TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

Clusters vs. Networks – a literature based approach towards an integrated concept

Bode, Alexander ; Talmon l'Armee, Tobias ; Alig, Simon (2010)
Clusters vs. Networks – a literature based approach towards an integrated concept.
In: International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business (IJGSB), 4 (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract)

The cluster concept has steadily increased its importance during the past years – both from practitioners’ and researchers’ perspective. Simultaneously many corporate networks have been established. Researchers from different areas (business management, economics, social and geographical science) are trying to explain both phenomena. As a result of different disciplines’ varying research objects many definitions of clusters exist. Furthermore, the terms cluster and network are often not clearly distinguished. Some authors even merge the terms. Based on a profound literature review, our paper structures the manifold definitions, differentiating between clusters and networks, and provides first practical insights at the case of the Hessenmetall Cluster-Initiative how to integrate the two concepts.

Typ des Eintrags: Artikel
Erschienen: 2010
Autor(en): Bode, Alexander ; Talmon l'Armee, Tobias ; Alig, Simon
Art des Eintrags: Bibliographie
Titel: Clusters vs. Networks – a literature based approach towards an integrated concept
Sprache: Englisch
Publikationsjahr: 15 September 2010
Verlag: Inderscience
Titel der Zeitschrift, Zeitung oder Schriftenreihe: International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business (IJGSB)
Jahrgang/Volume einer Zeitschrift: 4
(Heft-)Nummer: 1
URL / URN: http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=37#ob...
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Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract):

The cluster concept has steadily increased its importance during the past years – both from practitioners’ and researchers’ perspective. Simultaneously many corporate networks have been established. Researchers from different areas (business management, economics, social and geographical science) are trying to explain both phenomena. As a result of different disciplines’ varying research objects many definitions of clusters exist. Furthermore, the terms cluster and network are often not clearly distinguished. Some authors even merge the terms. Based on a profound literature review, our paper structures the manifold definitions, differentiating between clusters and networks, and provides first practical insights at the case of the Hessenmetall Cluster-Initiative how to integrate the two concepts.

Freie Schlagworte: Cluster; Network; Cooperation; Organization; Cluster-Management; Porter; Porter Diamond; Social Network; Value Chain; Industrial District; Cluster-Initiative; Social Relationship
Fachbereich(e)/-gebiet(e): 01 Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Betriebswirtschaftliche Fachgebiete > Cluster- und Wertschöpfungsmanagement
01 Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
01 Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Betriebswirtschaftliche Fachgebiete > Fachgebiet Unternehmensführung und Logistik
01 Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Betriebswirtschaftliche Fachgebiete
Hinterlegungsdatum: 26 Mai 2010 07:04
Letzte Änderung: 05 Mär 2013 09:34
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