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Gutberlet, C. ; Katzenbach, R. ; Hutter, K. (2013)
Experimental investigation into the influence of stratification on the passive earth pressure.
In: Acta Geotechnica, 8
Artikel, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Bergmann, C. ; Ruppert, T. ; Bachmann, G. ; Gutberlet, C. ; Hutter, K. (2011)
Particle Image Velocimetry Methods for Soil Soil Movements in Geotechnics.
In: Darmstadt Geotechnics, 21
Artikel, Bibliographie
Wang, Yongqi ; Hayat, T. ; Hutter, K. (2005)
On non-linear magnetohydrodynamic problems of an Oldroyd 6-constant fluid.
In: International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 40 (1)
doi: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2004.05.010
Artikel, Bibliographie
Umlauf, L. ; Burchard, H. ; Hutter, K. (2003)
Extending the k-w turbulence model towards oceanic applications.
In: Ocean modelling, 5
Artikel, Bibliographie
Bäuerle, E. ; Chubarenko, B. ; Chubarenko, I. ; Halder, J. ; Hutter, K. ; Wang, Yongqi (2002)
Autumn physical limnological experimental campaign in the Mainau Island littoral zone of Lake Constance (12 October-19 November 2001) : report on field experiments.
Buch, Bibliographie
Ktitarev, Dimitri ; Gödert, G. ; Hutter, K. (2002)
Cellular automation mdel for recrystallization and texture development in polar ice.
In: Journal of geophysical research, 107
Artikel, Bibliographie
Kosinski, W. ; Kubik, J. ; Hutter, K. (2002)
On the added mass effect for prous media.
In: Archives of mechanics, 54
Artikel, Bibliographie
Hayat, T. ; Wang, Yongqi ; Siddiqui, A. M. ; Hutter, K. ; Asghar, S. (2002)
Peristaltic transport of a third-order fluid in a circular cylindrical tube.
In: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS), 12 (12)
doi: 10.1142/S0218202502002288
Artikel, Bibliographie
Tai, Y.-C. ; Gray, J. M. N. T. ; Hutter, K. (2002)
Shock-capturing and front tracking methods for granular avalanches.
In: Journal of Computational Physics, 175 (1)
doi: 10.1006/jcph.2001.6946
Artikel, Bibliographie
Chugonov, V. A. ; Gray, J. M. N. T. ; Hutter, K. (2002)
Some invariant solutions of the Savage-Hutter model for granular avalanches.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Chugonov, V. A. ; Hutter, K. ; Eskin, L. D. (2002)
Thin films of non-Newtonian fluids with jump discontiunuities.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Vlasenko, V. I. ; Hutter, K. (2002)
Transformation and disintegration of strongly nonlinear internal waves by topography in stratified lakes.
In: Annales geophysicae, 20
Artikel, Bibliographie
Baral, Dambaru Raj ; Hutter, K. (2001)
Asymptotic theories of ice sheets and ice shelves.
In: Geomorphological fluid mechanics
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Baral, Dambaru Raj ; Hutter, K. ; Greve, R. (2001)
Asymptotic theories of large-scale motion, temperature, and moisture distribution in land-based polythermal ice sheets: a critical review and new developments.
In: Applied mechanics reviews, 54
Artikel, Bibliographie
Hüttemann, H. ; Hutter, K. (2001)
Baroclinic solitary water waves in a two-layer fluid system with diffusive interface.
In: Experiments in fluids, 30
Artikel, Bibliographie
Tai, Yih-Chin ; Hutter, K. ; Gray, J. M. N. T. (2001)
Dense granular avalanches: mathematical description and experimental validation.
In: Geomorphological fluid mechanics
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Sadiki, Amsini ; Hutter, K. (2001)
Electro-Thermomechanical Balance Equations for a Non-Material Interface in a Deformable Body With Electric Quadrupole.
In: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 81
Artikel, Bibliographie
Berezin, Y. A. ; Osinov, V. A. ; Hutter, K. (2001)
Evolution of plane disturbances in hypoplastic granular materials.
