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Anzahl der Einträge: 30.

Bischof, Christian ; Bücker, Martin ; Lang, Bruno ; Rasch, Arno ; Slusanschi, Emil (2007)
Automatic differentiation of the general-purpose computational fluid dynamics package FLUENT.
In: Journal of fluids engineering, 129 (5)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Mönnigmann, Martin ; Marquardt, Wolfgang ; Bischof, Christian ; Beelitz, Thomas ; Lang, Bruno ; Willems, Paul (2007)
A hybrid approach for efficient robust design of dynamic systems.
In: SIAM review, 49 (2)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Beelitz, Thomas ; Lang, Bruno ; Bischof, Christian (2006)
Efficient task scheduling in the parallel result-verifying solution of nonlinear systems.
In: Reliable computing, 12 (2)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Bischof, Christian ; Bücker, Martin ; Lang, Bruno ; Rasch, Arno ; Slusanschi, Emil (2005)
Efficient and accurate derivatives for a software process chain in airfoil shape optimization.
In: Future generation computer systems : FGCS, 21 (8)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Bücker, Martin ; Lang, Bruno ; Rasch, Arno ; Bischof, Christian (2004)
Automatic parallelism in differentiation of Fourier transforms.
In: Information and Software Technology, 46.200 (5)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Beelitz, Thomas ; Bischof, Christian ; Lang, Bruno ; Althoff, Klaus Schulte (2004)
Result-verifying solution of nonlinear systems in the analysis of chemical processes.
In: Numerical software with result verification : international Dagstuhl seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, January 19 - 24, 2003 ; revised papers / Ren\'e Alt ... (ed.
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Beelitz, Thomas ; Bischof, Christian ; Lang, Bruno (2004)
A hybrid subdivision strategy for result-verifying nonlinear solvers.
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM, 4 (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Bischof, Christian ; Bücker, Martin ; Lang, Bruno ; Rasch, Arno (2003)
Automated gradient calculation.
In: Flow modulation and fluid structure interaction at airplane wings : research results of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 401 at RWTH Aachen, University of Technology, Aachen, Germany / Josef Ballmann (ed.)
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Bischof, Christian ; Lang, Bruno ; Vehreschild, André (2003)
Automatic differentiation for MATLAB programs.
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM, 2 (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Bischof, Christian ; Bücker, Martin ; Lang, Bruno ; Rasch, Arno ; Risch, Jakob (2003)
Extending the functionality of the general-purpose finite element package SEPRAN by automatic differentiation.
In: International journal for numerical methods in engineering, 58 (14)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Bücker, Martin ; Lang, Bruno ; Bischof, Christian (2003)
Parallel programming in computational science : an introductory practical training course for computer science undergraduates at Aachen University.
In: Future generation computer systems : FGCS, 19 (8)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Bischof, Christian ; Bücker, Martin ; Lang, Bruno ; Rasch, Arno (2003)
Solving large-scale optimization problems with EFCOSS.
In: Advances in engineering software, 34 (10)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Bischof, Christian ; Bücker, Martin ; Lang, Bruno (2002)
Automatic differentiation for computational finance.
In: Computational methods in decision-making, economics and finance / ed. by Erricos John Kontoghiorghes...
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Bischof, Christian ; Bücker, Martin ; Lang, Bruno ; Rasch, Arno ; Vehreschild, André (2002)
Combining source transformation and operator overloading techniques to compute derivatives for MATLAB programs.
Proceedings / Second IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation : 1 October 2002, Montreal, Canada.Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. SCAM 2002 ; 2 (Montreal) : 2002.10.01.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bücker, Martin H. ; Lang, Bruno ; Rasch, Arno ; Bischof, Christian (2002)
Computation of sensitivity information for aircraft design by automatic differentiation.
In: Computational science : international conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 21-24, 2002; proceedings / ICCS 2002. Peter M. A. Sloot ... (eds.). - Pt. 2
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Bücker, Martin ; Lang, Bruno ; Rasch, Arno ; Bischof, Christian (2002)
Computing sensitivities of the electrostatic potential by automatic differentiation.
In: Computer physics communications, 147 (1/2)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Bücker, Martin ; Lang, Bruno ; Rasch, Arno ; Bischof, Christian ; Mey, Dieter an (2002)
Explicit loop scheduling in openMP for parallel automatic differentiation.
Proceedings / 16th Annual International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems and Applications : 16 - 19 June 2002, Moncton, NB, Canada / Jalal N. Almhana, Virendrakumar C. Bhavsar, ed.. HPCS 2002 ; 16 (Moncton, NB) : 2002.06.16-19.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bücker, Martin ; Lang, Bruno ; Rasch, Arno ; Bischof, Christian (2002)
Sensitivity analysis of an airfoil simulation using automatic differentiation.
Modelling, identification, and control : proceedings of the IASTED international conference ; February 18 - 21, 2002, Innsbruck, Austria / ed.: M. H. Hamza. International Association of Science and Technology for Development.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bücker, H. Martin ; Lang, Bruno ; Mey, Dieter an ; Bischof, Christian (2001)
Bringing together automatic differentiation and OpenMP.
Conference proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Supercomputing : Sorrento, Italy, June 17 - 21, 2001 / sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture (SIGARCH). International Conference.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bischof, Christian ; Bücker, Martin ; Lang, Bruno ; Rasch, Arno ; Risch, Jakob W. (2001)
A CORBA-based environment for coupling large-scale simulation and optimization software.
PDPTA 2001 : International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications ; Las Vegas, 25-28 June 2001 / ed. by H. R. Arabnia.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bücker, Martin H. ; Lang, Bruno ; Rasch, Arno ; Bischof, Christian (2001)
From analytic to automated derivatives : a case study of the electrostatic potential.
Algorithms and software for mobile communications : proceedings / 10th Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory, Aachen University of Technology (RWTH), September 20 - 21, 2001, Faculty of Electrical and Informations Engineering.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bischof, Christian ; Bücker, Martin ; Henrichs, Jörg ; Lang, Bruno (2001)
Hands-on training for undergraduates in high-performance computing using Java.
In: Applied parallel computing : new paradigms for HPC in industry and academia ; 5th international workshop, Bergen, Norway, June 18 - 20, 2000 ; proceedings / PARA 2000. Tor Sorevik ... (eds.)
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie

