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Gholijani, Alireza ; Fischer, Sebastian ; Gambaryan-Roisman, Tatiana ; Stephan, Peter
eds.: Schulte, Kathrin ; Tropea, Cameron ; Weigand, Bernhard (2022)
High Resolution Measurements of Heat Transfer During Drop Impingement onto a Heated Wall.
In: Droplet Dynamics Under Extreme Ambient Conditions
doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-09008-0_15
Book Section, Bibliographie
Schäffer, Rafael ; Bär, Kristian ; Fischer, Sebastian ; Fritsche, Johann-Gerhard ; Sass, Ingo (2021)
Mineral, thermal and deep groundwater of Hesse, Germany.
In: Earth System Science Data, 13 (10)
doi: 10.5194/essd-13-4847-2021
Article, Bibliographie
Fischer, Sebastian (2019)
Ein Beitrag zur Klärung der Kinematik beim Aufbruch der Baugrubensohle.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication
Fischer, Sebastian ; Viehmann, Andreas ; Beidl, Christian ; Rinderknecht, Stephan (2018)
Investigation of the Hybrid Operating Modes
Regarding Efficiency, Emissions and Comfort
for the Parallel-Series Hybrid Powertrain Concept
SAE Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Meeting 2018. Heidelberg (17.09.2018-20.09.2018)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Bodrogi, Peter Zsolt ; Guo, Xue ; Stojanovic, Dragana ; Fischer, Sebastian ; Khanh, Tran Quoc (2018)
Observer preference for perceived illumination chromaticity.
In: Color Research and Application, 43 (4)
doi: 10.1002/col.22210
Article, Bibliographie
Fischer, Sebastian ; Viehmann, Andreas ; König, Ruben ; Beidl, Christian ; Rinderknecht, Stephan (2017)
Potentiale der hybriden Betriebsmodi des Plug-In-Hybrid-Antriebskonzepts „Doppel-E-Antrieb mit Range-Extender“ (DE-REX).
11. Internationale MTZ-Fachtagung Zukunftsantriebe: Der Antrieb von morgen 2017. Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland (25.01.2017-26.01.2017)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Khanh, Tran Quoc ; Bodrogi, Peter Zsolt ; Guo, Xue ; Trinh, Quang Vinh ; Fischer, Sebastian (2017)
Colour preference, naturalness, vividness and colour quality metrics, Part 5: A colour preference experiment at 2000 lx in a real room.
In: Lighting Research and Technology (LRT), 51 (2)
doi: 10.1177/1477153517737133
Article, Bibliographie
Zhu, Yuteng ; Ronnier, Ming Luo ; Fischer, Sebastian ; Bodrogi, Peter Zsolt ; Khanh, Tran Quoc (2017)
Long-term memory color investigation: culture effect and experimental setting factors.
In: Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 34 (10)
doi: 10.1364/josaa.34.001757
Article, Bibliographie
Fischer, Sebastian ; Beidl, Christian (2017)
Potenziale des Plug-in-Hybrid-Antriebskonzepts "Doppel-E-Antrieb mit Range Extender" (DE-REX) zur Minderung der Schadstoffemissionen.
E-MOTIVE 9. Expertenforum Elektrische Fahrzeugantriebe. Hannover
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Viehmann, Andreas ; Rinderknecht, Stephan ; Fischer, Sebastian ; Beidl, Christian (2017)
Plug-in-Hybride für den Volumenmarkt.
In: Motortechnische Zeitschrift : MTZ, 78 (5)
Article, Bibliographie
Fischer, Sebastian ; Sahu, R. P. ; Sinha-Ray, S. ; Yarin, A. L. ; Gambaryan-Roisman, Tatiana ; Stephan, Peter (2017)
Effect of nano-textured heater surfaces on evaporation at a single meniscus.
In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 108
Article, Bibliographie
Fischer, Sebastian ; Myland, Paul ; Szarafanowicz, Matthias ; Bodrogi, Peter Zsolt ; Khanh, Tran Quoc
ed.: Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T) (2016)
Strengths and limitations of a uniform 3D-LUT approach for digital camera characterization.
