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Hartl, S. ; Messig, D. ; Fuest, F. ; Hasse, C. (2019)
Flame Structure Analysis and Flamelet/Progress Variable Modelling of DME/Air Flames with Different Degrees of Premixing.
In: Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 102 (3)
doi: 10.1007/s10494-018-9981-8
Artikel, Bibliographie
Weise, S. ; Popp, S. ; Messig, D. ; Hasse, C. (2018)
A Computationally Efficient Implementation of Tabulated Combustion Chemistry based on Polynomials and Automatic Source Code Generation.
In: Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 100 (1)
doi: 10.1007/s10494-017-9826-x
Artikel, Bibliographie
Buhl, S. ; Gleiss, F. ; Köhler, M. ; Hartmann, F. ; Messig, D. ; Brücker, C. ; Hasse, C. (2017)
A Combined Numerical and Experimental Study of the 3D Tumble Structure and Piston Boundary Layer Development During the Intake Stroke of a Gasoline Engine.
In: Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 98
doi: 10.1007/s10494-016-9754-1
Artikel, Bibliographie
Messig, D. ; Vascellari, M. ; Hasse, C. (2017)
Flame structure analysis and flamelet progress variable modelling of strained coal flames.
In: Combustion Theory and Modelling, 21 (4)
doi: 10.1080/13647830.2017.1290279
Artikel, Bibliographie
Zschutschke, A. ; Messig, D. ; Scholtissek, A. ; Hasse, C. (2017)
Universal Laminar Flame Solver (ULF).
doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.5119855.v2
Anderes, Bibliographie
Prüfert, U. ; Hartl, S. ; Hunger, F. ; Messig, D. ; Eiermann, M. ; Hasse, C. (2015)
A Constrained Control Approach for the Automated Choice of an Optimal Progress Variable for Chemistry Tabulation.
In: Flow. Turb. Combust., 94
Artikel, Bibliographie
Garten, B. ; Hunger, F. ; Messig, D. ; Stelzner, B. ; Trimis, D. ; Hasse, C. (2015)
Detailed radiation modeling of a partial-oxidation flame.
In: International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 87
doi: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2014.07.022
Artikel, Bibliographie
Popp, S. ; Hunger, F. ; Hartl, S. ; Messig, D. ; Coriton, B. ; Frank, J. H. ; Fuest, F. ; Hasse, C. (2015)
LES flamelet-progress variable modeling and measurements of a turbulent partially-premixed dimethyl ether jet flame.
In: Combustion and Flame, 162 (8)
doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2015.05.004
Artikel, Bibliographie
Hartl, S. ; Zschutschke, A. ; Messig, D. ; Hasse, C. (2015)
Tabulation Strategies of Partially Premixed Dimethyl-Ether Flames.
15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Hartl, S. ; Prüfert, U. ; Hunger, F. ; Messig, D. ; Eiermann, M. ; Hasse, C. (2014)
Automatized choice of an optimal progress variable for chemistry tabulation – a constrained control approach.
International Combustion Symposium.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Dietzel, D. ; Messig, D. ; Piscaglia, F. ; Montorfano, A. ; Olenik, G. ; Stein, O. T. ; Kronenburg, A. ; Onorati, A. ; Hasse, C. (2014)
Evaluation of scale resolving turbulence generation methods for Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent flows.
In: Computers & Fluids, 93
doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.01.013
Artikel, Bibliographie
Messig, D. ; Hunger, F. ; Keller, J. ; Hasse, C. (2013)
Evaluation of radiation modeling approaches for non-premixed flamelets considering a laminar methane air flame.
In: Combustion and Flame, 160
doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2012.10.009
Artikel, Bibliographie
Hunger, F. ; Messig, D. ; Hasse, C. (2013)
Gekoppelte Flamelet-CFD Simulation der Hochdruck-Vergasung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Strahlungseinflusses in optisch dichten Medien.
26. Deutscher Flammentag - Verbrennung und Feuerung.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Weise, S. ; Messig, D. ; Meyer, B. ; Hasse, C. (2013)
An abstraction layer for efficient memory management of tabulated chemistry and flamelet solutions.
In: Combustion Theory and Modelling, 17 (3)
doi: 10.1080/13647830.2013.770602
Artikel, Bibliographie
Messig, D. ; Fuest, F. ; Dreizler, A. ; Hasse, C. (2012)
Modeling of laminar partially premixed dimethyl ether flames using detailed chemistry and transport approaches.
7th OpenFOAM Workshop. Darmstadt (25.06.2012-28.06.2012)
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Vegendla, S. N. P. ; Messig, D. ; Weise, S. ; Hasse, C. (2011)
Flamelet-Based Time-Scale Analysis of a High-Pressure Gasifier.
In: Energy & Fuels, 25
doi: 10.1021/ef200790v
Artikel, Bibliographie