TU Darmstadt
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Anzahl der Einträge: 2.
Gupta, Shashank ; Höpner, Sabine ; Rupp, Bernd ; Günther, Sebastian ; Dickhaut, Katharina ; Agarwal, Noopur ; Cardoso, M. Cristina ; Kühne, Ronald ; Wiesmüller, Karl-Heinz ; Jung, Günther ; Falk, Kirsten ; Rötzschke, Olaf (2008)
Anchor side chains of short peptide fragments trigger ligand-exchange of class II MHC molecules.
In: PloS one, 3 (3)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Agarwal, Noopur ; Hardt, Tanja ; Brero, Alessandro ; Nowak, Danny ; Rothbauer, Ulrich ; Becker, Annette ; Leonhardt, Heinrich ; Cardoso, M. Cristina (2007)
MeCP2 interacts with HP1 and modulates its heterochromatin association during myogenic differentiation.
In: Nucleic acids research, 35 (16)
Artikel, Bibliographie