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Bunk, K. ; Alencar, I. ; Morgenroth, W. ; Bertram, F. ; Schmidt, C. ; Zimmer, D. ; Gruszka, P. ; Hanefeld, M. ; Bayarjargal, L. ; Trautmann, C. ; Winkler, B. (2021)
Surface and subsurface damage in 14 MeV Au ion-irradiated diamond.
In: Journal of Applied Physics, 130 (10)
doi: 10.1063/5.0060445
Artikel, Bibliographie
Alencar, I. ; Ruiz‐Fuertes, J. ; Schwartz, K. ; Trautmann, C. ; Bayarjargal, L. ; Haussühl, E. ; Winkler, B. (2016)
Irradiation effects in CaF2 probed by Raman scattering.
In: Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 47 (8)
doi: 10.1002/jrs.4927
Artikel, Bibliographie
Soto, V. ; Knorr, K. ; Ehm, L. ; Baehtz, Carsten ; Winkler, B. ; Avalos-Borja, M. (2004)
High-pressure and high-temperature powder diffraction on molybdenum diphosphide, MoP2.
In: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 219
Artikel, Bibliographie