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Cognitive Factors in Evaluative Conditioning: The Role of Attention, Working Memory, and Contingency Appraisal

Kattner, Florian (2011)
Cognitive Factors in Evaluative Conditioning: The Role of Attention, Working Memory, and Contingency Appraisal.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung

Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract)

In evaluative conditioning, the liking of a stimulus (the conditioned stimulus; CS) is being changed by pairing it with another either liked or disliked stimulus (the unconditioned stimulus; US). In terms of classical Pavlovian conditioning, the shift in the evaluative response can be referred to as a conditioned response. In the last two decades, there has been a great deal of research on whether this type of Pavlovian conditioning depends on controlled (conscious) processes, and particularly the participants' explicit knowledge about the stimulus pairings (contingency awareness). The empirical evidence on the (causal) role of contingency awareness in evaluative conditioning, however, is rather inconsistent. Whereas some studies found conditioning effects in the absence of contingency knowledge, others reported the effect to be restricted to contingency-aware participants. Most researchers refer to contingency knowledge as the recognition of CS-US pairings in a test after conditioning. The contingency recognition performance is thus expected to depend on several cognitive resources like attention and working memory. Only a few studies separately addressed the role of these cognitive factors in the acquisition awareness and evaluative conditioning. Furthermore, the propositional knowledge about the CS-US contingency may be more or less sophisticated. In addition to merely memorizing the stimulus pairings (contiguities), a participant might, for example, learn something about the statistical contingency between stimuli, as well. The effects of these cognitive factors on evaluative learning was investigated in the experiments of this dissertation. A model describing the relation between different propositional-learning processes that may influence the acquisition of contingency knowledge and evaluative conditioning is presented in the synopsis. The thesis comprises three manuscripts that are reporting five experiments in total on the impact of attention, working memory and propositional knowledge about the CS-US contingencies (contingency judgments) on the occurrence and the magnitude of evaluative conditioning. In manuscript A, an experiment is reported (N=109) that investigated the kind of attention required in evaluative learning. Particularly, it was tested whether attention, rather than contingency awareness, is sufficient for evaluative conditioning to occur. In principle, attention can be focused either on the stimuli (the CS and the US) or on the contingency between the stimuli. Since the acquisition of contingency awareness might require a focus on the CS-US contingency, it would be interesting to see whether evaluative conditioning occurs if attention is paid to the stimuli but not to the contingencies. Therefore, three secondary tasks were implemented during conditioning in which the focus of attention was either directed to the stimulus contingencies, diverted completely from the stimuli, or diverted selectively only from the contingencies while maintaining a stimulus focus. Evaluative conditioning effects occurred only in those participants who attended the CS-US contingencies, but not when attention was diverted from the stimuli or from the contingencies. These results show that mere attention is not sufficient for evaluative conditioning to occur, if attention is diverted selectively from the CS-US contingencies. Since a contingency focus is assumed to be essential for the acquisition of contingency awareness, the results are in line with the assumption that evaluative conditioning relies on the participants' CS-US awareness during the acquisition. In addition to requiring a specific form of attention, the acquisition of contingency knowledge is assumed to depend on working memory resources being available during the exposure to the CS-US pairings. In a series of three experiments (N=109) reported in manuscript B, working memory capacity was manipulated during evaluative conditioning by means of phonological distraction. Particularly, in a verbal conditioning paradigm, the encoding of the CS-US contingencies (pairs of words) was disrupted by the playback of irrelevant speech which is assumed to gain automatic access to the same working memory module. Both, the processing and the production of irrelevant speech were shown to reduce both contingency memory and the magnitude of evaluative conditioning. These results imply that evaluative learning requires working memory resources, and they challenge the assumption that evaluative conditioning relies on automatic processes. However, the conditioning effect was not restricted to participants who were able to recall the CS-US contingencies in these experiments. Thus, though working memory may be important during conditioning in order to encode the CS-US contingencies, evaluative learning does not necessarily depend on the acquisition of long-term knowledge about the contingencies. Manuscript C is concerned with the content of the contingency knowledge. According to the propositional account, evaluative conditioning is assumed to rely on the formation and evaluation of propositional knowledge about the predictive relation between CS and US. Thus, stronger evaluative conditioning effects may be expected if the participants perceive a strong statistical CS-US contingency than if they perceive a weak contingency. In the experiment reported in manuscript C (N=31), the evaluative conditioning procedure was combined with a contingency learning paradigm requiring the participants to simultaneously judge the contingencies of four CS-US pairings. The subjective appraisal of contingency was manipulated by varying (a) the objective CS-US contingency and (b) the density of the US which is known to bias contingency judgments (the outcome density effect). This method allows to modulate propositional knowledge about the contingency independently of objective values of contingency during the acquisition of evaluative conditioning. Indeed, contingencies were judged to be stronger in case of low US density irrespective of the level of the objective contingency. More importantly, comparable effects of evaluative conditioning occurred with low and with high objective contingency, but the magnitude of conditioning increased with subjective contingency judgments. These results indicate that evaluative conditioning is sensitive to propositional knowledge about the CS-US relations (i.e. contingency judgments). Evaluative conditioning appears to (a) depend on contingency awareness and (b) vary with subjective beliefs about the CS-US contingency. This result is in line with the propositional account of evaluative conditioning. Taken together, the results show (a) that evaluative conditioning depends on those cognitive resources (i.e. attention and working memory) which enable the acquisition of contingency knowledge and (b) that propositional knowledge modulates the magnitude of the conditioning effect. It is difficult to explain these findings by referring to evaluative conditioning as an automatic process of association formation. Rather, the results imply that propositional learning about the CS-US contingencies is involved in the acquisition of evaluative responses. This form of affective-evaluative learning was shown to require a specific focus of attention (a contingency focus) as well as working memory resources to be available during acquisition. Furthermore, the liking of a CS seems change as a function of the subjective appraisal of the statistical CS-US contingency.

Typ des Eintrags: Dissertation
Erschienen: 2011
Autor(en): Kattner, Florian
Art des Eintrags: Erstveröffentlichung
Titel: Cognitive Factors in Evaluative Conditioning: The Role of Attention, Working Memory, and Contingency Appraisal
Sprache: Englisch
Referenten: Ellermeier, Prof., PhD Wolfgang ; Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Rainer
Publikationsjahr: 2011
Datum der mündlichen Prüfung: 6 Juli 2011
URL / URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-26807
Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract):

In evaluative conditioning, the liking of a stimulus (the conditioned stimulus; CS) is being changed by pairing it with another either liked or disliked stimulus (the unconditioned stimulus; US). In terms of classical Pavlovian conditioning, the shift in the evaluative response can be referred to as a conditioned response. In the last two decades, there has been a great deal of research on whether this type of Pavlovian conditioning depends on controlled (conscious) processes, and particularly the participants' explicit knowledge about the stimulus pairings (contingency awareness). The empirical evidence on the (causal) role of contingency awareness in evaluative conditioning, however, is rather inconsistent. Whereas some studies found conditioning effects in the absence of contingency knowledge, others reported the effect to be restricted to contingency-aware participants. Most researchers refer to contingency knowledge as the recognition of CS-US pairings in a test after conditioning. The contingency recognition performance is thus expected to depend on several cognitive resources like attention and working memory. Only a few studies separately addressed the role of these cognitive factors in the acquisition awareness and evaluative conditioning. Furthermore, the propositional knowledge about the CS-US contingency may be more or less sophisticated. In addition to merely memorizing the stimulus pairings (contiguities), a participant might, for example, learn something about the statistical contingency between stimuli, as well. The effects of these cognitive factors on evaluative learning was investigated in the experiments of this dissertation. A model describing the relation between different propositional-learning processes that may influence the acquisition of contingency knowledge and evaluative conditioning is presented in the synopsis. The thesis comprises three manuscripts that are reporting five experiments in total on the impact of attention, working memory and propositional knowledge about the CS-US contingencies (contingency judgments) on the occurrence and the magnitude of evaluative conditioning. In manuscript A, an experiment is reported (N=109) that investigated the kind of attention required in evaluative learning. Particularly, it was tested whether attention, rather than contingency awareness, is sufficient for evaluative conditioning to occur. In principle, attention can be focused either on the stimuli (the CS and the US) or on the contingency between the stimuli. Since the acquisition of contingency awareness might require a focus on the CS-US contingency, it would be interesting to see whether evaluative conditioning occurs if attention is paid to the stimuli but not to the contingencies. Therefore, three secondary tasks were implemented during conditioning in which the focus of attention was either directed to the stimulus contingencies, diverted completely from the stimuli, or diverted selectively only from the contingencies while maintaining a stimulus focus. Evaluative conditioning effects occurred only in those participants who attended the CS-US contingencies, but not when attention was diverted from the stimuli or from the contingencies. These results show that mere attention is not sufficient for evaluative conditioning to occur, if attention is diverted selectively from the CS-US contingencies. Since a contingency focus is assumed to be essential for the acquisition of contingency awareness, the results are in line with the assumption that evaluative conditioning relies on the participants' CS-US awareness during the acquisition. In addition to requiring a specific form of attention, the acquisition of contingency knowledge is assumed to depend on working memory resources being available during the exposure to the CS-US pairings. In a series of three experiments (N=109) reported in manuscript B, working memory capacity was manipulated during evaluative conditioning by means of phonological distraction. Particularly, in a verbal conditioning paradigm, the encoding of the CS-US contingencies (pairs of words) was disrupted by the playback of irrelevant speech which is assumed to gain automatic access to the same working memory module. Both, the processing and the production of irrelevant speech were shown to reduce both contingency memory and the magnitude of evaluative conditioning. These results imply that evaluative learning requires working memory resources, and they challenge the assumption that evaluative conditioning relies on automatic processes. However, the conditioning effect was not restricted to participants who were able to recall the CS-US contingencies in these experiments. Thus, though working memory may be important during conditioning in order to encode the CS-US contingencies, evaluative learning does not necessarily depend on the acquisition of long-term knowledge about the contingencies. Manuscript C is concerned with the content of the contingency knowledge. According to the propositional account, evaluative conditioning is assumed to rely on the formation and evaluation of propositional knowledge about the predictive relation between CS and US. Thus, stronger evaluative conditioning effects may be expected if the participants perceive a strong statistical CS-US contingency than if they perceive a weak contingency. In the experiment reported in manuscript C (N=31), the evaluative conditioning procedure was combined with a contingency learning paradigm requiring the participants to simultaneously judge the contingencies of four CS-US pairings. The subjective appraisal of contingency was manipulated by varying (a) the objective CS-US contingency and (b) the density of the US which is known to bias contingency judgments (the outcome density effect). This method allows to modulate propositional knowledge about the contingency independently of objective values of contingency during the acquisition of evaluative conditioning. Indeed, contingencies were judged to be stronger in case of low US density irrespective of the level of the objective contingency. More importantly, comparable effects of evaluative conditioning occurred with low and with high objective contingency, but the magnitude of conditioning increased with subjective contingency judgments. These results indicate that evaluative conditioning is sensitive to propositional knowledge about the CS-US relations (i.e. contingency judgments). Evaluative conditioning appears to (a) depend on contingency awareness and (b) vary with subjective beliefs about the CS-US contingency. This result is in line with the propositional account of evaluative conditioning. Taken together, the results show (a) that evaluative conditioning depends on those cognitive resources (i.e. attention and working memory) which enable the acquisition of contingency knowledge and (b) that propositional knowledge modulates the magnitude of the conditioning effect. It is difficult to explain these findings by referring to evaluative conditioning as an automatic process of association formation. Rather, the results imply that propositional learning about the CS-US contingencies is involved in the acquisition of evaluative responses. This form of affective-evaluative learning was shown to require a specific focus of attention (a contingency focus) as well as working memory resources to be available during acquisition. Furthermore, the liking of a CS seems change as a function of the subjective appraisal of the statistical CS-US contingency.

