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Muster, Britta ; Rapp, Alexander ; Cardoso, M. Cristina (2017)
Systematic analysis of DNA damage induction and DNA repair pathway activation by continuous wave visible light laser micro-irradiation.
In: AIMS Genetics, 4 (1)
doi: 10.3934/genet.2017.1.47
Article, Bibliographie
Lengert, Laurin ; Lengert, Nicor ; Drossel, Barbara ; Cardoso, M. Cristina ; Muster, Britta ; Nowak, Danny ; Rapp, Alexander (2015)
Discrimination of Kinetic Models by a Combination of Microirradiation and Fluorescence Photobleaching.
In: Biophysical journal, 109 (8)
doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2015.08.031
Article, Bibliographie
Kind, Barbara ; Muster, Britta ; Staroske, Wolfgang ; Herce, Henry D. ; Sachse, René ; Rapp, Alexander ; Schmidt, Franziska ; Koss, Sarah ; Cardoso, M. Cristina ; Lee-Kirsch, Min Ae (2014)
Altered spatio-temporal dynamics of RNase H2 complex assembly at replication and repair sites in Aicardi-Goutières syndrome.
In: Human molecular genetics, 23 (22)
Article, Bibliographie
Ph.D. Thesis
Muster, Britta (2014)
DNA repair and chromatin.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication