TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

The Effect of Pick-by-Light-Systems on Situation Awareness in Order Picking Activities

Stockinger, Christopher ; Steinebach, Tim ; Petrat, Deborah ; Bruns, Robert ; Zöller, Ilka (2020)
The Effect of Pick-by-Light-Systems on Situation Awareness in Order Picking Activities.
In: Procedia Manufacturing, 45
doi: 10.1016/j.promfg.2020.04.078
Artikel, Bibliographie

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Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract)

Pick-by-light systems are widespread in the industry, especially in order picking. Literature shows their potential to reduce picking-time and –errors as well as mental load. Using pick-by-light is also relevant for training processes since employees may tend to rely on these systems without consciously comprehending and processing the environment. Situation Awareness is a term referring to this fact and is analyzed in the study described in this article. The study took place in the learning factory “Center for industrial Production” at TU Darmstadt with N=31 subjects, who completed two order picking tasks: One of them assisted by pick-by-light and the other by pick-by-paper. SAGAT-based Situation Awareness showed no significant differences, whereas heart rate showed higher strain when using pick-by-light. NASA TLX showed a higher subjective strain using pick-by-paper.

Typ des Eintrags: Artikel
Erschienen: 2020
Autor(en): Stockinger, Christopher ; Steinebach, Tim ; Petrat, Deborah ; Bruns, Robert ; Zöller, Ilka
Art des Eintrags: Bibliographie
Titel: The Effect of Pick-by-Light-Systems on Situation Awareness in Order Picking Activities
Sprache: Englisch
Publikationsjahr: 30 April 2020
Verlag: Elsevier
Titel der Zeitschrift, Zeitung oder Schriftenreihe: Procedia Manufacturing
Jahrgang/Volume einer Zeitschrift: 45
DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2020.04.078
URL / URN: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S235197892...
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Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract):

Pick-by-light systems are widespread in the industry, especially in order picking. Literature shows their potential to reduce picking-time and –errors as well as mental load. Using pick-by-light is also relevant for training processes since employees may tend to rely on these systems without consciously comprehending and processing the environment. Situation Awareness is a term referring to this fact and is analyzed in the study described in this article. The study took place in the learning factory “Center for industrial Production” at TU Darmstadt with N=31 subjects, who completed two order picking tasks: One of them assisted by pick-by-light and the other by pick-by-paper. SAGAT-based Situation Awareness showed no significant differences, whereas heart rate showed higher strain when using pick-by-light. NASA TLX showed a higher subjective strain using pick-by-paper.

Fachbereich(e)/-gebiet(e): 16 Fachbereich Maschinenbau
16 Fachbereich Maschinenbau > Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft (IAD)
Hinterlegungsdatum: 11 Mai 2020 05:37
Letzte Änderung: 03 Jul 2024 02:44
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