olympics: A participatory mega-event planning strategy for local legacies.
In: Journal of the American Planning Association, 83 (4)
doi: 10.1080/01944363.2017.1361857
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva (2016)
From ephemeral planning to permanent urbanism: An urban planning theory of mega-events.
In: Urban Planning, 1 (1)
doi: 10.17645/up.v1i1.532
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Kayal, Priyamvada (2016)
India's new globalization strategy and its consequences for urban development: the impact of the 2010 Commonwealth Games on Delhi's transport system.
In: International Planning Studies, 21 (1)
doi: 10.1080/13563475.2015.1114448
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva (2016)
Flip, move, tweet: A blended course design for different learning environments in urban planning, sustainability, and climate change university courses.
In: International Journal for Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning, 1 (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Wilson, Mark ; Müller, Sven ; Maharaj, Brij ; Huntoon, Laura (2015)
Towards a mega-event legacy framework.
In: Leisure Studies, 34 (6)
doi: 10.1080/02614367.2015.1035316
Artikel, Bibliographie
Chandra, Siddharth ; Kassens-Noor, Eva (2014)
The evolution of pandemic influenza: evidence from India, 1918–19.
In: BMC infectious diseases, 14
doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-14-510
Artikel, Bibliographie
Chandra, Siddharth ; Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Kuljanin, Goran ; Vertalka, Joshua (2013)
A geographic analysis of population density thresholds in the influenza pandemic of 1918–19.
In: International journal of health geographics, 12 (9)
doi: 10.1186/1476-072X-12-9
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva (2013)
Transport legacy of the Olympic Games, 1992–2012.
In: Journal of Urban Affairs, 35 (4)
doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9906.2012.00626.x
Artikel, Bibliographie
Lang, Suzanne ; Crawford, Pat ; Millenbah, Kelly ; Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Orth, Mike ; Drake, Eron (2012)
Academic Cultures: Differences in Evaluating Teaching Excellence.
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva (2012)
Twitter as a teaching practice to enhance active and informal learning in higher education: The case of sustainable tweets.
In: Active Learning in Higher Education, 13 (1)
doi: 10.1177/1469787411429190
Artikel, Bibliographie
Neal, Zachary P. ; Kassens-Noor, Eva (2011)
The business passenger niche: Comparing legacy carriers and southwest during a national recession.
In: Journal of Air Transport Management, 17 (4)
doi: 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2010.09.001
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva (2010)
Sustaining the momentum: Olympics as potential catalyst for enhancing urban transport.
In: Transportation Research Record, 2187 (1)
doi: 10.3141/2187-14
Artikel, Bibliographie
Wilson, Mark ; Decaminada, Travis ; Darcy, Cornelius ; Kassens-Noor, Eva
Hrsg.: Miao, Julie T. (2024)
Who speaks for smart cities?: Social media, influence, and stories of innovation.
In: Routledge Companion to Creativity and the Built Environment
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Cugurullo, Federico ; Kassens-Noor, Eva
Hrsg.: Cugurullo, Frederico (2023)
An urbanistic take on autonomous vehicles.
In: Artificial Intelligence and the City
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Wilson, Mark ; Decaminada, Travis ; Kassens-Noor, Eva
Hrsg.: Patnaik, S. (2022)
Technology Talks: The Evolution and Rhetoric of# Smartcities.
In: Smart Cities and Smart Communities : Empowering Citizens through Intelligent Technologies
doi: 10.1007/978-981-19-1146-0_2
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Wilson, Mark ; Kassens-Noor, Eva
Hrsg.: Mariotti, Ilaria (2021)
After the rustbelt: sustainability and economic regeneration in Detroit.
In: New Workplaces - Location Patterns, Urban Effects and Development Trajectories
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-63443-8_7
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva
Hrsg.: Gold, John R. (2017)
Olympic Transport.
In: Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning, and the World’s Games, 1896 – 2020, Auflage: 3. Auflage
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Joo, Yu-Min ; Bae, Yooil ; Kassens-Noor, Eva (2017)
Mega-events and mega-ambitions: South Korea’s rise and the strategic use of the big four events.
In: Mega-Events and Mega-Ambitions: South Korea’s Rise and the Strategic Use of the Big Four Events
doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-53113-1_1
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva (2015)
The legacy of the 2004 Olympics for the Athens transport system.
In: Routledge Handbook of Sport and Legacy
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva
Hrsg.: Frawley, Stephen (2014)
Managing Transport at the Football World Cup.
In: Managing the Football World Cup
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva
Hrsg.: Frawley, Stephen (2013)
Managing transport during the Olympic Games.
In: Managing the Olympics
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva (2020)
The Los Angeles Olympic games: Planning legacies.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-38553-8
Buch, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva (2020)
Los Angeles and the summer Olympic games: Planning legacies.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-38553-8
Buch, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva (2012)
Planning Olympic legacies: Transport dreams and urban realities.
doi: 10.4324/9780203119488
Buch, Bibliographie
Mollaoglu, Sinem ; Kim, Suk-Kyung ; Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Faizan, Rabia
Hrsg.: El Asmar, Mounir (2020)
Piloting interdisciplinary learning measurement for sustainable built environments.
Construction Research Congress 2020. Tempe, Arizona (March 8–10, 2020)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Savolainen, Peter T. ; Gates, Timothy J. ; Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Gupta, Nischal ; Mahmud, Md Shakir ; Kay, Jonathan ; Megat-Johari, Megat-Usamah ; Hisham, Jashami ; Dominique, Lord ; Srinivas, Geedipally (2022)
Evaluating the Impacts of the 2017 Legislative Mandated Speed Limit Increases.
Report, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Savolainen, Peter T. ; Gates, Timothy J. ; Cai, Meng ; Cai, Qiuqi ; Jashami, Hisham ; Megat-Johari, Megat-Usamah ; Decaminada, Travis ; Herin, Gabrielle ; Zockaie, Ali (2022)
Evaluation of an Active Traffic Management System with Part-Time Use of the Inside Shoulder.
Report, Bibliographie
Jöhrens, Julius ; Lehmann, Michael ; Bramme, Matthias ; Brauer, Clemens ; Bulenda, Alexander ; Burghard, Uta ; Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Linke, Regina ; Burgert, Tobias ; Öztürk, Özgür ; Staub, Markus ; Werner, Markus ; Schöpp, Ferdinand ; Wilke, Jürgen ; Worbs, Markus ; Doll, Claus (2022)
Aktuelle technische Erkenntnisse zum eHighway-System aus Feldversuch und Begleitforschung.
doi: 10.24406/publica-63
Report, Bibliographie
Savolainen, Peter T. ; Gates, Timothy J. ; Kassens-Noor, Eva ; Megat-Johari, Megat-Usamah ; Megat-Johari, Nusayba ; Decaminada, Travis ; Cai, Meng
Hrsg.: Michigan State University (2021)
Effectiveness of Crash Fact/Safety Message Signs on Dynamic Message Signs.
Report, Bibliographie
Kassens-Noor, Eva (2009)
Transportation Planning for Mega Events: a Model of Urban Change.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Dissertation, Bibliographie