24th Color and Imaging Conference (CIC). San Diego, USA (07.11.2016-11.11.2016)
doi: 10.2352/ISSN.2169-2629.2017.32.315
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Viehmann, Andreas ; Fischer, Sebastian ; König, Ruben ; Rinderknecht, Stephan ; Beidl, Christian (2016)
Vergleich von Betriebsstrategien für das parallel-serielle Hybridantriebskonzept „DE-REX“.
Plug-In-Hybride und Range Extender. Darmstadt (19.04.2016-20.04.2016)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Zhu, Yuteng ; Luo, Ming Ronnier ; Fischer, Sebastian ; Bodrogi, Peter Zsolt ; Khanh, Tran Quoc
ed.: Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T) (2016)
The Effectiveness of Colour Appearance Attributes for Enhancing Image Preference and Naturalness.
24th Color and Imaging Conference (CIC). San Diego, USA (07.11.2016-11.11.2016)
doi: 10.2352/ISSN.2169-2629.2017.32.231
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Fischer, Sebastian ; Bodrogi, Peter Zsolt ; Zhu, Yuteng ; Xu, Lihao ; Cui, Guihua ; Luo, Ming Ronnier
ed.: Deutsche Lichttechnische Gesellschaft e.V. (LiTG) (2016)
Memory Colors Part I: Comparison of Chinese and German Observers.
LICHT 2016 - 22. Gemeinschaftstagung der Licht-Gesellschaften Deutschlands, Österreichs, der Niederlande und der Schweiz. Karlsruhe, Germany (25.09.2016-28.09.2016)
doi: 10.5445/KSP/1000057817
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Fischer, Sebastian ; Khanh, Tran Quoc (2015)
Color Reproduction of Digital Camera Systems Using LED Spotlight Illumination.
23rd Color and Imaging Conference. Darmstadt, Germany (19.10.2015-23.10.2015)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Zhu, Yuteng ; Luo, Ming Ronnier ; Xu, Lihao ; Cui, Guihua ; Fischer, Sebastian ; Bodrogi, Peter Zsolt ; Khanh, Tran Quoc
ed.: Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T) (2015)
Investigation of Memory Colours across Cultures.
23rd Color and Imaging Conference. Darmstadt, Germany (19.10.2015-23.10.2015)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Atzler, F. ; Wegener, M. ; Mehne, F. ; Rohrer, S. ; Rathgeber, Christoph ; Fischer, Sebastian (2015)
Fuel consumption and emissions effect from the „phlegmatisation“ of a passenger Car Diesel engines.
SAE World Congress. Detroit, USA
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Atzler, F. ; Wegener, M. ; Mehne, F. ; Rohrer, S. ; Rathgeber, Christoph ; Fischer, Sebastian (2015)
Kraftstoffverbrauch und Emissionseinflüsse der „Phlegmatisierung“ von PKW-Dieselmotoren.
HdT-Tagung Motorische Verbrennung. Erlangen-Nürnberg
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Fischer, Sebastian (2015)
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer during Evaporation in the Vicinity of Moving Three-Phase Contact Lines.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication
Fischer, Sebastian ; Gambaryan-Roisman, Tatiana ; Stephan, Peter (2015)
On the development of a thin evaporating liquid film at a receding liquid/vapour-interface.
In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 88
Article, Bibliographie
Wichmann, Julian L. ; Booz, Christian ; Wesarg, Stefan ; Bauer, Ralf W. ; Kerl, J. Matthias ; Fischer, Sebastian ; Lehnert, Thomas ; Vogl, Thomas J. ; Khan, M. Fawad ; Kafchitsas, Konstantinos (2015)
Quantitative Dual-energy CT for Phantomless Evaluation of Cancellous Bone Mineral Density of the Vertebral Pedicle: Correlation with Pedicle Screw Pull-out Strength.
In: European Radiology, 25 (6)
doi: 10.1007/s00330-014-3529-7
Article, Bibliographie
eds.: Fischer, Sebastian ; Katzenbach, R. (2015)
Vorträge zum 22. Geotechnik-Kolloquium am 12. März 2015.
Book, Bibliographie
Potter, H. D. ; Fischer, Sebastian ; Maris, P. ; Vary, J. P. ; Binder, S. ; Calci, A. ; Langhammer, J. ; Roth, R. (2014)
Ab initio study of neutron drops with chiral Hamiltonians.
