TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

Analysis of Industrial Robot Structure and Milling Process Interaction for Path Manipulation

Bauer, Jörg ; Friedmann, Martin ; Hemker, Thomas ; Pischan, M. ; Reinl, Christian ; Abele, Eberhard ; Stryk, Oskar von
eds.: Denkena, Berend ; Hollmann, Ferdinand (2013)
Analysis of Industrial Robot Structure and Milling Process Interaction for Path Manipulation.
In: Process Machine Interactions : Predicition and Manipulation of Interactions between Manufacturing Processes and Machine Tool Structures
Book Section, Bibliographie


Industrial robots are used in a great variety of applications for handling, welding, assembling and milling operations. Especially for machining operations, industrial robots represent a cost-saving and flexible alternative compared to standard machine tools. Reduced pose and path accuracy, especially under process force load due to the high mechanical compliance, restrict the use of industrial robots for machining applications with high accuracy requirements. In this chapter, a method is presented to predict and compensate path deviation of robots resulting from process forces. A process force simulation based on a material removal calculation is presented. Furthermore, a rigid multi-body dynamic system’s model of the robot is extended by joint elasticities and tilting effects, which are modeled by spring-damper-models at actuated and additional virtual axes. By coupling the removal simulation with the robot model the interaction of the milling process with the robot structure can be analyzed by evaluating the path deviation and surface structure. With the knowledge of interaction along the milling path a general model-based path correction strategy is introduced to significantly improve accuracy in milling operations.

Item Type: Book Section
Erschienen: 2013
Editors: Denkena, Berend ; Hollmann, Ferdinand
Creators: Bauer, Jörg ; Friedmann, Martin ; Hemker, Thomas ; Pischan, M. ; Reinl, Christian ; Abele, Eberhard ; Stryk, Oskar von
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: Analysis of Industrial Robot Structure and Milling Process Interaction for Path Manipulation
Language: English
Date: 2013
Place of Publication: Berlin, Heidelberg
Publisher: Springer
Book Title: Process Machine Interactions : Predicition and Manipulation of Interactions between Manufacturing Processes and Machine Tool Structures
Series: Lecture Notes in Production Engineering

Industrial robots are used in a great variety of applications for handling, welding, assembling and milling operations. Especially for machining operations, industrial robots represent a cost-saving and flexible alternative compared to standard machine tools. Reduced pose and path accuracy, especially under process force load due to the high mechanical compliance, restrict the use of industrial robots for machining applications with high accuracy requirements. In this chapter, a method is presented to predict and compensate path deviation of robots resulting from process forces. A process force simulation based on a material removal calculation is presented. Furthermore, a rigid multi-body dynamic system’s model of the robot is extended by joint elasticities and tilting effects, which are modeled by spring-damper-models at actuated and additional virtual axes. By coupling the removal simulation with the robot model the interaction of the milling process with the robot structure can be analyzed by evaluating the path deviation and surface structure. With the knowledge of interaction along the milling path a general model-based path correction strategy is introduced to significantly improve accuracy in milling operations.

Divisions: 16 Department of Mechanical Engineering
16 Department of Mechanical Engineering > Institute of Production Technology and Machine Tools (PTW)
20 Department of Computer Science
20 Department of Computer Science > Simulation, Systems Optimization and Robotics Group
Date Deposited: 26 Apr 2016 10:15
Last Modified: 06 Mar 2019 13:01
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