Bischof, Christian ; Bücker, Martin H. ; Lang, Bruno ; Rasch, Arno ; Risch, Jakob W. (2001)
On the use of a differentiated finite element package for sensitivity analysis.
Computational science : international conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 28 - 30, 2001; proceedings / ICCS 2001. Vassil N. Alexandrov ... (eds.).
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bücker, Martin ; Lang, Bruno ; Bischof, Christian (2001)
Teaching different parallel programming paradigms using Java.
Proceedings of the Third Annual Workshop on Java for High Performance Computing ; Sorrento, Italy, June 17, 2001.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bischof, Christian ; Lang, Bruno ; Marquardt, Wolfgang ; Mönnigmann, Martin (2001)
Verified determination of singularities in chemical processes.
Report, Bibliographie

Bischof, Christian ; Lang, Bruno ; Sun, Xiaobai B. (2000)
Algorithm 807 : the SBR toolbox-software for successive band reduction.
In: ACM transactions on mathematical software, 26 (4)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Bischof, Christian ; Lang, Bruno ; Sun, Xiaobai (2000)
The SBR toolbox - software for successive band reduction.
In: ACM transactions on mathematical software, 26 (4)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Bischof, Christian ; Lang, Bruno ; Marquardt, Wolfgang ; Mönnigmann, Martin (2000)
Verified determination of singularities in chemical processes.
Book of abstracts / SCAN 2000, GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics jontly with Interval 2000, International Conference on Interval Methods in Science and Engineering, September 18 - 22, 20.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Bischof, Christian ; Lang, Bruno ; Sun, Xiaobai B. (2000)
A framework for symmetric band reduction.
In: ACM transactions on mathematical software, 26 (4)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Hrsg.: Hoßfeld, Friedel ; Berrendorf, R. ; Bischof, Christian ; Brunst, H. ; Buecker, Martin ; Detert, U. ; Esser, R. ; Gerndt, M. ; Grotendorst, J. ; Gutheil, I. ; Hoppe, H.-C. ; Koerfgen, B. ; Lang, Bruno ; Mey, Dieter an ; Mohr, B. ; Nagel, W. E. ; Solchenbach, K. ; Sutmann, G. ; Tikko, V. ; Wollschlaeger, L. (1999)
Gekoppelte SMP-Systeme im wissenschaftlich-technischen Hochleistungsrechnen - Status und Entwicklungsbedarf - (GoSMP) : Analyse im Auftrag des BMBF.
Buch, Bibliographie

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