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The Art-of-Living in Children and Adolescents. Development and Evaluation of Interventions to Improve Well-Being.

Lang, Jessica (2020)
The Art-of-Living in Children and Adolescents. Development and Evaluation of Interventions to Improve Well-Being.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.25534/tuprints-00011998
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung

Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract)

The pursuit of a happy and good life is gaining importance increasingly. In today’s world the orientation towards traditional values, such as religion or politics, has taken a back seat. In this context, art-of-living can provide assistance. It aims to instill a conscious way of living which leads to a fullfiling and happy life. In philosophy, the construct is defined as a mindful and self-determined way of dealing with one’s self and way of life and it suggests a continuous critical reflection on one’s own life. Consequently, it is important to recognize one’s own abilities, strengths, and weaknesses and to be aware of the opportunities in life to obtain subjective well-being through mindful effort. Art-of-living can be assigned to positive psychology, which applies in this context, because it deals with the conditions and processes that enable self-development of the individual. The focus is on the systematic development of what is beneficial for well-being, such as human strengths, savoring, or optimism. It has been pointed out that this bundle acts to buffer stressful situations and can lead to a fulfilled life, which is also the aim of art-of-living. Research has shown that positive psychology does not only deal with adults. It has pointed out that positive psychology is also important for children and adolescents and so the study of positive psychology is alive and well in children and youth. Already young children have to deal with numerous life stressors. For this reason, the preventive use of positive action like dealing with one’s self and dealing with life stressors is advocated by proponents of positive education. Hence, interventions of positive psychology have shown their effectiveness in numerous studies. Especially those who are developed for young children are promising. One context in which a lot of research on children and adolescents takes place is the scholastic context. There are numerous of intervention studies in the field of positive psychology dealing with different aspects, like well-being, resilience or mental health. In summary, to deal with children’s positive psychology is of great interest for today’s society. Nevertheless, there is no research that deals with the art-of-living of children and adolescents as of yet. Neither are there many instruments to measure art-of-living of children and adolescents as well as constructs of positive psychology. A huge number of instruments already exists but mainly developed for adults. It is common that researchers in the field of psychology for children and adolescents use instruments for adults and modify them. A lot of adult instruments consist of a huge number of items and so they cannot easily be used for studies with young children. Therefore, for some studies only a selection of items is made. It is uncertain whether complex constructs can be described with only a selection of items. Furthermore, there is an even smaller number of measurements in German. This is a limitation for cross-cultural studies and for research in Germany where young students are not familiar with the English language. In light of the described research gaps, the present doctoral thesis addresses the (1) development of interventions to improve art-of-living of children and adolescents, (2) training children and adolescents from different contexts, (3) the validation of child-adapted questionnaires, and (4) the translation of a common instrument in the field of positive psychology into German. The purpose of Study 1 was to develop an intervention to improve art-of-living of children and adolescents in the scholastic context for students of different age groups - primary school students and students from higher grades. Study 1.1 dealt with the initial examination of whether it is possible to enhance the art-of-living by training selected art-of-living strategies. Therefore, training with three conditions was developed and conducted with secondary school students (ages 16–19). For Study 1.2, a second art-of-living training was developed and conducted with children from primary school (ages 8–11). In summary, the training successfully enhanced art-of-living. In Study 1.1, the art-of-living measures increased significantly for the training conditions compared to a control group. In addition, Study 1.2 showed that higher levels of the art-of-living lead to a better quality of life. The aim of Study 2 was to transfer the art-of-living into the clinical-therapeutic context. Again, two studies were conducted. Study 2.1 aimed at identifying those art-of-living components that show differences for adolescents who are suffering from anxiety or depression by using a pre-experimental comparative design. The results could show significant differences of the art-of-living subscales in the comparison to a clinical and a nonclinical sample. A specific pattern was identified for the clinical sample. In Study 2.2, need-oriented and predefined art-of-living interventions were developed, implemented and evaluated based on a randomized two factors multivariate 3x3 design with repeated measures. The main outcome measures are art-of-living, life satisfaction, depression and anxiety. The results show that the developed training improved the art-of-living as well as the satisfaction with life, and reduced depression. Study 3 aimed at translating instruments for children and adolescents measuring constructs of positive psychology into German. Therefore, the Satisfaction with Life Scale - child version (SWLS-C), which is one of the most commonly used questionnaires in the field of positive psychology, was translated with the use of a backtranslation-proceeding (Study 3.1) and validated by a sample of 1099 students aged 8 to 17 (Study 3.2). The analyses included retesting of reliability, concurrent and discriminant validity by additionally measuring several established constructs of positive psychology. Model fit indices, internal consistencies, retest-reliability as well as concurrent and discriminant validity evidence were satisfying. In conclusion, this doctoral thesis makes an important contribution to research on the topic of the art-of-living of children and adolescents, particularly in the improvement by training art-of-living strategies. Moreover, the results allow implications for intervention programs for different contexts, i.e. school and clinical-therapeutic context, as well as different age groups. Furthermore, instruments to measure the effects on life satisfaction for children and adolescents were developed and can be used for the systematic evaluation of interventions in future studies for German speaking countries. As a consequence, SWLS-C data of children and adolescents of different nationalities can be compared and in addition as cross-cultural measurement invariance studies can be conducted.

