Einträge mit Organisationseinheit "LOEWE > LOEWE-Schwerpunkte > Always online? - Social Link"
- TU Darmstadt (107356)
- LOEWE (2575)
- LOEWE-Schwerpunkte (167)
- Always online? - Social Link (4)
- LOEWE-Schwerpunkte (167)
- LOEWE (2575)
Schneider, Katharina Ruth (2019)
Technological Availability and Employees' Well-being: A Pathway to Responsible Digitization.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung
Wermund, Rahul (2018)
Privacy-Aware and Reliable Complex Event Processing in the Internet of Things - Trust-Based and Flexible Execution of Event Processing Operators in Dynamic Distributed Environments.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung
Reinke, Kathrin (2018)
Always Online: Boundary Management and Well-being of Knowledge Workers in the Age of Information and Communication Technology Use.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung
Schneider, Katharina ; Reinke, Kathrin ; Gerlach, Gisela ; Anderson, Christoph ; Wojtek, Sebastian ; Neitzel, Svenja ; Dwarakanath, Rahul ; Boehnstedt, Doreen ; Stock, Ruth (2017)
Aligning ICT-enabled Availability and Individual Availability Preferences: Design and Evaluation of Availability Management Applications.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems 2017
Artikel, Bibliographie