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Dietz, B. ; Guhr, T. ; Gutkin, B. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. (2014)
Spectral properties and dynamical tunneling in constant-width billiards.
In: Phys. Rev. E, 90
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Guhr, T. ; Gutkin, B. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. (2014)
Spectral properties and dynamical tunneling in constant-width billiards.
In: Phys. Rev. E, 90
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bittner, S. ; Dietz, B. ; Harney, H. L. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. (2014)
Scattering experiments with microwave billiards at an exceptional point under broken time-reversal invariance.
In: Phys. Rev. E, 89
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bittner, S. ; Dietz, B. ; Harney, H. L. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. (2014)
Scattering experiments with microwave billiards at an exceptional point under broken time-reversal invariance.
In: Phys. Rev. E, 89
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bittner, S. ; Dietz, B. ; Harney, H. L. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. (2014)
Scattering experiments with microwave billiards at an exceptional point under broken time-reversal invariance.
In: Physical Review E, 89 (3)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.89.032909
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Iachello, F. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Pietralla, N. ; Richter, A. ; Smekal, L. von ; Wambach, J. (2013)
Lifshitz and excited-state quantum phase transitions in microwave Dirac billiards.
In: Physical Review B, 88 (10)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.104101
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kumar, S. ; Nock, A. ; Sommers, H.-J. ; Guhr, T. ; Dietz, B. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. (2013)
Distribution of Scattering Matrix Elements in Quantum Chaotic Scattering.
In: Phys. Rev. Lett., 111
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bittner, S. ; Dietz, B. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Ripp, C. ; Sadurní, E. ; Schleich, W. P. (2013)
Bound states in sharply bent waveguides: Analytical and experimental approach.
In: Phys. Rev. E, 87
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bittner, S. ; Dietz, B. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Ripp, C. ; Sadurní, E. ; Schleich, W. P. (2013)
Bound states in sharply bent waveguides: Analytical and experimental approach.
In: Physical Review E, 87 (4)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.042912
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bittner, S. ; Bogomolny, E. ; Dietz, B. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. (2013)
Experimental observation of localized modes in a dielectric square resonator.
In: Physical Review E, 88 (6)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.88.062906
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bittner, S. ; Dietz, B. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. (2012)
Extremal transmission through a microwave photonic crystal and the observation of edge states in a rectangular Dirac billiard.
In: Physical Review B, 85 (6)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.064301
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bittner, S. ; Dietz, B. ; Günther, U. ; Harney, H. L. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. (2012)
PT Symmetry and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in a Microwave Billiard.
In: Physical Review Letters, 108 (2)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.024101
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bittner, S. ; Bogomolny, E. ; Dietz, B. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. (2012)
Application of a trace formula to the spectra of flat three-dimensional dielectric resonators.
In: Physical Review E, 85 (2)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.026203
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bittner, S. ; Dietz, B. ; Dubertrand, R. ; Isensee, J. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. (2012)
Trace formula for chaotic dielectric resonators tested with microwave experiments.
In: Physical Review E, 85 (5)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.056203
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Richter, A. ; Weidenmüller, H. A. (2011)
Correlation widths in quantum-chaotic scattering.
In: Physics Letters B, 697 (4)
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2011.02.009
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bittner, S. ; Dietz, B. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Iriarte, P. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. (2011)
Double-slit experiments with microwave billiards.
In: Physical Review E, 84 (1)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.016221
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Harney, H. ; Kirillov, O. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. (2011)
Exceptional Points in a Microwave Billiard with Time-Reversal Invariance Violation.
In: Physical Review Letters, 106 (15)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.150403
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Weidenmüller, H. A. (2010)
Photonuclear reactions induced by intense short laser pulses.
In: Physics Letters B, 693 (3)
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2010.07.061
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bittner, S. ; Dietz, B. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Oria Iriarte, P. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. (2010)
Observation of a Dirac point in microwave experiments with a photonic crystal modeling graphene.
In: Physical Review B, 82 (1)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.014301
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bittner, S. ; Bogomolny, E. ; Dietz, B. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Oria Iriarte, P. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. (2010)
Experimental test of a trace formula for two-dimensional dielectric resonators.
In: Physical Review E, 81 (6)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.81.066215
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Harney, H. L. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. ; Weidenmüller, H. A. (2010)
Cross-section fluctuations in chaotic scattering.
In: Physics Letters B, 685 (4-5)
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2010.01.074
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Harney, H. L. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. ; Weidenmüller, H. A. (2010)
Quantum chaotic scattering in microwave resonators.
In: Physical Review E, 81 (3)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.81.036205
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bäcker, A. ; Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. ; Tomsovic, S. (2009)
Friedel oscillations in microwave billiards.
In: Physical Review E, 80 (6)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.066210
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. ; Seligman, T. H. (2009)
Nonperiodic echoes from quantum mushroom-billiard hats.
In: Physical Review E, 80 (3)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.036212
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bittner, S. ; Dietz, B. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Iriarte, P. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. (2009)
Experimental test of a two-dimensional approximation for dielectric microcavities.
In: Physical Review A, 80 (2)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.80.023825
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Harney, H. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. ; Verbaarschot, J. ; Weidenmüller, H. (2009)
Induced Violation of Time-Reversal Invariance in the Regime of Weakly Overlapping Resonances.
In: Physical Review Letters, 103 (6)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.064101
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Harney, H. L. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. ; Weidenmüller, H. A. (2008)
Chaotic Scattering in the Regime of Weakly Overlapping Resonances.
In: Phys. Rev. E, 78
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Harney, H. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. ; Weidenmüller, H. (2008)
Chaotic scattering in the regime of weakly overlapping resonances.
In: Physical Review E, 78 (5)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.78.055204
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. (2008)
Properties of nodal domains in a pseudointegrable barrier billiard.
In: Physical Review E, 78 (4)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.78.045201
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Mößner, B. ; Papenbrock, T. ; Reif, U. ; Richter, A. (2008)
Bouncing ball orbits and symmetry breaking effects in a three-dimensional chaotic billiard.
In: Phys. Rev. E, 77 (4)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Mößner, B. ; Papenbrock, T. ; Reif, U. ; Richter, A. (2008)
Bouncing ball orbits and symmetry breaking effects in a three-dimensional chaotic billiard.
In: Physical Review E, 77 (4)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.046221
Artikel, Bibliographie
Abul-Magd, A. Y. ; Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Richter, A. (2008)
Spectral fluctuations of billiards with mixed dynamics: From time series to superstatistics.
In: Phys. Rev. E, 77 (4)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Abul-Magd, A. Y. ; Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Richter, A. (2008)
Spectral fluctuations of billiards with mixed dynamics: From time series to superstatistics.
In: Physical Review E, 77 (4)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.046202
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. (2008)
Properties of nodal domains in a pseudointegrable barrier billiard.
In: Phys. Rev. E, 78 (4)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. (2007)
Spectral properties of Bunimovich mushroom billiards.
In: Physical Review E, 75 (3)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.75.035203
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Harney, H. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. ; Weidenmüller, H. (2007)
Induced Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking Observed in Microwave Billiards.
In: Physical Review Letters, 98 (7)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.074103
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Metz, J. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. ; Stafford, C. (2007)
Rabi oscillations at exceptional points in microwave billiards.
In: Physical Review E, 75 (2)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.75.027201
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schaefer, F. (2007)
Spectral properties of Bunimovich mushroom billiards.
In: Physical Review E, 75
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bogomolny, E. ; Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schäfer, F. ; Schmit, C. (2006)
First Experimental Observation of Superscars in a Pseudointegrable Barrier Billiard.
In: Physical Review Letters, 97 (25)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.254102
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Seligman, T. ; Zapfe, K. (2006)
Nonperiodic echoes from mushroom billiard hats.
In: Physical Review E, 74 (5)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.74.056207
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Guhr, T. ; Harney, H. ; Richter, A. (2006)
Strength Distributions and Symmetry Breaking in Coupled Microwave Billiards.
In: Physical Review Letters, 96 (25)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.254101
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Heine, A. ; Richter, A. ; Bohigas, O. ; Leboeuf, P. (2006)
Spectral statistics in an open parametric billiard system.
In: Physical Review E, 73 (3)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.73.035201
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bogomolny, E. ; Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Schaefer, F. ; Schmit, C. (2006)
First experimental observation of superscars in a pseudointegrable barrier billiard.
In: Physical Review Letters, 97
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Seligman, T. H. ; Zapfe, K. (2006)
Nonperiodic echoes from mushroom billiard hats.
In: Physical Review E, 74 (056207)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Heine, A. ; Richter, A. ; Bohigas, O. ; Leboeuf, P. (2006)
Spectral statistics in an open parametric billiard system.
In: Physical Review E, 73
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Guhr, Thomas ; Harney, H. L. ; Richter, A. (2006)
Strength distributions and symmetry breaking in coupled microwave billiards.
In: Physical Review Letters, 96
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dembowski, C. ; Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Gräf, H.-D. ; Harney, H. ; Heine, A. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. (2005)
Distribution of resonance strengths in microwave billiards of mixed and chaotic dynamics.
In: Physical Review E, 71 (4)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.71.046202
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dietz, B. ; Heine, A. ; Heuveline, V. ; Richter, A. (2005)
Test of a numerical approach to the quantization of billiards.
In: Physical Review E, 71 (2)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.71.026703
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dembowski, C. ; Dietz, B. ; Friedrich, T. ; Gräf, H.-D. ; Heine, A. ; Mejía-Monasterio, C. ; Miski-Oglu, M. ; Richter, A. ; Seligman, T. (2004)
First Experimental Evidence for Quantum Echoes in Scattering Systems.
In: Physical Review Letters, 93 (13)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.134102
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dembowski, C. ; Dietz, B. ; Gräf, H.-D. ; Harney, H. ; Heine, A. ; Heiss, W. ; Richter, A. (2004)
Encircling an exceptional point.
In: Physical Review E, 69 (5)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.69.056216
Artikel, Bibliographie