In: Physics Letters B, 739
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.10.020
Article, Bibliographie
Martin, Sebastian ; Beidl, Christian ; Fischer, Sebastian ; Müller, R. (2014)
Vergleich von Radialverdichter und Drehkolbenlader für elektrische Zusatzaufladung – Automatisierung und Energiebilanzierung am Engine-in-the-Loop-Motorenprüfstand.
19. Aufladetechnische Konferenz. Dresden
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Vary, James P. ; Maris, Pieter ; Potter, Hugh ; Caprio, Marc A. ; Smith, Robin ; Binder, Sven ; Calci, Angelo ; Fischer, Sebastian ; Langhammer, Joachim ; Roth, Robert ; Aktulga, Hasan Metin ; Ng, Esmond ; Yang, Chao ; Oryspayev, Dossay ; Sosonkina, Masha ; Saule, Erik ; Çatalyürek, Ümit
ed.: Pacific National University Khabarovsk (PNU) (2014)
Ab Initio No Core Shell Model - Recent Resultsand Further Prospects.
4th International Conference Nuclear Theory in the Supercomputing Era (NTSE-2014). Khabarovsk, Russian Federation (23.06.2014-27.06.2014)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Fischer, Sebastian ; Herbert, Stefan ; Slomski, Elena Maja ; Stephan, Peter ; Oechsner, M. (2014)
Local Heat Flux Investigation During Pool Boiling Single Bubble Cycles Under Reduced Gravity.
In: Heat Transfer Engineering, 35
Article, Bibliographie
Fischer, Sebastian ; Marques Jr., Wilson (2013)
Sound absorption and dispersion in dilute polyatomic gases: a generalized kinetic approach.
In: Journal of Statistical Mechanics: theory and experiment, 2013 (8)
doi: 10.1088/1742-5468/2013/08/P08004
Article, Bibliographie
Herbert, Stefan ; Fischer, Sebastian ; Gambaryan-Roisman, Tatiana ; Stephan, Peter (2013)
Local heat transfer and phase change phenomena during single drop impingement on a hot surface.
In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 61
Article, Bibliographie
Slomski, Elena Maja ; Fischer, Sebastian ; Scheerer, Herbert ; Oechsner, Matthias ; Stephan, Peter (2013)
Textured CrN thin coatings enhancing heat transfer in nucleate boiling processes.
In: Surface & Coatings Technology, 215
Article, Bibliographie
Fischer, Sebastian ; Herbert, Stefan ; Sielaff, Axel ; Slomski, Elena Maja ; Stephan, Peter ; Oechsner, Matthias (2012)
Experimental Investigation of Nucleate Boiling on a Thermal Capacitive Heater Under Variable Gravity Conditions.
In: Microgravity Science and Technology, 24 (3)
Article, Bibliographie
Fischer, Sebastian ; Slomski, Elena Maja ; Stephan, Peter ; Oechsner, Matthias (2012)
Enhancement of nucleate boiling heat transfer by micro-structured chromium nitride surfaces.
In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 395 (1)
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/395/1/012128
Article, Bibliographie
Fischer, Sebastian ; Herbert, Stefan ; Slomski, Elena Maja ; Stephan, Peter ; Oechsner, M. (2012)
Local Heat Flux Investigation during Pool Boiling Single Bubble Cycles under Reduced Gravity.
Proceedings ECI 8th Int. Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Stephan, Peter ; Sielaff, Axel ; Fischer, Sebastian ; Dietl, Jochen ; Herbert, Stefan (2012)
A contribution to the basic understanding of nucleate boiling phenomena: generic experiments and numerical simulations.
Proceedings 3rd International Forum on Heat Transfer.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Fischer, Sebastian ; Herbert, Stefan ; Sielaff, Axel ; Slomski, Elena Maja ; Stephan, Peter ; Oechsner, M. (2010)
Experimental Investigation of Nucleate Boiling on a Thermal Capacitive Heater under Variable Gravity Conditions.
2th Eurotherm Seminar on Gravitational Effects on Liquid-Vapor Phase Change. Presqu'île de Giens, France (17.04.2010-21.04.2010)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie