TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

Maneuver-based adaptive Safety Zone for infrastructure-supported Automated Valet Parking

Schönemann, Valerij ; Duschek, Mara ; Winner, Hermann (2019)
Maneuver-based adaptive Safety Zone for infrastructure-supported Automated Valet Parking.
5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems. Heraklion (03.-05. Mai 2019)
doi: 10.5220/0007689503430351
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract)

One of the major challenges for the release of fully automated driving is the design of safe vehicle automation systems. This work presents a structure to determine a maneuver-specific and adaptive safety zone for collision avoidance. For this, the overall automated driving system is split into functional scenarios that occur during the driving task in the operational design domain. Maneuvers are derived from the given scenarios and car park layouts. Minimum safety distances are determined by injecting worst-case parameters into derived maneuvers. The superposition of these safety distances leads to a new term: the safety zone. The safety zone adapts its size according to the performed maneuver as well as the dynamic driving parameters of the engaged traffic participants such as velocities, timing constraints and deceleration capabilities. The methodology is applied on the example of cooperative automated valet parking (AVP).

Typ des Eintrags: Konferenzveröffentlichung
Erschienen: 2019
Autor(en): Schönemann, Valerij ; Duschek, Mara ; Winner, Hermann
Art des Eintrags: Bibliographie
Titel: Maneuver-based adaptive Safety Zone for infrastructure-supported Automated Valet Parking
Sprache: Englisch
Publikationsjahr: 2019
Buchtitel: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems - Volume 1: VEHITS
Veranstaltungstitel: 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Veranstaltungsort: Heraklion
Veranstaltungsdatum: 03.-05. Mai 2019
DOI: 10.5220/0007689503430351
URL / URN: https://www.scitepress.org/PublicationsDetail.aspx?ID=5eU8p3...
Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract):

One of the major challenges for the release of fully automated driving is the design of safe vehicle automation systems. This work presents a structure to determine a maneuver-specific and adaptive safety zone for collision avoidance. For this, the overall automated driving system is split into functional scenarios that occur during the driving task in the operational design domain. Maneuvers are derived from the given scenarios and car park layouts. Minimum safety distances are determined by injecting worst-case parameters into derived maneuvers. The superposition of these safety distances leads to a new term: the safety zone. The safety zone adapts its size according to the performed maneuver as well as the dynamic driving parameters of the engaged traffic participants such as velocities, timing constraints and deceleration capabilities. The methodology is applied on the example of cooperative automated valet parking (AVP).

Fachbereich(e)/-gebiet(e): 16 Fachbereich Maschinenbau
16 Fachbereich Maschinenbau > Fachgebiet Fahrzeugtechnik (FZD)
16 Fachbereich Maschinenbau > Fachgebiet Fahrzeugtechnik (FZD) > Fahrerassistenzssysteme
16 Fachbereich Maschinenbau > Fachgebiet Fahrzeugtechnik (FZD) > Sicherheit
Hinterlegungsdatum: 30 Okt 2019 08:08
Letzte Änderung: 14 Apr 2020 10:24
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