TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

An optimal control approach to real-time vehicle guidance

Vögel, M. ; Stryk, Oskar von ; Bulirsch, R. ; Wolter, T.-M. ; Chucholowski, C. (2003)
An optimal control approach to real-time vehicle guidance.
In: Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

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Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract)

A newly developed two-level driver model is presented. On the anticipation level, optimal control problems for a reduced vehicle dynamics model are solved repeatedly on a moving prediction horizon to yield near optimal setpoint trajectories for the full model. On the stabilization level, a nonlinear position controller is developed to accurately track the setpoint trajectories with a full motor vehicle dynamics model in real-time. The formulation of the optimal control problems on the anticipation level is based on a nonlinear single track model which is extended by a complex tire model and further nonlinear model details such as to match the main properties of the full vehicle dynamics model. The optimal control problems are solved efficiently by a recently developed sparse direct collocation method. Numerical results for various vehicle maneuvers are presented, including a time-optimal double lane change at high speed.

Typ des Eintrags: Buchkapitel
Erschienen: 2003
Autor(en): Vögel, M. ; Stryk, Oskar von ; Bulirsch, R. ; Wolter, T.-M. ; Chucholowski, C.
Art des Eintrags: Bibliographie
Titel: An optimal control approach to real-time vehicle guidance
Sprache: Englisch
Publikationsjahr: 2003
Verlag: Springer-Verlag
Buchtitel: Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future
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Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract):

A newly developed two-level driver model is presented. On the anticipation level, optimal control problems for a reduced vehicle dynamics model are solved repeatedly on a moving prediction horizon to yield near optimal setpoint trajectories for the full model. On the stabilization level, a nonlinear position controller is developed to accurately track the setpoint trajectories with a full motor vehicle dynamics model in real-time. The formulation of the optimal control problems on the anticipation level is based on a nonlinear single track model which is extended by a complex tire model and further nonlinear model details such as to match the main properties of the full vehicle dynamics model. The optimal control problems are solved efficiently by a recently developed sparse direct collocation method. Numerical results for various vehicle maneuvers are presented, including a time-optimal double lane change at high speed.

Fachbereich(e)/-gebiet(e): 20 Fachbereich Informatik
20 Fachbereich Informatik > Simulation, Systemoptimierung und Robotik
Hinterlegungsdatum: 24 Jun 2019 13:03
Letzte Änderung: 24 Jun 2019 13:03
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Verfügbare Versionen dieses Eintrags

  • An optimal control approach to real-time vehicle guidance. (deposited 24 Jun 2019 13:03) [Gegenwärtig angezeigt]
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