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Faust, Christopher ; Storm, Christian ; Schwabe, Angelika (2012)
Shifts in plant community structure of a threatened
sandy grassland over a 9-yr period under
experimentally induced nutrient regimes: is there a lag
In: Journal of Vegetation Science, 23 (2)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Faust, Christopher (2011)
Succession and disturbance in a successional gradient: impact of crucial abiotic and biotic factors.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung
Süss, Karin ; Faust, Christopher ; Schwabe, Angelika (2011)
Entwicklung der Vegetation von Leitbildflächen (Sand) im E+E-Vorhaben "Ried und Sand".
In: Ried und Sand : Biotopverbund und Restitution durch extensive Landbewirtschaftung
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Faust, Christopher ; Eichberg, Carsten ; Storm, Christian ; Schwabe, Angelika (2011)
Post-dispersal impact on seed fate by livestock trampling - a gap of knowledge.
In: Basic and Applied Ecology, 12
Artikel, Bibliographie
Faust, Christopher ; Süss, Karin ; Storm, Christian ; Schwabe, Angelika (2011)
Threatened inland sand vegetation in the temperate zone under different types of abiotic and biotic disturbances during a ten-year period.
In: Flora, 206 (7)
Artikel, Bibliographie