In: Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics, 13
Artikel, Bibliographie
Tai, Yih-Chin ; Gray, J. M. N. T. ; Hutter, K. ; Noelle, S. (2001)
Flow of dense avalanches past obstructions.
In: Annals of glaciology, 32
Artikel, Bibliographie
Vlasenko, V. I. ; Hutter, K. (2001)
Generation of second mode solitary waves by the interaction of a first mode soliton with a sill.
In: Nonlinear processes in geophysics, 8
Artikel, Bibliographie
Wang, Yongqi ; Hutter, K.
Hrsg.: Balmforth, N. ; Provenzale, A. (2001)
Granular Material Theories Revisited.
In: Geomorphological Fluid Mechanics
doi: 10.1007/3-540-45670-8_4
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Stashchuk, Nataliya ; Hutter, K. (2001)
Modelling of water exchange through the Strait of the Dardanelles.
In: Continental shelf research, 21
Artikel, Bibliographie
Wilchinsky, Alexander V. ; Hutter, K. (2001)
On thermodynamic consistency of turbulent closures.
In: Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics, 15
Artikel, Bibliographie
Wilchinsky, Alexander V. ; Faria, S. H. ; Hutter, K. (2001)
Thermodynamic modelling of polymer solutions with molecular form birefringence.
In: Journal of Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, 99
Artikel, Bibliographie
Tai, Yih-Chin ; Noelle, S. ; Gray, J. M. N. T. ; Hutter, K. (2001)
An accurate shock-capturing finite-difference method to solve the Savage-Hutter equations in avalanche dynamics.
In: Annals of glaciology, 32
Artikel, Bibliographie
Sciarra, Giulio ; Dell'Isola, F. ; Hutter, K. (2001)
A solid-fluid mixture model allowing for solid dilatation under external pressure.
In: Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics, 13
Artikel, Bibliographie
Tai, Yih-Chin ; Hutter, K. ; Gray, J. M. N. T. (2000)
Steady motion of a finite granular mass in a rotating drum.
In: Lixue-Chinese Journal of Mechanics : Series A, 16 (2)
doi: 10.1017/S1727719100001623
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dell'Isola, Francesco ; Guarascio, M. ; Hutter, K. (2000)
A variational approach for the deformation of a saturated porous solid. A second-gradient theory extending Terzaghi's effective stress principle.
In: Archive of Applied Mechanics, 70 (5)
doi: 10.1007/s004199900020
Artikel, Bibliographie
Berezin, Y. A. ; Hutter, K. ; Spodareva, L. A. (2000)
Evolution of disturbances on shallow layers of non-Newtonian fluids.
In: Physica D, 139
Artikel, Bibliographie
Gödert, Günter ; Hutter, K. (2000)
Material update procedure for planar transient flow of ice with evolving anisotropy.
In: Annals of Glaciology, 30
doi: 10.3189/172756400781820552
Artikel, Bibliographie
Sadiki, Amsini ; Hutter, K. (2000)
On Thermodynamics of Turbulence: Development of First Order Closure Models and Critical Evaluation of Existing Models.
In: Journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, 25 (2)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Savvin, Alexej A. ; Greve, R. ; Calov, R. ; Mügge, B. ; Hutter, K. (2000)
Simulation of the antarctic ice sheet with a threedimensional polythermal ice-sheet model, in support of the EPICA project. II. Nested high-resolution treatment of Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica.
In: Annals of glaciology, 30
Artikel, Bibliographie
Sadiki, Amsini ; Bauer, W. ; Hutter, K. (2000)
Thermodynamically Consistent Coefficient Calibration in Nonlinear and Anisotropic Closure Models for Turbulence.
In: Cont. Mech. and Thermod., 12
Artikel, Bibliographie
Wieland, M. ; Gray, J. M. N. T. ; Hutter, K. (1999)
Channelized free-surface flow of cohesionless granular avalanches in a chute with shallow lateral curvature.
In: Journal of fluid mechanics, 392
Artikel, Bibliographie
Svendsen, Bob ; Hutter, K. ; Laloui, L. (1999)
Constitutive models for granular materials including quasi-static frictional behaviour: toward a thermodynamic theory of plasticity.
