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Martin, Manfred ; Lakshmi, N. ; Koops, U. ; Yoo, H.-I. (2009)
In situ XAFS and XRD investigations on the oxidation of metals.
In: Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie
doi: 10.1524/zpch.2007.221.11-12.1499
Artikel, Bibliographie
Lee, J.-H. ; Martin, M. ; Yoo, H.-I. (2000)
Self- and impurity cation diffusion in manganese-zinc-ferrite, Mn1-x-yZnxFe2+yO4.
In: Journal of physics and chemistry of solids, 61
Artikel, Bibliographie
Hong, J.-O. ; Teller, O. ; Martin, M. ; Yoo, H.-I. (1999)
Demixing of mixed oxide (A,B)O in an oxygen potential gradient: numerical solution of the time evolution of the demixing process.
In: Solid state ionics, 123
Artikel, Bibliographie
Lee, J.-H. ; Martin, M. ; Yoo, H.-I. (1998)
Cation self-diffusion and impurity diffusion of Mn and Zn in CoO: (I) A comparison of the residual activity and the tracer sectioning method.
In: Korean journal of ceramics. 4 (1998), S. 90-94
Artikel, Bibliographie