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Modeling and Training a New Concept of Teachers' Diagnostic Competence

Klug, Julia (2011)
Modeling and Training a New Concept of Teachers' Diagnostic Competence.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung

Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract)

Diagnosing the abilities of students is one of the most central tasks that teachers need to perform in order to create an effective class that will meet the needs of their students. So far, accuracy in teachers’ judgments has been measured by correlating their judgments with the results of standardized tests. However, an ongoing request exists to shift the focus from diagnosing students’ achievements to diagnosing learning behavior in order to allow for didactic action afterwards. Furthermore, there is a call for further education programs in that field. The purpose of this dissertation was to develop and test a model of teachers’ diagnostic competence that accounts for students’ learning behavior. The model should close the gap between previous empirical research on diagnostic competence and recent theoretical demands. A further purpose of the study was to train teachers and teacher students in this new diagnostic competence by developing and evaluating a training program and a standardized diary based on the model. As a third purpose, the correlation between teachers’ diagnostic competence and counseling competence should be tested. These competences obviously accompany each other, but the correlation has never been proved yet. First, theoretical components of teachers’ diagnostic competence were identified by summarizing multiple demands mentioned in the literature; thus building a process consisting of three postulated dimensions. Second, potential predictors of teachers’ diagnostic competence that influence competence development were identified. Third and most importantly, the robustness of the claimed three-dimensional model was tested using confirmatory factor analysis and this model was compared with a g-factor model and a twodimensional model. To test the model and measure diagnostic competence concerning learning behavior in the sense of the model, new instruments needed to be developed. Additionally, the validity of the newly developed scenario-test to measure diagnostic competence was considered. The influence of postulated predictors of competence Modeling and training a new concept of teachers’ diagnostic competence development was also tested for (a) a group of teachers, (b) teacher students in the first phase of German teacher education, and (c) teacher students in the second phase of teacher education. Finally, differences in the levels of diagnostic competence of teachers, teacher students in their second phase, and teacher students in their first phase of teacher education were tested. Results indicate that the hypothesized three-dimensional process model indeed provides a very good and substantially better fit than the other models, and – for validation purposes - it is possible to predict an appropriate diagnosis by the model content. Knowledge and professional self-concept turn out to be substantial predictors of diagnostic competence, but reflected experience unexpectedly does not. Teachers and students in the first phase of education differ significantly in levels of competence, and students in the second phase differ from students in the first phase. However, there is no significant difference between teachers and students in the second phase. The first paper included in this dissertation is about the model, its predictors, the scenario-test and the differences in competence levels. In the second paper, a newly developed training program and standardized diary based on the tested model, are dealt with. In that study, pre- and posttest measures were combined with time-series data to evaluate the training program. Results show that the training program does enhance teachers’ diagnostic competence, especially when it comes to actions before and while diagnosing. The diary proves to be an accurate instrument to measure transfer, but it has no additional intervention effect to the training program. As the demand for diagnosing learning behavior and fostering students individually increases, the concept proves to be helpful both in teacher education and further education. The third paper deals with the correlation between teachers’ diagnostic competence and counseling competence, because diagnosing is especially relevant to counseling as it permits a teacher to provide accurate feedback and giving feedback in turn is part of the Modeling and training a new concept of teachers’ diagnostic competence postaction dimension of the tested model. Diagnostic- and counseling competence are measured within the same sample and a statistically significant correlation was found for total scores as well as for selected predictors of the competences. In latent regression analysis, counseling competence could be predicted significantly by diagnostic competence, but when the regression was computed separately for teachers, and two groups of teacher students, a prediction was only possible for teachers. Nevertheless, the data finally shows the correlation between diagnostic and counseling competence empirically. Part 1 of this dissertation consists of a synopsis. It gives a theoretical introduction to the topic leading to the research aims, followed by an overview of the three papers and a summarizing discussion. In part 2, the three original papers can be read, beginning with the one, in which the model is tested, followed by the paper about the training program and standardized diary and ending with the paper about the correlation of diagnostic and counseling competence. As a result of this dissertation, a three-dimensional model of diagnostic competence that accounts for students’ learning behavior has been established. It builds a profound basis for training programs and should be considered for correspondent modules in teacher education. With the developed scenario-test, an adequate instrument to measure the competence close to real behavior, but anyhow efficient, exists. The training program is effective in most variables and the standardized diary seems to be a promising instrument to measure the application of diagnostic strategies every day at school. Furthermore, the correlation between diagnostic and counseling competence could be shown empirically. This relation should be considered in teacher education and further training programs which could aim at fostering both competences with regard to their correlation.

