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Number of items at this level (without sub-levels): 109.


Andreev, Aleksandr ; Lens, Dieter ; Schäfer, Stefan ; Zipfel, Bernhard ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Klingbeil, Harald (2018)
Current status of the phase calibration of synchrotron RF reference signals.
Report, Bibliographie

Andreev, Aleksandr ; Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald (2017)
Automated Phase Calibration of Reference Signals for Synchrotron RF Systems.
Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research. Hirschegg, Austria (2.09-8.09)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Andreev, Aleksandr ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Lens, Dieter (2017)
Phase Calibration of Synchrotron RF Signals.
8th International Particle Accelerator Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark (14.-19.05.2017)
doi: 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-THPAB097
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Andreev, Aleksandr ; Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald (2016)
Phase calibration strategies for synchrotron RF signals.
In: GSI Scientific Report, 2015
doi: 10.15120/GR-2016-1
Article, Bibliographie

Andreev, Aleksandr ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Lens, Dieter (2016)
Phase calibration strategies for synchrotron RF signals.
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 2016. Darmstadt, Germany (14.-18.03.2016)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Andreev, Aleksandr ; Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald (2015)
Phase calibration of synchrotron RF signals.
In: GSI Scientific Report
Article, Bibliographie

Aumon, S. ; Ondreka, D. ; Sorge, S. ; Gross, K. (2014)
Transition Energy Crossing in the Future FAIR SIS-100 for Proton Operation.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie


Bai, Jiaoni ; Ferrand, Thibault ; Beck, D. ; Bär, R. ; Kester, O. ; Ondreka, D. ; Prados, C. ; Terpstra, W. (2015)
Bunch to Bucket Transfer System for FAIR.
ICALEPCS. Melbourne, Australia (17.10-23.10.2015)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Bai, J. ; Beck, D. ; Bär, R. ; Ondreka, D. ; Ferrand, T. ; Kreider, M. ; Prados, C. ; Rauch, S. ; Terpstra, W. ; Zweig, M. (2014)
First Idea On Bunch To Bucket Transfer For FAIR.
PCaPAC2014. Karlsruhe (14.10-17.10.2014)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie


Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Harzheim, Jens ; Groß, Kerstin ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Frey, Michael (2017)
Progress with the barrier bucket system for ESR.
In: GSI Scientific Report, 2016
doi: 10.15120/GSI-2017-00527
Article, Bibliographie


Eberhardt, J. ; Caspers, F. ; Vollinger, C. (2016)
Ferrite Characterization for the Design of an Accelerating Cavity With Perpendicular Biasing.
In: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 63 (2)
Article, Bibliographie

Eberhardt, Johannes ; Caspers, Fritz ; Vollinger, Christine (2015)
Preliminary Design of a Perpendicular Biased Ferrite Loaded Accelerating Cavity.
International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2015). Richmond, Virginia, USA
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Eberhardt, Johannes ; Caspers, Fritz ; Vollinger, Christine (2014)
Ferrite Material Characterization in a Static Bias Field for the Design of a Tunable Cavity.
International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2014). Dresden, Germany
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie


Ferrand, Thibault ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Bachmann, Oliver ; Bai, Jiaoni (2017)
A new bunch-to-bucket transfer technology for FAIR.
In: GSI Scientific Report, 2016
doi: 10.15120/GSI-2017-00527
Article, Bibliographie

Ferrand, Thibault ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Bachmann, Oliver ; Bai, Jiaoni ; Damerau, Heiko (2017)
Progress in the Bunch-to-Bucket Transfer Implementation for FAIR.
Kopenhagen, Denmark (14-19. May)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Frey, Michael ; Hülsmann, Peter ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Harzheim, Jens ; Groß, Kerstin (2017)
Prototype results of the ESR Barrier-Bucket System.
8th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'17). Copenhagen, Denmark (14.-19.05.2017)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Ferrand, Thibault (2016)
Synchronization concept for a deterministic Bunch-to-Bucket transfer for FAIR.
Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research. Hirschegg, Austria; (3.09– 9.09.2016)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Ferrand, Thibault ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Bai, Jiaoni ; Bachmann, Oliver (2016)
Development of a topology for the bunch-to-bucket Transfer for FAIR.
In: GSI Scientific Report, 2015
doi: 10.15120/GR-2016-1
Article, Bibliographie