In: Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics, 11
Artikel, Bibliographie
Gray, J. M. N. T. ; Wieland, M. ; Hutter, K. (1999)
Gravity-driven free surface flow of granular avalanches over complex basal topography.
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Wu, Tianhao ; Hutter, K. (1999)
On the role of the interface mechanical interaction in a gravity-driven shear flow of an ice-till mixture.
In: Transport in porous media, 34
Artikel, Bibliographie
Gray, J. M. N. T. ; Irmer, A. ; Tai, Y.-C. ; Hutter, K. (1999)
Plane and oblique shocks in shallow granular flows.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Weis, Magnus ; Greve, R. ; Hutter, K. (1999)
Theory of shallow ice shelves.
In: Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics, 11
Artikel, Bibliographie
Sadiki, A. ; Hutter, K. ; Janicka, J. (1999)
Thermodynamically Consistent Second-Order Turbulence Modeling Based on Extended Thermodynamics.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Sadiki, A. ; Hutter, K. ; Janicka, J. (1999)
Thermodynamically consistent second order turbulence modeling based on extended thermodynamics.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Dell'Isola, Francesco ; Hutter, K. (1999)
Variations of porosity in a sheared pressurized layer of saturated soil induced by vertical drainage of water.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Wang, Yongqi ; Hutter, K. (1999)
A constitutive model of multiphase mixtures and its application in shearing flows of saturated solid-fluid mixtures.
In: Granular matter, 1
Artikel, Bibliographie
Wang, Yongqi ; Hutter, K. (1999)
A constitutive theory of fluid saturated granular materials and its application in gravitational flows.
In: Rheologica acta, 38
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dell'Isola, Francesco ; Hutter, K. (1999)
A free moving boundary problem for the till below large ice sheets.
In: Free boundary problems: theory and applications
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Franke, Ulrich ; Hutter, K. ; Jöhnk, K. (1999)
A physical-biological coupled model for algal dynamics in lakes.
In: Bulletin of mathematical biology. 61 (1999), S. 239-272
Artikel, Bibliographie
Straughan, B. R. ; Hutter, K. (1999)
A priori bounds and structural stability for double-diffusive convection incorporating the Soret effect.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Zohdi, T. I. ; Hutter, K. ; Wriggers, P. (1999)
A technique to describe the macroscopic pressure dependence of diffusive properties of solid materials containing heterogeneities.
In: Computational materials science, 15
Artikel, Bibliographie
Savvin, Alexej A. ; Hutter, K. ; Dorfmann, A. A. (1999)
Three-dimensional isothermal boundary layer solutions of slow creeping ice flows based on the shallow ice approximation.
In: Advances in cold-region thermal engineering and sciences
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Baral, Dambaru Raj ; Hutter, K. (1999)
An iterative solution procedure for shallow Stokes flow: the shallow ice approximation revisited.
In: Advances in cold-region thermal engineering and sciences
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Gödert, Günter ; Hutter, K. (1998)
Induced anisotropy in large ice shields: theory and its homogenization.
In: Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics. 10 (1998), S. 293-318
Artikel, Bibliographie
Güting, Peter-Matthias ; Hutter, K. (1998)
Modeling wind-induced circulation in the homogeneous Lake Constance using kappa-epsilon closure.
In: Aquatic sciences. 60 (1998), S. 266-277
Artikel, Bibliographie
Wu, T. ; Hutter, K. ; Svendsen, B. (1998)
On shear flow of a saturated ice-sediment mixture with thermodynamic equilibrium pressure and momentum exchange.
In: Proceedings of the Royal Society London
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Greve, Ralf ; Weis, M. ; Hutter, K. (1998)
Palaeoclimatic evolution and present conditions of the Greenland Ice Sheet in the vicinity of Summit: an approach by large-scale modelling.
In: Paleoclimates, 2 (2/3)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Gray, J. M. N. T. ; Hutter, K. (1998)
Physik granularer Lawinen.