Typ des Eintrags: Dissertation
Erschienen: 2011
Autor(en): Klug, Julia
Art des Eintrags: Erstveröffentlichung
Titel: Modeling and Training a New Concept of Teachers' Diagnostic Competence
Sprache: Englisch
Referenten: Schmitz, Prof. Dr. Bernhard ; Kelava, Prof. Dr. Augustin
Publikationsjahr: 13 Dezember 2011
Ort: Darmstadt
Datum der mündlichen Prüfung: 9 Dezember 2011
URL / URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-28387
Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract):

Diagnosing the abilities of students is one of the most central tasks that teachers need to perform in order to create an effective class that will meet the needs of their students. So far, accuracy in teachers’ judgments has been measured by correlating their judgments with the results of standardized tests. However, an ongoing request exists to shift the focus from diagnosing students’ achievements to diagnosing learning behavior in order to allow for didactic action afterwards. Furthermore, there is a call for further education programs in that field. The purpose of this dissertation was to develop and test a model of teachers’ diagnostic competence that accounts for students’ learning behavior. The model should close the gap between previous empirical research on diagnostic competence and recent theoretical demands. A further purpose of the study was to train teachers and teacher students in this new diagnostic competence by developing and evaluating a training program and a standardized diary based on the model. As a third purpose, the correlation between teachers’ diagnostic competence and counseling competence should be tested. These competences obviously accompany each other, but the correlation has never been proved yet. First, theoretical components of teachers’ diagnostic competence were identified by summarizing multiple demands mentioned in the literature; thus building a process consisting of three postulated dimensions. Second, potential predictors of teachers’ diagnostic competence that influence competence development were identified. Third and most importantly, the robustness of the claimed three-dimensional model was tested using confirmatory factor analysis and this model was compared with a g-factor model and a twodimensional model. To test the model and measure diagnostic competence concerning learning behavior in the sense of the model, new instruments needed to be developed. Additionally, the validity of the newly developed scenario-test to measure diagnostic competence was considered. The influence of postulated predictors of competence Modeling and training a new concept of teachers’ diagnostic competence development was also tested for (a) a group of teachers, (b) teacher students in the first phase of German teacher education, and (c) teacher students in the second phase of teacher education. Finally, differences in the levels of diagnostic competence of teachers, teacher students in their second phase, and teacher students in their first phase of teacher education were tested. Results indicate that the hypothesized three-dimensional process model indeed provides a very good and substantially better fit than the other models, and – for validation purposes - it is possible to predict an appropriate diagnosis by the model content. Knowledge and professional self-concept turn out to be substantial predictors of diagnostic competence, but reflected experience unexpectedly does not. Teachers and students in the first phase of education differ significantly in levels of competence, and students in the second phase differ from students in the first phase. However, there is no significant difference between teachers and students in the second phase. The first paper included in this dissertation is about the model, its predictors, the scenario-test and the differences in competence levels. In the second paper, a newly developed training program and standardized diary based on the tested model, are dealt with. In that study, pre- and posttest measures were combined with time-series data to evaluate the training program. Results show that the training program does enhance teachers’ diagnostic competence, especially when it comes to actions before and while diagnosing. The diary proves to be an accurate instrument to measure transfer, but it has no additional intervention effect to the training program. As the demand for diagnosing learning behavior and fostering students individually increases, the concept proves to be helpful both in teacher education and further education. The third paper deals with the correlation between teachers’ diagnostic competence and counseling competence, because diagnosing is especially relevant to counseling as it permits a teacher to provide accurate feedback and giving feedback in turn is part of the Modeling and training a new concept of teachers’ diagnostic competence postaction dimension of the tested model. Diagnostic- and counseling competence are measured within the same sample and a statistically significant correlation was found for total scores as well as for selected predictors of the competences. In latent regression analysis, counseling competence could be predicted significantly by diagnostic competence, but when the regression was computed separately for teachers, and two groups of teacher students, a prediction was only possible for teachers. Nevertheless, the data finally shows the correlation between diagnostic and counseling competence empirically. Part 1 of this dissertation consists of a synopsis. It gives a theoretical introduction to the topic leading to the research aims, followed by an overview of the three papers and a summarizing discussion. In part 2, the three original papers can be read, beginning with the one, in which the model is tested, followed by the paper about the training program and standardized diary and ending with the paper about the correlation of diagnostic and counseling competence. As a result of this dissertation, a three-dimensional model of diagnostic competence that accounts for students’ learning behavior has been established. It builds a profound basis for training programs and should be considered for correspondent modules in teacher education. With the developed scenario-test, an adequate instrument to measure the competence close to real behavior, but anyhow efficient, exists. The training program is effective in most variables and the standardized diary seems to be a promising instrument to measure the application of diagnostic strategies every day at school. Furthermore, the correlation between diagnostic and counseling competence could be shown empirically. This relation should be considered in teacher education and further training programs which could aim at fostering both competences with regard to their correlation.

