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Anzahl der Einträge: 45.


Scheele, Patrick (2007)
Steuerbare passive Mikrowellenkomponenten auf Basis hochpermittiver ferroelektrischer Schichten.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Bibliographie

Müller, Stefan ; Scheele, Patrick (2005)
Passiv steuerbare Mikrowellenkomponenten.
In: EEEfCom
Artikel, Bibliographie

Lüssem, Georg ; Best, Peter ; Weil, Carsten ; Müller, Stefan ; Scheele, Patrick ; Jakoby, Rolf (2005)
Bauelemente für die Hochfrequenztechnik.
Anderes, Bibliographie

Scheele, Patrick ; Jakoby, Rolf (2005)
Passive ferroelektrische modulatoren für rfid backscatter transponder.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie


Schafranek, Robert ; Giere, André ; Balogh, Adam G. ; Enz, Thorsten ; Zheng, Yuliang ; Scheele, Patrick ; Jakoby, Rolf ; Klein, Andreas (2009)
Influence of sputter deposition parameters on the properties of tunable barium strontium titanate thin films for microwave applications.
In: Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 29 (8)
doi: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2008.08.034
Artikel, Bibliographie

Giere, Andre ; Zheng, Yuliang ; Gieser, Horst ; Marquardt, Krystan ; Wolf, Heinrich ; Scheele, Patrick ; Jakoby, Rolf (2007)
Coating of Planar Barium-Strontium-Titanate Thick-Film Varactors to Increase Tunability.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Zheng, Yuliang ; Hristov, Atanas ; Giere, Andre ; Scheele, Patrick ; Jakoby, Rolf (2007)
Analysis on Harmonic Radiation of Capacitively Loaded Tunable PIFA Based on Equvilant Circuit.
In: Frequenz, 61 (9-10)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Giere, Andre ; Scheele, Patrick ; Zheng, Yuliang ; Jakoby, Rolf (2007)
Characterization of the field-dependent permittivity of nonlinear ferroelectric films using tunable coplanar lines.
In: IEEE microwave and wireless components letters, 17 (6)
doi: 10.1109/LMWC.2007.897795
Artikel, Bibliographie

Zheng, Yuliang ; Hristov, A. ; Giere, Andre ; Scheele, Patrick ; Jakoby, Rolf (2007)
Analysis on Harmonic Radiation of Capacitively Loaded Tunable PIFA Based on Equivalent Circuit.
In: Frequenz
Artikel, Bibliographie

Paul, F. ; Giere, Andre ; Menesklou, W. ; Binder, J. R. ; Scheele, Patrick ; Zheng, Yuliang ; Jakoby, Rolf ; Ivers-Tiffée, E. ; Haußelt, J. (2007)
Influence of iron and fluoride codoping on microwave properties of tunable Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thick films.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Paul, F. ; Binder, J. R. ; Menesklou, W. ; Scheele, Patrick ; Giere, Andre ; Jakoby, Rolf ; Ritzhaupt-Kleissl, H.-J. ; Hausselt, J. (2007)
Influence of the preparation step on the dielectric properties of screen-printed Ba0,6Sr0,4TiO3 thick films.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Scheele, Patrick ; Giere, Andre ; Zheng, Yuliang ; Goelden, Felix ; Jakoby, Rolf (2007)
Modeling and applications of ferroelectric-thick film devices with resistive electrodes for linearity improvement and tuning-voltage reduction.
In: IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 55
Artikel, Bibliographie

Giere, Andre ; Zheng, Yuliang ; Paul, F. ; Scheele, Patrick ; Jakoby, Rolf (2007)
Optimization of tunable coplanar waveguides on Barium Strontium Titanate thick films.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Paul, Florian ; Binder, Joachim R. ; Menesklou, Wolfgang ; Scheele, Patrick ; Giere, Andre ; Jakoby, Rolf ; Ritzhaupt-Kleissl, Hans-Joachim ; Hausselt, Juergen (2007)
Influence of the Preparation Step on the Dielectric Properties of Screen-Printed Ba0,6Sr0,4TiO3 Thick-Films.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Giere, Andre ; Zheng, Yuliang ; Gieser, H. ; Marquardt, K. ; Wolf, H. ; Scheele, Patrick ; Jakoby, Rolf (2007)
Coating of planar Barium-Strontium-Titanate thick-film varactors to increase tunability.
In: 2007 European Microwave Conference : [EuMC 2007]; Munich, Germany, 9 - 12 October 2007
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Gölden, Felix ; Müller, Stefan ; Scheele, Patrick ; Manabe, Atsutaka (2006)
IP3 Measurements of Liquid Crystals at Microwave Frequencies.
In: Proc. 36th European Microwave Conf.
Artikel, Bibliographie

Müller, Stefan ; Gölden, Felix ; Scheele, Patrick ; Wittek, Michael ; Hock, Christian (2006)
Passive Phase Shifter for W-Band Applications using Liquid Crystals.
In: Proc. 36th European Microwave Conf.
Artikel, Bibliographie

Scheele, Patrick ; Giere, Andre ; Müller, Stefan ; Jakoby, Rolf (2006)
Microwave Switches based on Tunable Ferroelectric Filters.
2006 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium. San Diego, CA, USA (17.10.2006-19.10.2006)
doi: 10.1109/RWS.2006.1615226
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Scheele, Patrick ; Kilian, Andreas ; Giere, Andre ; Jakoby, Rolf (2006)
Switching-mode mixers based on tunable filters.
In: IEE Electronics Letters, 42
Artikel, Bibliographie

Giere, Andre ; Scheele, Patrick ; Damm, Christian (2005)
Optimization of Uniplanar Multilayer Structures using Nonlinear Tunable Dielectrics.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Scheele, Patrick ; Tomescu, Vlad ; Giere, Andre ; Müller, Stefan (2005)
Passive Ferroelectric Phase Modulators for RFID Backscatter Transponders.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Müller, Stefan ; Felber, Ch. ; Scheele, Patrick ; Wittek, Michael ; Hock, Christian (2005)
Passive Tunable Liquid Crystal Finline Phase Shifter for Millimeterwaves.
Proc. 35th European Microwave Conf..
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Müller, Stefan ; Penirschke, Andreas ; Damm, Christian ; Scheele, Patrick ; Wittek, Michael ; Weil, Carsten (2005)
Broad-Band Microwave Characterization of Liquid Crystals Using a Temperature Controlled Coaxial Transmission Line.
In: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 53 (6)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Lüssem, G. ; Best, P. ; Weil, C. ; Mueller, Stefan ; Scheele, Patrick ; Jakoby, Rolf (2005)
Components for high-frequency technology.
Norm, Patent, Standard, Bibliographie

Lüssem, Georg ; Best, Peter ; Weil, Carsten ; Müller, Stefan ; Scheele, Patrick ; Jakoby, Rolf (2005)
Components for high-frequency technology.
Anderes, Bibliographie

Mueller, Stefan ; Penirschke, Andreas ; Damm, C. ; Scheele, Patrick ; Wittek, M. ; Weil, C. ; Jakoby, Rolf (2005)
Broadband microwave characterization of liquid crystals using a temperature-controlled coaxial transmission line.
In: IEEE Transactions Microwave Theory and Technique, 53
Artikel, Bibliographie

Scheele, Patrick ; Tomescu, V. ; Giere, André ; Mueller, Stefan ; Jakoby, Rolf (2005)
Passive ferroelectric phase modulators for rfid backscatter transponders.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Mueller, Stefan ; Felber, Ch. ; Scheele, Patrick ; Wittek, M. ; Hock, Ch. ; Jakoby, Rolf (2005)
Passive tunable liquid crystal finline phase shifter for millimeterwaves.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Penirschke, Andreas ; Müller, Stefan ; Scheele, Patrick ; Weil, Carsten ; Wittek, Michael ; Hock, Christian (2004)
Cavity Perturbation Method for Characterization of Liquid Crystals up to 35GHz.
Proc. 34th European Microwave Conf..
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Scheele, Patrick ; Müller, Stefan ; Weil, Carsten (2004)
Phase-Shifting Coplanar Stubline-Filter on Ferroelectric-Thick Film.
Proc. 34th European Microwave Conf..
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Scheele, Patrick ; Müller, Stefan (2004)
Frequency Agile Passive Microwave Components Based On Tunable Dielectrics.
In: IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference Workshop WS3
Artikel, Bibliographie

