TU Darmstadt
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Jumpertz, L. ; Michel, F. ; Pawlus, R. ; Elsaesser, W. ; Schires, K. ; Carras, M. ; Grillot, F. (2016)
Measurements of the linewidth enhancement factor of mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers by different optical feedback techniques.
In: Aip Advances, 6 (1)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Hartmann, S. ; Friedrich, F. ; Molitor, A. ; Reichert, M. ; Elsaesser, W. ; Walser, R. (2015)
Tailored quantum statistics from broadband states of light.
In: New Journal of Physics, 17
doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/17/4/043039
Artikel, Bibliographie