Alternatives oder übersetztes Abstract:
Alternatives AbstractSprache

Die subjektive Bewertung eines Reizes kann sich dadurch verändern, dass man den Reiz (konditionierter Stimulus; CS) mit einem entweder positiven oder negativen Reiz (unkonditionierter Stimulus; US) paart. Diesen Effekt bezeichnet man als evaluatives Konditionieren, wobei sich - analog zum klassischen Konditionieren - die konditionierte Reaktion auf die evaluativen Veränderungen bezieht. In den letzten 20 Jahren beschäftigten sich zahlreiche Untersuchungen mit der Frage, ob diese Form assoziativen Lernens von kontrollierten (bewussten) Prozessen abhängt. Besonders widersprüchlich sind die Ergebnisse hierbei in Bezug auf die Frage, ob evaluatives Konditionieren darauf beruht, dass der Zusammenhang zwischen CS und US bewusst erkannt wird (Kontingenz-Awareness). Während einige Untersuchungen zeigen, dass evaluatives Konditionieren auch ohne Kontingenz-Awareness auftreten kann, berichteten andere, dass ein Konditionierungseffekt nur bei Probanden auftrat, die sich der Kontingenzen bewusst waren. Da sich die Kontingenz-Awareness auf das explizite Erinnern des CS-US Zusammenhangs bezieht, sollte sie von kognitiven Faktoren, insbesondere von einem bestimmten Aufmerksamkeitsfokus und der Arbeitsgedächtnis während der Konditionierung, abhängen. Neben dem bloßen Erinnern von Stimulus-Paarungen (Kontiguität) kann sich das propositionale Wissen eines Probanden über die Beziehung zwischen CS und US auch auf den genaueren statistischen Zusammenhang zwischen CS und US (Kontingenz) beziehen. In der Synopse wird ein Rahmenmodell vorgestellt, in dem die vermuteten Beziehungen zwischen den verschiedenen kognitiven Faktoren propositionalen Lernens und der Entstehung von Kontingenz-Awareness und evaluativem Konditionieren dargestellt sind. Die vorliegende Arbeit umfasst drei Manuskripte, in denen fünf Experimente beschrieben werden. Dabei wurde (a) die selektive Aufmerksamkeit, (b) die Arbeitsgedächtniskapazität und (c) das propositionale Wissen über die Stimuluszusammenhänge (Kontingenz-Urteile) während der evaluativen Konditionierung manipuliert. Gemessen wurden jeweils das Ausmaß des Konditionierungseffektes sowie die Kontingenz-Awareness. In einem in Manuskript A beschriebenen Experiment (N=109) wurde die Rolle des spezifischen Aufmerksamkeitsfokus während der Konditionierung untersucht. Dabei wurde die Hypothese überprüft, ob Effekte evaluativer Konditionierung auch ohne Kontingenz-Awareness auftreten, wenn die Aufmerksamkeit auf die relevanten Stimuli (CS und US) gerichtet wird. Dazu wurde der Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit während der Konditionierung in drei experimentellen Bedingungen entweder (a) auf die CS-US-Kontingenzen gerichtet (Kontingenz-Fokus), (b) vollständig abgelenkt oder (c) selektiv nur von den CS-US Kontingenzen abgelenkt während sie auf die Stimuli selbst gelenkt wurde (Stimulus-Fokus). Falls bloße Aufmerksamkeit hinreichend ist, dann sollten sich auch in der letzten Gruppe Effekte evaluativen Konditionierens zeigen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen aber, dass ein Effekt evaluativen Konditionierens trotz eines Stimulus-Fokus nicht auftritt, wenn die Aufmerksamkeit selektiv von der Kontingenz zwischen den Stimuli abgelenkt wird. Konditionierungseffekte zeigten sich nur bei Probanden, die ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf die CS-US Kontingenzen richteten. Wichtiger als bloße Aufmerksamkeit scheint also ein spezifischer Kontingenz-Fokus zu sein. Außerdem traten Konditionierungseffekte nur bei Probanden auf, die sich der Kontingenzen bewusst waren. Die Ergebnisse unterstützen daher die Annahme, dass evaluatives Konditionieren auf bewusstem Wissen über die Stimulus-Kontingenzen beruht. Neben der Aufmerksamkeit, sollte die verfügbare Arbeitsgedächtniskapazität während der Konditionierung ein weiterer limitierender kognitiver Faktor bei der Entstehung von Kontingenz-Awareness sein. Darum werden in Manuskript B drei Experimente zur Rolle des Arbeitsgedächtnisses beim evaluativen Konditionieren beschrieben (N=109). In diesen wurde die verfügbare Arbeitsgedächtniskapazität experimentell reduziert, indem während der Konditionierung mit verbalen Stimuli irrelevante Sprache wiedergegeben wurde. Hierdurch sollte die Enkodierung von CS-US Wortpaaren im Arbeitsgedächtnis gestört werden, da die irrelevante Sprache mit den