Alternatives oder übersetztes Abstract:
Alternatives AbstractSprache

Diagnostizieren ist eine der Hauptaufgaben von Lehrkräften insbesondere um einen effektiven Unterricht gestalten zu können, der an die Bedürnisse der Schülerinnen und Schüler angepasst ist. Bisher wurde die Diagnosegenauikeit von Lehrkräften gemessen als Korrelation zwischen Lehrereinschätzungen und den Ergebnissen standardisierter Tests. Es wird jedoch gefordert, den Fokus zu verändern weg von Leistungsdiagnostik hin zur Diagnostik von Lernverhalten mit anschließender Förderung der Schülerinnen und Schüler. Außerdem werden Fort- und Weiterbildungsangebote in diesem Sektor benötigt. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es ein Modell Diagnostischer Kompetenz von Lehrkräften zu entwickeln und empirisch zu prüfen, das sich auf die Diagnostik des Lernverhaltens bezieht. Mit dem Modell soll die Lücke geschlossen werden zwischen bisheriger empirischer Forschung und neueren theoretischen Forderungen. Ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es Lehrkräfte in diesem neuen Ansatz diagnostischer Kompetenz zu trainieren. Dazu wird ein Trainingsprogramm mit zusätzlichem Einsatz eines standardisierten Tagebuchs für Lehrkräfte basierend auf dem Modell entwickelt und evaluiert. Das dritte Ziel dieser Dissertation ist die Überprüfung des angenommenen Zusammenhangs zwischen Diagnostischer Kompetenz und Beratungskompetenz von Lehrkräften. Diese beiden Kompetenzen scheinen einander zu bedingen, jedoch wurde der Zusammenhang bisher nie empirisch überprüft. In der Dissertation werden im ersten Manuskript zuerst theoretische Kompontenen der Diagnostischen Kompetenz von Lehrkräften bzgl. Lernverhalten identifiziert, die einen dreidimensionalen Prozess abbilden. Als zweites werden potentielle Prädiktoren der Diagnostischen Kompetenz ermittelt. Als drites wird das dreidimensionale Modell empirisch getestet mittels konfirmatorischer Faktorenanalye. Das dreifaktorielle Modell wird außerdem verglichen mit einen konkurrierenden ein- und zweidimensionalen Modell. Desweiteren wird die Validität des neu entwickelten Szenario-Tests zur Messung Diagnostischer Kompetenz bzgl. Lernverhalten validiert und der Einfluss der postulierten Prädiktoren gestestet. Schließlich werden noch Lehramtsstudierende, Lehrkräfte im Vorbereitungsdienst und Lehrkräfte hinsichtlich ihrer Diagostischen Kompetenz bzgl. Lernverhalten miteinander verglichen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das angenommene dreidimensionale Modell sehr gut passt und auch besser passt als die konkurrierenden Modelle. Bzgl. der Validierung ist es möglich eine angemessene Diagnose durch die im Szenario-Test erzielten Werte vorherzusagen. Wissen und professionelles Selbstkonzept der Lehrkräfte erweisen sich als Prädiktoren der Diagnostischen Kompetenz, reflektierte Erfahrung wider Erwarten nicht. Lehrkräfte und Lehrkräfte im Vorbereitungsdienst unterscheiden sich signifikant von Lehramtsstudierenden in ihrer Diagnostischen Kompetenz. Allerdings gibt es keine Unterschied zwischen