Frey, Michael ; Hülsmann, Peter ; Michler, Fabian ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Groß, Kerstin ; Harzheim, Jens (2016)
Status of the Barrier-Bucket system for the ESR.
doi: 10.15120/GR-2016-1
Report, Bibliographie

Ferrand, Thibault (2016)
Experiment setup for a deterministic Bunch-to-Bucket transfer for FAIR.
DPG - Frühjahrstagung. Darmstadt (14-18.03.2016)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Ferrand, Thibault ; Bai, Jiaoni (2015)
System Simulation of Bunch-to-Bucket Transfer Between Synchrotrons.
In: GSI Scientific Report, 2014
Article, Bibliographie

Ferrand, Thibault ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Damerau, Heiko (2015)
Synchronization of Synchrotrons for bunch-to-bucket Transfers.
Report, Bibliographie

Ferrand, Thibault (2015)
System Design for a Bunch to Bucket Synchronization.
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2015. Wuppertal (9.03-13.03)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Frey, Michael ; Balß, Robert ; Christoph, Calina ; Disser, Oliver ; Fleischmann, Gerhard ; Groß, Kerstin ; Hartel, Uta ; Hülsmann, Peter ; Jatta, Sandro ; Klaus, Alexander ; Klingbeil, Harald ; König, Hans Günter ; Laier, Ulrich ; Lens, Dieter ; Mondry, Darius ; Ningel, Klaus-Peter ; Richter, Helmut ; Schäfer, Stefan ; Thielmann, Christof ; Winnefeld, Thomas ; Zipfel, Bernhard (2015)
Status of the Ring RF Systems for FAIR.
International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2015). Richmond, Virginia, USA
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Ferrand, Thibault ; Bai, Jiaoni (2015)
System Design for a Deterministic Bunch-to-Bucket Transfer.
International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2015). Richmond, Virginia, USA
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie


Groß, Kerstin ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Frey, Michael ; Harzheim, Jens ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Lens, Dieter (2017)
Status of LLRF for Barrier Bucket Operation at ESR.
Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research. Hirschegg, Austria (2.09-8.09)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Gross, Kerstin ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Harzheim, Jens ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Frey, Michael (2017)
Test Setup for Automated Barrier Bucket Signal Generation.
Kopenhagen, Denmark (14-19. May)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Groß, Kerstin ; Hartel, Uta ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Laier, Ulrich ; Lens, Dieter ; Ningel, Klaus-Peter ; Schäfer, Stefan ; Zipfel, Bernhard (2015)
Verification of the longitudinal feedback topology in SIS18.
In: GSI Scientific Report, 2014
Article, Bibliographie

Groß, Kerstin ; Hartel, Uta ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Laier, Ulrich ; Lens, Dieter ; Ningel, Klaus-Peter ; Schäfer, Stefan ; Zipfel, Bernhard (2015)
Bunch-by-Bunch Longitudinal RF Feedback for Beam Stabilization at FAIR.
International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2015). Richmond, Virginia, USA
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Grieser, Jochen ; Adamy, Jürgen ; Ferrand, Thibault ; Groß, Kerstin ; Hartel, Uta ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Laier, Ulrich ; Lens, Dieter ; Ningel, Klaus-Peter ; Schäfer, Stefan ; Zipfel, Bernhard (2014)
A digital beam-phase control system for a heavy-ion synchrotron with a dual-harmonic cavity system.
In: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 61 (6)
Article, Bibliographie

Grieser, Jochen ; Hartel, Uta ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Laier, Ulrich ; Lens, Dieter ; Ningel, Klaus-Peter ; Schäfer, Stefan ; Zipfel, Bernhard (2014)
Beam Phase Feedback for Dual-Harmonic Operation of RF Cavity Systems.
Report, Bibliographie