CS-US-Paaren um den Zugang zum phonologischen Speicher konkurriert. Irrelevante Sprache sollte also mit geringerer Kontingenz-Awareness einhergehen. Tatsächlich zeigte sich, dass sowohl die Wiedergabe als auch das aktive Produzieren irrelevanter Sprache zu einer Störung des Kontingenz-Gedächtnisses und zu einer Beeinträchtigung der evaluativen Konditionierung führt. Die erwarteten Bewertungsveränderungen traten nur auf, wenn die Probanden während der Konditionierung über ausreichend Arbeitsgedächtniskapazität verfügten. In diesen Experimenten trat evaluatives Konditionieren allerdings nicht nur bei Probanden auf, welche sich nach der Konditionierung an die CS-US-Paarungen erinnerten. Obwohl ausreichend Arbeitsgedächtniskapazität benötigt wird um die CS-US-Kontingenzen während der Konditionierung zu enkodieren, scheint der Erwerb von Langzeit-Wissen über die CS-US-Zusammenhänge also nicht entscheidend zu sein. Manuskript C beschäftigt sich mit dem Inhalt des propositionalen Wissens beim evaluativen Konditionieren. Nach dem propositionalen Erklärungsansatz beruht evaluatives Konditionieren auf dem Erwerb und der Beurteilung von propositionalem Wissen über die CS-US Kontingenz. Hierbei könnte ein Proband auch über Wissen bezüglich der Stärke des prädiktiv-statistischen Zusammenhangs zwischen CS und US (Kontingenz) verfügen. Man könnte also größere Konditionierungseffekte erwarten, je höher die CS-US Kontingenz subjektiv eingeschätzt wird. Um dies zu untersuchen wurde in dem in Manuskript C beschriebenen Experiment (N=31) die subjektive Wahrnehmung der CS-US Kontingenz experimentell manipuliert. Dazu wurde (a) die objektive CS-US Kontingenz und (b) die Auftretensdichte der affektiven Reize (US) variiert. Die Dichte der US sollte sich unabhängig von der objektiven CS-US Kontingenz auf die subjektiven Einstufungen der Kontingenz auswirken (Outcome density effect). Die Aufgabe der Probanden war es, die statistischen Zusammenhänge von mehreren CS-US-Paaren während der evaluativen Konditionierung einzustufen (Kontingenzurteile). Wenn evaluatives Konditionieren von propositionalem Wissens über die CS-US Kontingenz abhängt, dann sollten hohe Kontingenzurteile mit größeren Konditionierungseffekten einhergehen. Obwohl die Probanden Variationen in der objektiven Kontingenz bemerkten, beurteilten sie die Kontingenzen als stärker, wenn der jeweilige US insgesamt seltener auftrat. Es zeigten sich allerdings ähnlich große Konditionierungseffekte bei hoher wie bei niedriger objektiver Kontingenz. Unabhängig davon konnten stärkere Konditionierungseffekte nachgewiesen werden, je höher die CS-US Kontingenz subjektiv eingestuft wurde. Die Ergebnisse suggerieren also, dass evaluatives Konditionieren vielmehr durch die subjektive Wahrnehmung statistischer Kontingenz (propositionales Wissen) als durch die Variation der objektiven Kontingenzen beeinflusst wird. Insgesamt sprechen die Ergebnisse dafür, dass evaluatives Konditionieren von kognitiven Ressourcen abhängt, die zu Kontingenz-Awareness führen (Aufmerksamkeit und Arbeitsgedächtnis). Zudem zeigte sich, dass stärkere Bewertungsveränderungen mit höheren CS-US Kontingenzurteilen einhergehen. Es ist schwierig, diese Befunde mit Theorien zu erklären, die annehmen, dass evaluatives Konditionieren auf (unbewusster) automatischer Assoziationsbildung beruht. Stattdessen sprechen die Befunde dafür, dass kognitive Faktoren und (bewusstes) propositionales Wissen über den Zusammenhang zwischen CS und US an der Entstehung evaluativen Konditionierens beteiligt sind. Während der Darbietung der CS-US Paare wird dazu ein bestimmter Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit (Kontingenz-Fokus) und ausreichend Arbeitsgedächtniskapazität benötigt. Außerdem scheint sich die Bewertung eines CS umso mehr zu verändern, je stärker der statistische Zusammenhang zwischen CS und US subjektiv eingeschätzt wird.

Sachgruppe der Dewey Dezimalklassifikatin (DDC): 100 Philosophie und Psychologie > 150 Psychologie
Fachbereich(e)/-gebiet(e): 03 Fachbereich Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie
03 Fachbereich Humanwissenschaften
Hinterlegungsdatum: 28 Jul 2011 07:32
Letzte Änderung: 05 Mär 2013 09:51
Referenten: Ellermeier, Prof., PhD Wolfgang ; Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Rainer
Datum der mündlichen Prüfung / Verteidigung / mdl. Prüfung: 6 Juli 2011
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