In: Physikalische Blätter. 54 (1998), 1, S. 37-43
Artikel, Bibliographie
Calov, R. ; Savvin, A. A. ; Greve, R. ; Hansen, I. ; Hutter, K. (1998)
Simulation of the Antarctic ice sheet with a threedimensional polythermal ice-sheet model, in support of the EPICA project.
In: Annals of Glaciology, 27
doi: 10.3189/1998AoG27-1-201-206
Artikel, Bibliographie
Berezin, Y. A. ; Hutter, K. ; Spodareva, L. A. (1998)
Stability analysis of gravity driven shear flows with free surface for power-law fluids.
In: Archives of applied mechanics. 68 (1998), S. 169-178
Artikel, Bibliographie
Berezin, Y. A. ; Hutter, K. ; Spodareva, L. A. (1998)
Stability properties of shallow granular flows.
In: International journal of non-linear mechanics. 33 (1998), S. 647-658
Artikel, Bibliographie
Laloui, L. ; Vulliet, ; Hutter, K. (1998)
Thermodynamics of saturated and unsaturated soils.
In: Poromechanics
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Dell'Isola, Francesco ; Hutter, K. (1998)
What are the dominant thermomechanical processes in the basal sediment layer of large ice sheets?
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Wang, Yongqi ; Hutter, K. (1998)
A semi-implicit semispectral primitive equation model for lake circulation dynamics and its stability performance.
In: Journal of computational physics. 139 (1998), S. 209-241
Artikel, Bibliographie
Dell'Isola, Francesco ; Hutter, K. (1997)
Continuum mechanical modelling of the dissipative processes in the sediment-water layer below glaciers.
In: Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris. Ser. IIb. 325 (1997), S. 449-456
Artikel, Bibliographie
Calov, R. ; Hutter, K. (1997)
Large scale motion and temperature distributions in land-based ice shields; the Greenland Ice Sheet in response to various climatic scenarios.
In: Archives of Mechanics, 49
Artikel, Bibliographie
Berezin, Y. A. ; Hutter, K. (1997)
On large-scale vortical structures in (incompressible) fluids with thermal expansion.
In: Mathematical models and methods in applied sciences. 7 (1997), S. 113-123
Artikel, Bibliographie
Berezin, Y. A. ; Hutter, K. ; Spodareva, L. A. (1997)
On stability of rapid granular shear flows.
In: Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics. 9 (1997), S. 229-240
Artikel, Bibliographie
Gray, J. M. N. T. ; Hutter, K. (1997)
Pattern formation in granular avalanches.
In: Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics. 9 (1997), S. 341-345
Artikel, Bibliographie
Weis, Magnus ; Hutter, K. ; Calov, R. (1996)
250 000 years in the history of Greenland's ice sheet.
In: Annals of glaciology. 23 (1996), S. 359-363
Artikel, Bibliographie
Hansen, I. ; Greve, R. ; Hutter, K. ; Greve, R. ; Hutter, K. (1996)
Application of a polythermal ice sheet model to the Antarctic ice sheet.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Wessels, Frank ; Hutter, K. (1996)
Interaction of internal waves with a topographic sill in a two-layered fluid.
In: Journal of physical oceanography. Jan. 1996, S. 5-20
Artikel, Bibliographie
Sadiki, A. ; Hutter, K. (1996)
On the Frame Dependence and Form Invariance of the Transport Equations for the Reynolds Stress Tensor and the Turbulent Heat Flux Vector: Its Consequences on Closure Models in Turbulence Modelling.
In: Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 8
Artikel, Bibliographie
Sadiki, Amsini ; Hutter, K. (1996)
On the General Structure of Balance Equations of Flux on Non-Material Surfaces Bearing Surfacial Quantities with Application to Surfacial Electrodynamics.
In: Int. Journal of Appiled Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 7
Artikel, Bibliographie
Sadiki, Amsini ; Hutter, K. (1996)
On the frame dependence and form invariance of the transport equations for the Reynolds stress tensor and the turbulent heat flux vector.
In: Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics. 8 (1996), S.341-349
Artikel, Bibliographie
Wu, Tianhao ; Jöhnk, K. ; Svendsen, B. ; Hutter, K. ; Jöhnk, K. ; Svendsen, B. ; Hutter, K. (1996)
On the gravity-driven shear flow of an ice-till mixture.