Groß, Kerstin ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Lens, Dieter (2014)
Impact of simplified stationary cavity beam loading on the longitudinal feedback system for SIS100.
5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2014). Dresden, Germany (15.-20.06.2014)
doi: 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2014-TUPRI073
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Grieser, Jochen ; Bug, Daniel ; Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Adamy, Jürgen (2013)
Comparison of Filter Designs for a Digital Beam-Phase Feedback System in a Heavy-Ion Synchrotron.
IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. Platanias-Chania, Greece (25.-28. June 2013)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Grieser, Jochen ; Lens, Dieter ; Hartel, Uta ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Laier, Ulrich ; Ningel, Klaus-Peter ; Schäfer, Stefan ; Zipfel, Bernhard (2013)
A digital beam-phase control system for a heavy-ion synchrotron with a double-harmonic cavity system.
4th International Particle Accelerator Conference. Shanghai, China (12.-17.05.2013)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Groß, Kerstin ; Lens, Dieter (2013)
Modeling longitudinal bunched beam dynamics in hadron synchrotrons using scaled Fourier-Hermite expansions.
4th International Particle Accelerator Conference. Shanghai, China (12.-17.05.2013)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Grieser, Jochen ; Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Adamy, Jürgen (2012)
A Method to Obtain the Frequency of the Longitudinal Dipole Oscillation for Modeling and Control in Synchrotrons with Single or Double Harmonic RF Systems.
3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'12). New Orleans, USA (21.-25.05.2012)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Grieser, Jochen ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Adamy, Jürgen (2011)
Fuzzy Controller for Beam Stabilization in a Heavy-Ion Synchrotron.
2nd International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation. Bandung, Indonesia (15. - 17. November 2011)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Groß, Kerstin ; Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald (2011)
Modeling Longitudinal Beam Dynamics by Combining Fourier Coefficients and Moments.
Low-Level Radio Frequency Workshop. DESY, Hamburg (17-20 Oktober 2011)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie


Hardieck, Martin ; Lens, Dieter ; Groß, Kerstin ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Kumm, Martin ; Zipf, Peter (2018)
Signal processing hardware for single-bunch manipulation.
Report, Bibliographie

Harzheim, Jens ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Frey, Michael ; Groß, Kerstin ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Lens, Dieter (2018)
Low-Level RF for the ESR Barrier-Bucket System.
In: GSI-FAIR Scientific Report, 2017
Article, Bibliographie

Hülsmann, Peter ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Laier, Ulrich ; Balss, Robert ; Ningel, Klaus-Peter ; Zipfel, Bernhard ; Thielmann, Christof (2018)
The New Broadband Accelerating System for the SIS18 Upgrate at GSI.
Vancouver, Canada (29.04. - 4.05.)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Harzheim, Jens ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Groß, Kerstin ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Frey, Michael ; Lens, Dieter (2018)
The ESR Barrier-Bucket LLRF System – Design and First Results.
Vancouver, Canada (29.04. - 4.05.)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Harzheim, Jens ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Frey, Michael ; Groß, Kerstin ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Lens, Dieter (2018)
Performance of the ESR Barrier Bucket LLRF System.
DPG-Frühjahrstagung. Würzburg (19. - 23. März 2018)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Harzheim, Jens ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Frey, Michael ; Groß, Kerstin ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Lens, Dieter (2017)
Status of the LLRF Development for the ESR Barrier-Bucket System.
Low Level RF Workshop 2017. Barcelona, Spain (16-19.10.2017)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Harzheim, Jens ; Bast, Denys ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Frey, Michael ; Galetzka, Armin ; Groß, Kerstin ; Klingbeil, Harald (2017)
Fast System Identification for Barrier Bucket Input Signal Generation.
Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research. Hirschegg, Austria (2.09-8.09)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Harzheim, Jens ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Groß, Kerstin ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Frey, Michael (2017)
Input Signal Generation for Barrier Bucket RF Systems at GSI.
Kopenhagen, Denmark (14-19. May)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Harzheim, Jens ; Königstein, Robert ; Frey, Michael ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana (2016)
Development of Broadband RF Cavity Models in PSpice for Time and Frequency Domain Simulation.
Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research. Hirschegg, Austria; (3.09– 9.09.2016)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Harzheim, Jens ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Königstein, Robert ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Frey, Michael ; Hülsmann, Peter (2016)
Modeling of broadband cavities in PSpice.
Report, Bibliographie

Harzheim, Jens ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Frey, Michael ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Königstein, Robert (2016)
Modeling and Simulation of Broadband RF Cavities in PSpice.
7th International Particle Accelerator Conference. Busan, Republik of Korea (08.-13.05.2016)
doi: 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-MOPMW002
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Harzheim, Jens ; Königstein, Robert ; Frey, Michael ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana (2016)
PSpice Modeling of Broadband RF Cavities for Transient and Frequency Domain Simulations.
DPG - Frühjahrstagung. Darmstadt (14-18.03.2016)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Hartel, Uta ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Laier, Ulrich ; Ningel, Klaus-Peter ; Schäfer, Stefan ; Zipfel, Bernhard ; Grieser, Jochen ; Lens, Dieter (2013)
Precise verification of phase and amplitude calibration by means of a debunching experiment in SIS18.
4th International Particle Accelerator Conference. Shanghai, China (12.-17.05.2013)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Hartel, Uta ; Grieser, Jochen ; Lens, Dieter ; Klaus, Alexander ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Laier, Ulrich ; Ningel, Klaus-Peter ; Schäfer, Stefan ; Zipfel, Bernhard (2013)
Verification of the RF system calibration by means of a debunching experiment in SIS18.
Report, Bibliographie

Hülsmann, Peter ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Laier, Ulrich ; Balß, Robert ; Schäfer, Stefan ; Ningel, Klaus-Peter ; Zipfel, Bernhard ; Thielmann, Christof (2010)
Development of a new broadband accelerating system for the SIS18 upgrade at GSI.
International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2010). Kyoto, Japan
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie


Klingbeil, Harald (2018)
Elektromagnetische Feldtheorie für Fortgeschrittene - Tensoranalysis, spezielle Relativitätstheorie und kovariante Formulierung der Maxwellgleichungen.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-56598-8
Book, Bibliographie

Klingbeil, Harald (2018)
Grundlagen der elektromagnetischen Feldtheorie.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-56600-8
Book, Bibliographie

König, H. G. ; Balss, R. ; Hülsmann, P. ; Spiller, P. J. ; Gresche, R. ; Scherer, J. ; Morato, A. ; Morri, C. ; Taddia, G. (2018)
The FAIR SIS100 Bunch Commpressing RF Station.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

König, H. G. ; Balss, R. ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Laier, U. ; Lens, D. ; Spiller, P. ; Dunkel, K. ; Eisengruber, M. ; Hottenbacher, J. ; Blockesch, G. ; Wieschenberg, F. ; Morri, C. ; Pretelli, M. ; Taddia, G. (2018)
The FAIR SIS100 Accelerating RF Station.
Vancouver, Canada (29.04. - 4.05.)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Klingbeil, Harald ; Balß, Robert ; Frey, Michael ; Hülsmann, Peter ; Klaus, Alexander ; König, Hans Günter ; Laier, Ulrich ; Lens, Dieter ; Ningel, Klaus-Peter (2017)
Status of the SIS100 RF Systems.
Kopenhagen, Denmark (14-19. May)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Klopfer, Klaus ; Niedermayer, Uwe ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Ackermann, Wolfgang ; König, Hans Günter ; Weiland, Thomas (2015)
Measurement of the magnetic material properties for ferrite-loaded cavities.
In: Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, 18
Article, Bibliographie

Klopfer, Klaus ; Ackermann, Wolfgang ; Klingbeil, Harald ; König, Hans Günter ; Niedermayer, Uwe ; Weiland, Thomas (2014)
Measurement of the magnetic properties of the Ferroxcube 8C12m material.
Report, Bibliographie

Klingbeil, Harald ; Laier, Ulrich ; Lens, Dieter (2014)
Theoretical Foundations of Synchrotron and Storage Ring RF Systems (Particle Acceleration and Detection).
Book, Bibliographie

Klingbeil, Harald (2012)
Ferrite cavities.
Ebeltoft, Denmark (08.-17.06.2010)
doi: 10.5170/CERN-2011-007.299
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Klingbeil, Harald ; Laier, Ulrich ; Ningel, Klaus-Peter ; Schäfer, Stefan ; Thielmann, Christof ; Zipfel, Bernhard (2011)
New digital low-level rf system for heavy-ion synchrotrons.
In: Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, 14
Article, Bibliographie

Klingbeil, Harald (2011)
Elektromagnetische Feldtheorie: Ein Lehr- und Übungsbuch.
Book, Bibliographie

Kirk, Markus ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Pyka, Niels ; Spiller, Peter ; Moritz, Peter ; Franchetti, Giuliano ; Ramakers, Heinz ; Welker, Horst (2011)
Studies with a particle tracking code for the SIS100 resonant extraction system.
International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2011). San Sebasti\'n, Spain
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Klingbeil, Harald ; Lens, Dieter ; Mehler, Monika ; Zipfel, Bernhard (2010)
Modeling Longitudinal Oscillations of Bunched Beams in Synchrotrons.
doi: 10.48550/arXiv.1011.3957
Report, Bibliographie

Kumm, Martin ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Zipf, Peter (2010)
An FPGA-Based Linear All-Digital Phase-Locked Loop.
In: Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions on, 57 (9)
Article, Bibliographie


Laier, U. ; Balss, R. ; Dolinskii, A. ; Hülsmann, P. ; Klingbeil, H. ; Winnefeld, T. ; Dunkel, K. ; Eisengruber, M. ; Hottenbacher, J. ; Blockesch, G. ; Wieschenberg, F. ; Morri, C. ; Pretelli, M. ; Taddia, G. (2018)
Design and Commissioning of the RF System of the Collector Ring at FAIR.
Vancouver, Canada (29.04. - 4.05.)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald (2017)
A Versatile Toolchain for the Analysis of Synchrotron RF Systems' Data.
Low Level RF Workshop 2017. Barcelona, Spain (16-19.10.2017)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Lens, Dieter ; Hardieck, Martin ; Groß, Kerstin ; Kumm, Martin ; Zipf, Peter (2017)
Signal processing development for the SIS100 bunch-by-bunch longitudinal feedback.
Report, Bibliographie

Lens, Dieter ; Hartel, Uta ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Zipfel, Bernhard ; Groß, Kerstin ; Adamy, Jürgen ; Reichardt, Benjamin ; Kumm, M. ; Möller, Konrad ; Zipf, P. (2015)
Progress in damping of longitudinal beam oscillations during acceleration.
In: GSI Scientific Report, 2014
doi: 10.15120/GR-2015-1-FG-GENERAL-29
Article, Bibliographie

Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald (2013)
Stability of longitudinal bunch length feedback for heavy-ion synchrotrons.
In: Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, 16 (3)
Article, Bibliographie

Lens, D. ; Klingbeil, H. (2012)
Analyse und Synthese von Filtern zur Strahlstabilisierung in Schwerionensynchrotrons.
GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40 "Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik". Salzburg, Österreich (17.-19. Sep. 2012)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Lens, Dieter (2012)
Modeling and Control of Longitudinal Single-Bunch Oscillations in Heavy-Ion Synchrotrons.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Bibliographie

Lens, Dieter ; Adamy, Jürgen ; Groß, Kerstin ; Klingbeil, Harald (2012)
Control theory for RF feedback and longitudinal beam stability.
Report, Bibliographie

Lens, Dieter ; Grieser, Jochen ; Klingbeil, Harald (2011)
Longitudinal Closed-Loop Beam Control in Heavy Ion Synchrotrons: Simulation Methods and Results.
International Conference on Simulation Technology. Stuttgart (14.-17. Juni 2011)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald (2011)
RF Feedback Performance for Bunch Length Oscillations in Synchrotrons.
Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research. Riezlern, Österreich (20.-26. August 2011)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Gußner, Thomas ; Popescu, Andreea ; Groß, Kerstin (2010)
Damping of longitudinal modes in heavy-ion synchrotrons by RF-feedback.
2010 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control. Yokohama, Japan (8.-10. September 2010)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Lens, Dieter ; Adamy, Jürgen ; Klingbeil, Harald (2010)
Modellierung und Regelung von HF-Systemen in Schwerionensynchrotrons.
44. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium. Boppard, Germany (17.-19.02.2010)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie


Mirza, Sajjad Hussain ; Bardorfer, A. ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Lang, K. ; Forck, Peter ; Kowina, Piotr ; Singh, Rahul ; Kaufmann, Wolfgang (2018)
Closed orbit feedback system for GSI SIS18 synchrotron.
Report, Bibliographie

Mirza, Sajjad Hussain ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Forck, Peter ; Singh, Rahul (2018)
Exploitation of circulant symmetry in SIS18 orbit response matrix.
Report, Bibliographie

Mirza, Sajjad Hussain ; Forck, Peter ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Singh, Rahul (2018)
Effect of Model Errors on the Closed Orbit Correction at the SIS18 Synchrotron of GSI.
Vancouver, Canada (29.04. - 4.05.)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Mihailescu-Stoica, Dinu ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald (2018)
Cavity Impedance Reduction Strategies During Multi Cavity Operation in the SIS100 High Intensity Hadron Synchrotron.
9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'18). Vancouver, Canada (29.04.-04.05.2018)
doi: 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPML088
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Mirza, Sajjad Hussain ; Forck, Peter ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Singh, Rahul (2018)
Closed Orbit Feedback (COFB) System at the SIS18 Synchrotron.
DPG-Frühjahrstagung. Würzburg (19. - 23. März 2018)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Mirza, S. H. ; Klingbeil, H. ; Forck, P. ; Singh, R. (2017)
Investigations of Spatial Process Model for the Closed Orbit Feedback System at the SIS18 Synchrotron at GSI.
International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2017). Barcelona, Spain (8-13.10.2017)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Mihailescu-Stoica, Dinu ; Adamy, Jürgen ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Lens, Dieter (2017)
Behavior of the planned RF feedback loops under beam loading during a reference SIS100 cycle.
In: GSI Scientific Report, 2016
doi: 10.15120/GSI-2017-00527
Article, Bibliographie

Mirza, Sajjad Hussain ; Singh, Rahul ; Forck, Peter ; Klingbeil, Harald (2017)
Spatial Process Model for the Robust Closed Orbit Feedback (COFB) System at the GSI Synchrotron SIS18.
Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research. Hirschegg, Austria (2.09-8.09)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Mihailescu-Stoica, Dinu ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald (2017)
On the Impact of Empty Buckets on the Ferrite Cavity Control Loop Dynamics in high Intensity Hadron Synchrotrons.
Kopenhagen, Denmark (14.-19. May)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Möller, Konrad ; Kumm, Martin ; Zipf, Peter ; Groß, Kerstin ; Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald (2014)
FPGA based tunable digital filtering for closed loop RF control in synchrotrons.
Report, Bibliographie


Nonn, P. ; Bonnes, U. ; Burandt, C. ; Hug, F. ; Pietralla, N. ; Vinzenz, W. ; Schreiber, G. ; Klingbeil, H. (2014)
Pulsed Low Level Baseband RF Control of CH-Cavities for p-Linac at FAIR.
5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2014). Dresden, Germany (15.-20.06.2014)
doi: 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2014-WEPME063
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Nonn, P. ; Bonnes, U. ; Burandt, C. ; Hug, F. ; Konrad, M. ; Pietralla, N. ; Eichhorn, R. ; Vinzenz, W. ; Schreiber, G. ; Klingbeil, H. (2013)
Pulsed RF control for the P-linac test stand at fair.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Ningel, Klaus-Peter ; Honarbacht, Arasch ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Proske, Markus ; Veldman, Hendri ; Zipfel, Bernhard (2011)
The GSI RF Maintenance & Diagnostics Project.
International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2011). San Sebasti\'n, Spain
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Ningel, Klaus-Peter ; Hülsmann, Peter ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Laier, Ulrich ; Thielmann, Christof ; Zipfel, Bernhard (2010)
Dual harmonic operation at SIS18.
International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2010). Kyoto, Japan
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie


Orth, Sebastian ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana (2017)
Modelling SC Cavities for a Multi-Turn ERL Control System.
WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Physics of Energy-Recovering Linacs. Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany (16-18.10.2017)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Orth, Sebastian ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana (2017)
Development of an ERL RF Control System.
59th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL'17). Geneva, Switzerland (18.-23.06.2017)
doi: 10.18429/JACoW-ERL2017-THIBCC005
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Orth, Sebastian (2016)
Open-Loop and Closed-Loop RF Control for ERLs.
AccelencE Workshop. Triffels (7.11.-9.11.2016)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie


Reichardt, Benjamin ; Adamy, Jürgen ; Lens, Dieter ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Klingbeil, Harald (2018)
Tuning rules for the digital filters of the SIS 100 longitudinal feedback system.
In: GSI-FAIR Scientific Report, 2017
Article, Bibliographie

Reichardt, Benjamin ; Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana (2018)
Tuning of 3-Tap Bandpass Filter during Acceleration for Longitudinal Beam-Stabilization at FAIR.
9. International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2018). Vancouver, Canada (29.04.2018-04.05.2018)
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1067/7/072026
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Reichardt, Benjamin ; Adamy, Jürgen ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Groß, Kerstin ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Lens, Dieter (2017)
Feasibility of RF feedback control loops in heavy-ion synchrotrons by means of derivative estimation.
In: GSI Scientific Report, 2016
doi: 10.15120/GSI-2017-00527
Article, Bibliographie

Reichardt, Benjamin ; Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana (2017)
Longitudinal Beam Stabilization at FAIR by Means of a Derivative Estimation.
Kopenhagen, Denmark (14-19. May)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Reichardt, Benjamin ; Mihailescu-Stoica, Dinu ; Adamy, Jürgen ; Domont-Yankulova, Dilyana ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Lens, Dieter (2016)
Design and tuning of digital filters for RF feedback loops in heavy-ion synchrotrons.
Report, Bibliographie


Spiller, P. ; Blell, U. ; Bozyk, L. ; Eisel, T. ; Fischer, J. ; Henschel, J. ; Hülsmann, P. ; Kowina, P. ; Klingbeil, H. ; Kollmus, H. ; König, H. G. ; Meier, J. P. ; Mierau, A. ; Mühle, C. ; Omet, C. ; Ondreka, D. ; Pongrac, I. ; Plyusnin, V. ; Pyka, N. ; Röttländer, P. ; Roux, C. ; Stadlmann, J. ; Streicher, B. ; Wilfert, S. (2017)
FAIR SIS100 – Features and Status of Realisation.
Kopenhagen, Denmark (14-19. May)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Schmitt, Nikolai ; Klingbeil, Harald (2014)
Comparison of an analytical model for lossy transmission lines with measurement data.
International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2014). Dresden, Germany
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Singh, Rahul (2013)
Tune Measurement at GSI SIS-18: Methods and Applications.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication

Schäfer, Stefan ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Zipfel, Bernhard ; Klaus, Alexander ; Hartel, Uta (2013)
Use of FPGA-based configurable electronics to calibrate cavities.
International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2013). Shanghai, PRC
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Surapong, P. ; Spiess, C. ; Glesner, M. ; Klingbeil, H. (2012)
Frequency-variable digital filters for beam phase control.
Report, Bibliographie

Spies, Christopher ; Hartel, Uta ; Glesner, Manfred ; König, Hans Günter ; Klingbeil, Harald (2012)
Dynamics of ferrite cavities and their effect on longitudinal dipole oscillations.
International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference (ICAP2012). Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Spies, Christopher ; Klingbeil, Harald ; Glesner, Manfred (2012)
Model-based analysis of digital signal processing blocks in a beam phase control system.
International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference (ICAP2012). Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie


Zipfel, Bernhard ; Laier, Ulrich ; Ningel, Klaus-Peter ; Schäfer, Stefan ; Thielmann, Christof ; Hartel, Uta ; Lens, Dieter ; Klingbeil, Harald (2014)
Generation of RF frequency and phase references on the FAIR site.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

This list was generated on Sun Oct 6 01:09:36 2024 CEST.