Müller, Stefan ; Scheele, Patrick ; Weil, Carsten ; Wittek, Michael ; Hock, Christian (2004)
Tunable Passive Phase Shifter for Microwave Applications using Highly Anisotropic Liquid Crystals.
In: Microwave Symposium Digest, 2004 IEEE MTT-S International, 2
Artikel, Bibliographie

Jakoby, Rolf ; Scheele, Patrick (2004)
Nonlinear Dielectrics for Tunable Microwave Components.
In: 15th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, 2
Artikel, Bibliographie

Penirschke, Andreas ; Müller, Stefan ; Scheele, Patrick ; Weil, Carsten ; Wittek, M. ; Hock, Ch. ; Jakoby, Rolf (2004)
Cavity perturbation method for characterization of liquid crystals up to 35 GHz.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Scheele, Patrick ; Müller, Stefan ; Jakoby, Rolf (2004)
Frequency agile passive microwave components based on tunable dielectrics.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Jakoby, Rolf ; Scheele, Patrick ; Müller, Stefan ; Weil, Carsten (2004)
Nonlinear dielectrics for tunable microwave components.
In: Kwartalik elektroniki i telekomunikacji = Electronics and telecommunications quarterly, 50
Artikel, Bibliographie

Müller, Stefan ; Weil, Carsten ; Scheele, Patrick ; Kryvoshapka, Yuri ; Jakoby, Rolf (2004)
Novel liquid crystals for tunable microwave components.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Scheele, Patrick ; Müller, Stefan ; Weil, Carsten ; Jakoby, Rolf (2004)
Phase-shifting coplanar stubline-filter on ferroelectric-thick film.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Müller, Stefan ; Scheele, Patrick ; Weil, Carsten ; Wittek, M. ; Hock, Ch. ; Jakoby, Rolf (2004)
Tunable passive phase shifter for microwave applications using highly anisotropic liquid crystals.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Weil, Carsten ; Müller, Stefan ; Scheele, Patrick ; Jakoby, Rolf (2004)
A comparative study of paraelectrics and novel liquid crystals for tunable microwave devices.
In: Frequenz, 58
Artikel, Bibliographie

Weil, Carsten ; Müller, Stefan ; Scheele, Patrick (2004)
A Comparative Study of Paraelectrics and Novel Liquid Crystals for Tunable Microwave Devices.
In: Frequenz, 58 (7/8 2004)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Müller, Stefan ; Weil, Carsten ; Scheele, Patrick ; Kryvoshapka, Yuriy (2004)
Novel Liquid Crystals for Tunable Microwave Components.
IEEE Int. Microwave Symposium.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Weil, Carsten ; Müller, Stefan ; Scheele, Patrick ; Best, P. ; Lüssem, Georg ; Jacoby, Rolf (2003)
Highly-anisotropic liquid-crystal mixtures for tunable microwave devices.
In: Electronics Letters, 39 (24)
doi: 10.1049/el:20031150
Artikel, Bibliographie

Weil, Carsten ; Müller, Stefan ; Scheele, Patrick ; Kryvoshapka, Yuriy ; Best, P. ; Lüssem, Georg (2003)
Ferroelectric- and Liquid Crystal- Tunable Microwave Phase Shifters.
Proc. 33th European Microwave Conf..
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Weil, Carsten ; Müller, Stefan ; Scheele, Patrick ; Kryvoshapka, Yuri ; Lüssem, G. ; Best, P. ; Jakoby, Rolf (2003)
Ferroelectric and liquid crystal-tunable microwave phase shifters.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

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