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Number of items: 13.

Witzel, O. ; Klein, Andreas ; Meffert, C. ; Wagner, S. ; Kaiser, S. ; Schulz, C. ; Ebert, V. (2013)
VCSEL-based, high-speed, in situ TDLAS for in-cylinder water vapor measurements in IC engines.
In: Optics Express, 21
Article, Bibliographie

Witzel, O. ; Klein, Andreas ; Wagner, S. ; Meffert, C. ; Schulz, C. ; Ebert, V. (2012)
High-speed tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy for sampling-free in-cylinder water vapor concentration measurements in an optical IC engine.
In: Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 109
Article, Bibliographie

Fuhrmann, N. ; Schild, M. ; Bensing, D. ; Kaiser, S. A. ; Schulz, C. ; Brübach, J. ; Dreizler, A. (2011)
Two-dimensional cycle-resolved exhaust valve temperature measurements in an optically accessible internal combustion engine using thermographic phosphors.
In: Applied Physics B, 106
doi: 10.1007/s00340-011-4819-2
Article, Bibliographie

Fuyuto, T. ; Kronemayer, H. ; Lewerich, B. ; Brübach, J. ; Fujikawa, T. ; Akihama, K. ; Dreier, T. ; Schulz, C. (2010)
Temperature and species measurement in a quenching boundary layer on a flat-flame burner.
In: Exp. Fluids, 49 (4)
Article, Bibliographie

Grothusen, C. ; Umbreen, S. ; Konrad, I. ; Stellos, K. ; Schulz, C. ; Schmidt, B. ; Kremmer, E. ; Teebken, O. ; Massberg, S. ; Luchtefeld, M. ; Schieffer, B. ; Gawaz, M. (2007)
EXP3179 Inhibits Collagen-Dependent Platelet Activation via Glycoprotein Receptor-VI Independent of AT1-Receptor Antagonism.
In: Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology, 27
Article, Bibliographie

Dreizler, A. ; Schulz, C.
ed.: Tropea, Cameron (2007)
Temperature Measurement via Absorption, Light Scattering and Laser-Induced Fluorescence.
In: Springer Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics
Book Section, Bibliographie

Schulz, C. ; Dreizler, A. ; Elbert, V. ; Wolfrum, J. (2007)
Combustion diagnostics.
In: Springer handbook of experimental fluid mechanics; Chapter 21
Book Section, Bibliographie

Dreizler, A. ; Ebert, V. ; Schulz, C. (2006)
Non-intrusive laser-based temperature measurements: absoption, light scattering, fluorescence and multiphoton processes.
Article, Bibliographie

Vogel, S. ; Hasse, C. ; Gronki, J. ; Andersson, S. ; Peters, N. ; Wolfrum, J. ; Schulz, C. (2005)
Numerical simulation and laser-based imaging of mixture formation, ignition, and soot formation in a diesel spray.
In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 30 (2)
doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2004.08.202
Article, Bibliographie

Schneider, C. ; Repp, S. ; Sadiki, A. ; Dreizler, A. ; Janicka, J. ; Meier, W. ; Noll, B. ; Bockhorn, H. ; Leuckel, W. ; Lenze, B. ; Schmittel, P. ; Schulz, C. ; Wolfrum, J. (2000)
Confined TECFLAM swirl burner: experimental investigations and numerical simulations.
Fifth International Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames. Delft (26.07.2000-28.07.2000)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Wolfrum, J. ; Dreier, T. ; Ebert, V. ; Schulz, C. (2000)
Laser-based Combustion Diagnostics.
In: Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry
Book Section, Bibliographie

Landenfeld, T. ; Kremer, A. ; Hassel, E. ; Janicka, J. ; Schäfer, T. ; Kazenwadel, J. ; Schulz, C. ; Wolfrum, J. (1998)
Laser-Diagnostic and Numerical Study of Strongly Swirling Natural Gas Flames.
In: 27th Symposium (International) on Combustion, Pittsburgh, USA, 0 (0)
Article, Bibliographie

Einecke, S. ; Schulz, C. ; Sick, V. ; Schießl, R. ; Dreizler, A. ; Maas, U. (1998)
Two-dimensional Temperature Measurements in the Compression Stroke of an SI Engine Using Two-Line Tracer LIF.
In: SAE Technical Paper, 1998 (982468)
doi: 10.4271/982468
Article, Bibliographie

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