Typ des Eintrags: Dissertation
Erschienen: 2020
Autor(en): Lang, Jessica
Art des Eintrags: Erstveröffentlichung
Titel: The Art-of-Living in Children and Adolescents. Development and Evaluation of Interventions to Improve Well-Being.
Sprache: Englisch
Referenten: Schmitz, Prof. Dr. Bernhard ; Harzer, Prof. Dr. Claudia
Publikationsjahr: 16 März 2020
Ort: Darmstadt
Datum der mündlichen Prüfung: 18 Juni 2020
DOI: 10.25534/tuprints-00011998
URL / URN: https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/11998
Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract):

The pursuit of a happy and good life is gaining importance increasingly. In today’s world the orientation towards traditional values, such as religion or politics, has taken a back seat. In this context, art-of-living can provide assistance. It aims to instill a conscious way of living which leads to a fullfiling and happy life. In philosophy, the construct is defined as a mindful and self-determined way of dealing with one’s self and way of life and it suggests a continuous critical reflection on one’s own life. Consequently, it is important to recognize one’s own abilities, strengths, and weaknesses and to be aware of the opportunities in life to obtain subjective well-being through mindful effort. Art-of-living can be assigned to positive psychology, which applies in this context, because it deals with the conditions and processes that enable self-development of the individual. The focus is on the systematic development of what is beneficial for well-being, such as human strengths, savoring, or optimism. It has been pointed out that this bundle acts to buffer stressful situations and can lead to a fulfilled life, which is also the aim of art-of-living. Research has shown that positive psychology does not only deal with adults. It has pointed out that positive psychology is also important for children and adolescents and so the study of positive psychology is alive and well in children and youth. Already young children have to deal with numerous life stressors. For this reason, the preventive use of positive action like dealing with one’s self and dealing with life stressors is advocated by proponents of positive education. Hence, interventions of positive psychology have shown their effectiveness in numerous studies. Especially those who are developed for young children are promising. One context in which a lot of research on children and adolescents takes place is the scholastic context. There are numerous of intervention studies in the field of positive psychology dealing with different aspects, like well-being, resilience or mental health. In summary, to deal with children’s positive psychology is of great interest for today’s society. Nevertheless, there is no research that deals with the art-of-living of children and adolescents as of yet. Neither are there many instruments to measure art-of-living of children and adolescents as well as constructs of positive psychology. A huge number of instruments already exists but mainly developed for adults. It is common that researchers in the field of psychology for children and adolescents use instruments for adults and modify them. A lot of adult instruments consist of a huge number of items and so they cannot easily be used for studies with young children. Therefore, for some studies only a selection of items is made. It is uncertain whether complex constructs can be described with only a selection of items. Furthermore, there is an even smaller number of measurements in German. This is a limitation for cross-cultural studies and for research in Germany where young students are not familiar with the English language. In light of the described research gaps, the present doctoral thesis addresses the (1) development of interventions to improve art-of-living of children and adolescents, (2) training children and adolescents from different contexts, (3) the validation of child-adapted questionnaires, and (4) the translation of a common instrument in the field of positive psychology into German. The purpose of Study 1 was to develop an intervention to improve art-of-living of children and adolescents in the scholastic context for students of different age groups - primary school students and students from higher grades. Study 1.1 dealt with the initial examination of whether it is possible to enhance the art-of-living by training selected art-of-living strategies. Therefore, training with three conditions was developed and conducted with secondary school students (ages 16–19). For Study 1.2, a second art-of-living training was developed and conducted with children from primary school (ages 8–11). In summary, the training successfully enhanced art-of-living. In Study 1.1, the art-of-living measures increased significantly for the training conditions compared to a control group. In addition, Study 1.2 showed that higher levels of the art-of-living lead to a better quality of life. The aim of Study 2 was to transfer the art-of-living into the clinical-therapeutic context. Again, two studies were conducted. Study 2.1 aimed at identifying those art-of-living components that show differences for adolescents who are suffering from anxiety or depression by using a pre-experimental comparative design. The results could show significant differences of the art-of-living subscales in the comparison to a clinical and a nonclinical sample. A specific pattern was identified for the clinical sample. In Study 2.2, need-oriented and predefined art-of-living interventions were developed, implemented and evaluated based on a randomized two factors multivariate 3x3 design with repeated measures. The main outcome measures are art-of-living, life satisfaction, depression and anxiety. The results show that the developed training improved the art-of-living as well as the satisfaction with life, and reduced depression. Study 3 aimed at translating instruments for children and adolescents measuring constructs of positive psychology into German. Therefore, the Satisfaction with Life Scale - child version (SWLS-C), which is one of the most commonly used questionnaires in the field of positive psychology, was translated with the use of a backtranslation-proceeding (Study 3.1) and validated by a sample of 1099 students aged 8 to 17 (Study 3.2). The analyses included retesting of reliability, concurrent and discriminant validity by additionally measuring several established constructs of positive psychology. Model fit indices, internal consistencies, retest-reliability as well as concurrent and discriminant validity evidence were satisfying. In conclusion, this doctoral thesis makes an important contribution to research on the topic of the art-of-living of children and adolescents, particularly in the improvement by training art-of-living strategies. Moreover, the results allow implications for intervention programs for different contexts, i.e. school and clinical-therapeutic context, as well as different age groups. Furthermore, instruments to measure the effects on life satisfaction for children and adolescents were developed and can be used for the systematic evaluation of interventions in future studies for German speaking countries. As a consequence, SWLS-C data of children and adolescents of different nationalities can be compared and in addition as cross-cultural measurement invariance studies can be conducted.