In: Annals of glaciology. 23 (1996), S. 124-128
Artikel, Bibliographie
Svendsen, Bob ; Wu, T. ; Jöhnk, K. ; Hutter, K. ; Wu, T. ; Jöhnk, K. ; Hutter, K. (1996)
On the role of mechanical interactions in the steady-state gravity flow of a two-constituent mixture down an inclined plane.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Sadiki, A. ; Hutter, K. (1996)
Surfacial Electrodynamics, Part 1: Description of Surfacial Electric and Magnetic Fields at a Dividing Surface in a Deformable Body by Considering its Electric and Magnetic Quadrupole Distribution.
In: Int. Journal of Appiled Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 7
Artikel, Bibliographie
Sadiki, A. ; Hutter, K. (1996)
Surfacial Electrodynamics, Part 2: Electromagnetism on a Non-Material Interface in a Deformable Body with Electric and Magnetic Quadrupoles.
In: Int. Journal of Appiled Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 7
Artikel, Bibliographie
Sadiki, Amsini ; Hutter, K. (1996)
Surfacial electrodynamics. Pt. I and II.
In: International journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics. 7 (1996), S. 285-327
Artikel, Bibliographie
Maurer, J. ; Hutter, K. ; Diebels, S. (1996)
Viscous effects in internal waves of two-layered fluids with variable depth.
In: European Journal of Mechanics B-Fluids, 15 (4)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Svendsen, Bob ; Hutter, K. ; Hutter, K. (1996)
A continuum approach for modelling induced anisotropy in glaciers and ice sheets.
In: Annals of glaciology. 23 (1996), S. 262-269
Artikel, Bibliographie
Wilhartitz, P. ; Krismer, R. ; Leichtfried, ; Hutter, K. ; Grasserbauer, M. ; Weinbruch, Stephan ; Ortner, H. M. (1995)
3D-SIMS analysis of ultra high purity molybdenum and tungsten: a characterisation of different manufacturing techniques and products.
In: Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 353
doi: 10.1007/BF00321315
Artikel, Bibliographie
Rudnev, S. F. ; Salvade, G. ; Hutter, K. ; Zamboni, F. (1995)
External gravity oscillations in Lake Onega.
In: Annales Geophysicae, 13
doi: 10.1007/s00585-995-0893-2
Artikel, Bibliographie
Svendsen, Bob ; Hutter, K. (1995)
On the continuum modelling of induced anisotropy with application to ice.
In: Anisotropy, inhomogeneity and nonlinearity in solid mechanics, Auflage: Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1995
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Svendsen, Bob ; Hutter, K. (1995)
On the thermodynamics of a mixture of isotropic materials with constraints.
In: International journal of engineering science. 33 (1995), No. 14, S. 2021-2054
Artikel, Bibliographie
Berezin, Y. A. ; Hutter, K. (1995)
On vortex air motions above an axisymmetric source of mass, momentum and heat.
In: Journal of fluid mechanics. 290 (1995), S. 299-317
Artikel, Bibliographie
Greve, Ralf ; Hutter, K. (1995)
Polythermal three-dimensional modelling of the Greenland ice sheet with varied geothermal heat flux.
In: Annals of glaciology. 21 (1995), S. 8-12
Artikel, Bibliographie
Svendsen, Bob ; Hutter, K. (1995)
A mixture model for debris flows.
In: Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. deBoer, Auflage: Essen: Gesamthochschule, 1995
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Hwang, H. ; Hutter, K. (1995)
A new kinetic model for rapid granular flow.
In: Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics. 7 (1995), S. 357-384
Artikel, Bibliographie
Balan, C. ; Hutter, K. (1995)
A procedure to determine the material constants and the viscosity function for a fluid with yield shear stress.
In: Acta mechanica. 109 (1995), S. 65-78
Artikel, Bibliographie
Ellermeier, Wolfgang ; Hutter, K. (1995)
Dynamics of a viscous two-layer system under gravity - analytical results.
In: Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Herrn Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Siekmann
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie