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Scoppola, E. ; Micciulla, S. ; Kuhrts, L. ; Maestro, A. ; Campbell, R. A. ; Konovalov, O. V. ; Fragneto, G. ; Schneck, E. (2019)
Reflectometry Reveals Accumulation of Surfactant Impurities at Bare Oil/Water Interfaces.
In: Molecules, 24 (22)
doi: 10.3390/molecules24224113
Artikel, Bibliographie
Mangiapia, G. ; Gvaramia, M. ; Kuhrts, L. ; Teixeira, J. ; Koutsioubas, A. ; Soltwedel, O. ; Frielinghaus, H. (2017)
Effect of benzocaine and propranolol on phospholipid-based bilayers.
In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (47)
doi: 10.1039/c7cp06077g
Artikel, Bibliographie
Backes, S. ; Witt, M. U. ; Roeben, E. ; Kuhrts, L. ; Aleed, S. ; Schmidt, A. M. ; Klitzing, R. von (2015)
Loading of PNIPAM Based Microgels with CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles and Their Magnetic Response in Bulk and at Surfaces.
In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119 (36)
Artikel, Bibliographie