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Group by: No Grouping | Item Type | Date | Language
Number of items: 23.

Chai, Haixia ; Moosavi, Nafise Sadat ; Gurevych, Iryna ; Strube, Michael (2022)
Evaluating Coreference Resolvers on Community-based Question Answering: From Rule-based to State of the Art.
29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2022). Gyeongju, Republic of Korea (12.-17.10.2022)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

López, Federico ; Heinzerling, Benjamin ; Strube, Michael (2019)
Fine-Grained Entity Typing in Hyperbolic Space.
4th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (RepL4NLP).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Moosavi, Nafise Sadat ; Born, Leo ; Poesio, Massimo ; Strube, Michael (2019)
Using Automatically Extracted Minimum Spans to Disentangle Coreference Evaluation from Boundary Detection.
The 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019). Florence, Italy (28.07.2019-02.08.2019)
doi: 10.18653/v1/P19-1408
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Mesgar, Mohsen ; Strube, Michael (2018)
A Neural Local Coherence Model for Text Quality Assessment.
The 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Brussels, Belgium (31.10.2018--04.11.2018)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Moosavi, Nafise Sadat ; Strube, Michael (2018)
Using Linguistic Features to Improve the Generalization Capability of Neural Coreference Resolvers.
The 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Brussels, Belgium (31.10.2018--04.11.2018)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Heinzerling, Benjamin ; Strube, Michael (2017)
BPEmb: Tokenization-free Pre-trained Subword Embeddings in 275 Languages.
In: CoRR
Article, Bibliographie

Parveen, Daraksha ; Strube, Michael (2017)
Integrating Importance, Non-Redundancy and Coherence in Graph-Based Extractive Summarization.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Moosavi, Nafise Sadat ; Strube, Michael (2017)
Lexical Features in Coreference Resolution: To be Used With Caution.
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers).
doi: 10.18653/v1/P17-2003
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Heinzerling, Benjamin ; Moosavi, Nafise Sadat ; Strube, Michael (2017)
Revisiting Selectional Preferences for Coreference Resolution.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Heinzerling, Benjamin ; Strube, Michael ; Lin, Chin-Yew (2017)
Trust, but verify! Better entity linking through automatic verification.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Moosavi, Nafise Sadat ; Strube, Michael (2017)
Use Generalized Representations, But Do Not Forget Surface Features.
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Coreference Resolution Beyond OntoNotes (CORBON 2017). Valencia (4. April 2017)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Born, Leo ; Mesgar, Mohsen ; Strube, Michael (2017)
Using a Graph-based Coherence Model in Document-Level Machine Translation.
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation, DiscoMT@EMNLP 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 8, 2017.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Remse, Madeline ; Mesgar, Mohsen ; Strube, Michael (2016)
Feature-Rich Error Detection in Scientific Writing Using Logistic Regression.
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, BEA@NAACL-HLT 2016, June 16, 2016, San Diego, California, USA.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Parveen, Daraksha ; Mesgar, Mohsen ; Strube, Michael (2016)
Generating Coherent Summaries of Scientific Articles Using Coherence Patterns.
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2016). Austin, Texas (01.11. - 05.11.2016)
doi: 10.18653/v1/D16-1074
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Mesgar, Mohsen ; Strube, Michael (2016)
Lexical Coherence Graph Modeling Using Word Embeddings.
NAACL HLT 2016, The 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, San Diego California, USA, June 12-17, 2016. San Diego, CA, USA (12.-17. Juni 2016)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Moosavi, Nafise Sadat ; Strube, Michael (2016)
Search Space Pruning: A Simple Solution for Better Coreference Resolvers.
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. San Diego (12.-17. Juni 2016)
doi: 10.18653/v1/N16-1115
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Moosavi, Nafise Sadat ; Strube, Michael (2016)
Which Coreference Evaluation Metric Do You Trust? A Proposal for a Link-based Entity Aware Metric.
Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers). Berlin (7.-12. August 2016)
doi: 10.18653/v1/P16-1060
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Mesgar, Mohsen ; Strube, Michael (2015)
Graph-based Coherence Modeling For Assessing Readability.
Proceedings of the Fourth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics. Denver, CO, USA (4.-5. Juni 2015)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Heinzerling, Benjamin ; Strube, Michael (2015)
HITS at TAC KBP 2015: Entity discovery and linking, and event nugget detection.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Parveen, Daraksha ; Ramsl, Hans-Martin ; Strube, Michael (2015)
Topical Coherence for Graph-based Extractive Summarization.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Heinzerling, Benjamin ; Strube, Michael (2015)
Visual Error Analysis for Entity Linking.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Gurevych, Iryna ; Strube, Michael (2004)
Semantic Similarity Applied to Spoken Dialogue Summarization.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Gurevych, Iryna ; Porzel, Robert ; Strube, Michael (2002)
Annotating Semantic Consistency of Speech Recognition Hypotheses.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

This list was generated on Sat Sep 7 00:24:17 2024 CEST.