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Kolliniati, Maria-Artemis (2019)
Human rights and positive obligations to healthcare: reading the European Convention on Human Rights through Joseph Raz’s theory of rights.
doi: 10.5771/9783845299853-245
Buch, Bibliographie
Kolliniati, Maria-Artemis (2019)
Local public finance: Greece.
In: Local public finance in Europe, ed. by René Geißler et al.
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Kolliniati, Maria-Artemis ; Psycharis, Yannis (2018)
Endogenous and exogenous causes of the fiscal challenges at Amarousion municipality.
In: Δημοσιονομική εξυγίανση στην τοπική αυτοδιοίκηση: Προβλήματα και διέξοδοι υπό συνθήκες κρίσης, Papazisi: Athens. [Fiscal Consolidation in Local Government: challenges and solutions in times of crisis], ed. by Nikolaos-Komninos Hlepas
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Kolliniati, Maria-Artemis ; Stolzenberg, Philipp ; Terizakis, Georgios ; Hlepas, Nikolaos-Komninos (2017)
Fiscal Consolidation in Greek and German Municipalities: Strategies, Discourses and Social Cohesion.
In: Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2017
doi: 10.5771/9783845288253
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie