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Abel, T. ; Dörr, R. ; Krüger, W. ; Horstmann, R. ; Schaumann, G. ; Roth, M. ; Schlaak, H. F. (2018)
Combining two-photon-polymerization with UV-lithography for laser particle acceleration targets.
In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1079 (1)
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1079/1/012012
Article, Bibliographie
Abel, T. ; Hinderer, Matthias ; Sauter, M. (2002)
Karst genesis of the Swabian Alb, South Germany, since the Pliocene : (Climate changes - The Karst Record II, Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, July 27-August 9, 2000).
In: Acta geologica Polonica, 52
Article, Bibliographie
Abel, T. ; Sauter, M. ; Hinderer, M. (2000)
Integrative Ansätze zur Ermittlung von Denudationsraten auf der Schwäbischen Alb.
In: Laichinger Höhlenfreund, 35 (2)
Article, Bibliographie