Lehrkräften im Vorbereitungsdienst und Lehrkräften. Im zweiten Manuskript geht es um die Evaluation eines neu entwickelten Trainingsprogramms und standardisierten Tagebuchs basierend auf dem Modell. Das Trainig wird sowohl prä-post-analytisch als auch prozessanalytisch evaluiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Diagnostische Kompetenz von Lehrkräften bzgl. Lernverhalten durch das Trainingsprogramm signifikant gesteigert werden kann im Gegensatz zu einer Kontrollgruppe. Das Tagebuch erweist sich als akkurates Messinstrument um den Transfer in den Unterrichtsalltag zu mesen, allerdings zeigt es keinen zusätzlichen Interventionseffekt zum Training. Das Trainingsprogramm erscheint hilfreich zu sein in der Lehreraus- und weiterbildung. Im dritten Manuskript wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Diagnostischer Kompetenz und Beratungskomptenz geprüft. Beider Kompetenzen werden an der gleichen Sitchprobe erhoben und es konnte eine signifikante Korrelation gezeigt werden sowohol für die beiden Kompetenzen als auch für deren Prädiktoren. In einer latenten Regressionsanalyse konnte die Diagnostische Kompetenz signifikant durch die Beratungskompetenz vorhergesagt werden. Berechnet man die Regression allerdings getrennt für die drei Gruppen Lehrkräfte, Lehrkräfte im Vorbereitungsdienst und Lehramtsstudierende, so ist eine signifikante Vorhersage nur für die Gruppe der Lehrkräfte möglich. Teil 1 dieser Dissertation beinhaltet eine Synopse. Diese gibt einen theoretischen Überblick über das Thema und führt zu den Forschungszielen hin. Danach folgt ein Überblick über die drei Manuskripte und eine zusammenfassende Diskussion der Arbeit. In Teil 2 können die drei Originalartikel nachgelesen werden, beginnend mit dem Modellierungsartikel, gefolgt von dem Trainingsartikel und dem Artikel über den Zusammenhang zwischen Diagnostischer Kompetenz und Beratungskompetenz. Als Ergebnis dieser Disseration kann das dreidimensionale Prozessmodell als neuer Ansatz Diagnostischer Kompetenz bzgl. Lernverhalten etabliert werden. Das Modell, Trainingsprogramm und Tagebuch können nun die Basis bilden für die Vermittlung Diagnostischer Kompetenz in Lehreraus- und Weiterbildung. Der entwickelte Szenario-Test scheint ein angemessenes Instrumente zu sein um Diagnostische Kompetenz bzgl. Lernverhalten handlungsnah und dennoch effizient zu erfassen. Außerdem konnte der Zusammenhang zwischen Diagnostischer Kompetenz und Beratungskompetenz empirisch gezeigt werden. Die Beziehung zwischen beiden Kompetenzen sollte ebenfalls in der Lehresausbildung und weiteren Trainingsprogrammen berücksichtigt werden.

Sachgruppe der Dewey Dezimalklassifikatin (DDC): 100 Philosophie und Psychologie > 150 Psychologie
Fachbereich(e)/-gebiet(e): 03 Fachbereich Humanwissenschaften
Hinterlegungsdatum: 16 Jan 2012 11:10
Letzte Änderung: 05 Mär 2013 09:57
Referenten: Schmitz, Prof. Dr. Bernhard ; Kelava, Prof. Dr. Augustin
Datum der mündlichen Prüfung / Verteidigung / mdl. Prüfung: 9 Dezember 2011
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