TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

Targeting regulatory factors to intranuclear replication sites.

Leonhardt, H. ; Sporbert, A. ; Cardoso, M. Cristina (2000)
Targeting regulatory factors to intranuclear replication sites.
In: Critical reviews in eukaryotic gene expression, 10 (2)
Artikel, Bibliographie

Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract)

Plenty of evidence exists that mammalian nuclei are highly organized. Complex biochemical processes like DNA replication take place at specialized subnuclear sites and proteins directly or indirectly involved are concentrated at these sites. DNA replication is being used as a paradigm to study this functional organization of the nucleus, its underlying principles, and its potential regulatory consequences. In this review we discuss which factors were shown to be localized at nuclear replication sites, how they get there, and what role this might play in the precise, genome-wide regulation and coordination of complex biochemical processes.

Typ des Eintrags: Artikel
Erschienen: 2000
Autor(en): Leonhardt, H. ; Sporbert, A. ; Cardoso, M. Cristina
Art des Eintrags: Bibliographie
Titel: Targeting regulatory factors to intranuclear replication sites.
Sprache: Englisch
Publikationsjahr: 2000
Titel der Zeitschrift, Zeitung oder Schriftenreihe: Critical reviews in eukaryotic gene expression
Jahrgang/Volume einer Zeitschrift: 10
(Heft-)Nummer: 2
URL / URN: http://www.cardoso-lab.org/publications/Leonhardt_2000c.pdf
Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract):

Plenty of evidence exists that mammalian nuclei are highly organized. Complex biochemical processes like DNA replication take place at specialized subnuclear sites and proteins directly or indirectly involved are concentrated at these sites. DNA replication is being used as a paradigm to study this functional organization of the nucleus, its underlying principles, and its potential regulatory consequences. In this review we discuss which factors were shown to be localized at nuclear replication sites, how they get there, and what role this might play in the precise, genome-wide regulation and coordination of complex biochemical processes.

Fachbereich(e)/-gebiet(e): 10 Fachbereich Biologie
?? fb10_zoologie ??
10 Fachbereich Biologie > Cell Biology and Epigenetics
Hinterlegungsdatum: 05 Mär 2010 15:58
Letzte Änderung: 17 Dez 2018 15:17
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