Alternatives oder übersetztes Abstract:
Alternatives AbstractSprache

Das Ziel eines glücklichen und guten Lebens nimmt eine zentrale Rolle in der modernen westlichen Gesellschaft ein, während die Orientierung an traditionellen Werten, etwa religiösen oder politischen, eher in den Hintergrund gerät. In diesem Kontext kann Lebenskunst Unterstützung bieten. Lebenskunst zielt auf eine bewusste Lebensführung hin, welche zu einem erfüllten und glücklichen Leben führt. In der Philosophie wird das Konstrukt als achtsamer und selbstbestimmter Weg definiert, mit dem eigenen Selbst und dem Leben umzugehen. Dazu gehört auch ein kontinuierliches, kritisch reflektierendes Bewusstsein für das eigenen Leben. Wichtig sind die eigenen Fähigkeiten, Stärken und Schwächen und das Wissen um Möglichkeiten, die das Leben bietet, um subjektives Wohlbefinden zu erlangen. Lebenskunst kann dem Forschungsfeld der Positiven Psychologie zugeordnet werden, welches sich mit den Bedingungen und Prozessen beschäftigt, die das Individuum wachsen lässt. Der Fokus liegt auf Aspekten, die Wohlbefinden fördern. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass diese als Puffer gegen Stress wirken und zu einem erfüllten Leben führen, welches auch das Ziel der Lebenskunst darstellt. Die Positive Psychologie beschäftigt sich nicht nur mit Erwachsenen. Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass dieses Forschungsfeld auch von zentraler Bedeutung für Kinder und Jugendliche ist. Bereits Kindern im jungen Alter begegnen einer Vielzahl von Stressoren. Aus diesem Grund wird der präventive Einsatz von positiv-psychologischen Strategien befürwortet. Zudem haben Interventionen der Positiven Psychologie bereits ihre Effektivität in zahlreichen Studien unter Beweis stellen können. Besonders diejenigen, welche für Kinder und Jugendliche entwickelt worden sind, erscheinen vierversprechend. Auch im schulischen Kontext gibt es zahlreiche Studien der Positiven Psychologie, die sich mit unterschiedlichen Themen beschäftigen, wie zum Beispiel Wohlbefinden, Resilienz oder mentaler Gesundheit. Insgesamt zeigt sich großes Interesse an der Erforschung von Positiver Psychologie in Bezug auf Kinder und Jugendliche. Dennoch gibt es bislang keine Forschung, die sich mit der Lebenskunst von Kindern und Jugendlichen beschäftigt. Es gibt zudem nur wenige Instrumente für Kinder und Jugendliche im Bereich der Positiven Psychologie und keine zur Erforschung von Lebenskunst. Für Erwachsene hingegen gibt es eine Vielzahl von Messinstrumenten. Es ist gängig, diese für Kinder und Jugendliche zu adaptieren, indem beispielsweise nur eine Auswahl an Einzelfragen genutzt wird. Dabei bleibt es ungewiss, ob sich komplexe Konstrukte ausreichend abbilden lassen. Zudem existiert eine noch geringere Zahl an deutschsprachigen Instrumenten. Dies stellt eine Limitation für länderübergreifende Studien sowie für Studien im deutschsprachigen Raum dar, in dem Schüler und Schülerinnen häufig nicht ausreichend mit der englischen Sprache vertraut sind. In Anbetracht der zuvor genannten Forschungslücken, verfolgt die vorliegende Doktorarbeit die Ziele (1) Interventionen zur Steigerung der Lebenskunst von Kindern und Jugendlichen zu entwickeln, (2) Trainingsprogramme in unterschiedlichen Kontexten einzusetzen, (3) die Validierung von Instrumenten zur Erfassung von positiv-psychologischen Konstrukten für Kinder und Jugendliche zu erreichen, und (4) die Übersetzung eines gängigen Instruments in die deutsche Sprache vorzunehmen. Das Ziel von Studie 1 war die Entwicklung von Interventionen zur Steigerung der Lebenskunst von Kindern und Jugendlichen im schulischen Kontext für Schüler und Schülerinnen unterschiedlicher Altersgruppen – Grundschule und weiterführende Schule. Studie 1.1 evaluiert, ob Lebenskunst anhand einer Auswahl von Lebenskunststrategien trainiert werden kann. Hierzu wurden drei Versuchsgruppen gebildet und mit Schülern der weiterführenden Schule (16-19 Jahre alt) durchgeführt. Für Studie 1.2 wurde ein zweites Training entwickelt und mit Grundschülern und -schülerinnen (8-11 Jahre) durchgeführt. Insgesamt zeigten sich beide Trainings vielversprechend. In Studie 1.1 ergaben sich signifikante Unterschiede beim Vergleich der Studien- und der Kontrollgruppe. Zudem ergab Studie 1.2, dass höhere Ausprägungen der Lebenskunst zu einer besseren Lebensqualität führen. Das Ziel von Studie 2 war der Transfer von Lebenskunst in den klinisch-therapeutischen Kontext. Auch hierzu wurden zwei Studien konzipiert. In Studie 2.1 sollten spezifische Muster von Lebenskunstkomponenten identifiziert werden von Jugendlichen mit Angststörung und/oder Depression. Die Ergebnisse konnten signifikante Unterschiede zwischen der klinischen und nicht-klinischen Stichprobe in Bezug auf einige Komponenten zeigen. In Studie 2.2 wurden ein bedürfnisorientiertes so wie ein theoriebasiertes Lebenskunst-Training entwickelt, durchgeführt und evaluiert. Die Studie basierte auf einem randomisierten zwei-faktoriellem multivariaten 3x3 Versuchsdesign mit wiederholter Messung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Training Lebenskunst und Lebenszufriedenheit steigern sowie Depressionswerte senken konnte. Studie 3 hatte die Übersetzung eines der gängigsten Instrumente der Positiven Psychologie in die deutsche Sprache zum Ziel. Hierfür wurde die Satisfaction with Life Scale - child version (SWLS-C) mittels eines Rückübersetzungsverfahrens (Studie 3.1) genutzt und anhand einer Stichprobe von N=1099 Schülern und Schülerinnen zwischen 8 und 17 Jahren validiert (Studie 3.2). Retest-Validität, konkurrente und diskriminante Validität wurden erfasst, indem zusätzliche etablierte Messinstrumente der Positiven Psychologie herangezogen worden sind. Fit-Indizes, interne Konsistenzen und Retest-Reliabilität sowie konkurrente und diskriminante Validitäten zeigten sich hierbei zufriedenstellend. Zusammenfassend leistet die vorliegende Doktorarbeit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erforschung der Lebenskunst von Kindern und Jugendlichen, vorallem in Bezug auf die Entwicklung von Interventionen in unterschiedlichen Kontexten, wie Schulen und Klinik, sowie für verschiedene Altersgruppen. Weiterhin bringt die vorliegende Arbeit Instrumente zur Erfassung der Effekte von Lebenszufriedenheit und Lebenskunst von Kindern und Jugendlichen hervor, welche zur systematischen Evaluation von Interventionen in zukünftigen Studien in deutschsprachigen Ländern eingesetzt werden können. Weiterhin wird ein länderübergreifender Vergleich der SWLS-C-Daten ermöglicht.

URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-119981
Sachgruppe der Dewey Dezimalklassifikatin (DDC): 100 Philosophie und Psychologie > 150 Psychologie
Fachbereich(e)/-gebiet(e): 03 Fachbereich Humanwissenschaften
03 Fachbereich Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie
Hinterlegungsdatum: 29 Jul 2020 08:25
Letzte Änderung: 03 Aug 2020 19:32
Referenten: Schmitz, Prof. Dr. Bernhard ; Harzer, Prof. Dr. Claudia
Datum der mündlichen Prüfung / Verteidigung / mdl. Prüfung: 18 Juni 2020
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