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Hoyer, Ingo ; Utz, Alexander ; Lüdecke, André ; Kappert, Holger ; Rohr, Maurice ; Hoog Antink, Christoph ; Seidl, Karsten (2023)
Design of Hardware Accelerators for Optimized and Quantized Neural Networks to Detect Atrial Fibrillation in Patch ECG Device with RISC-V.
In: Sensors, 23 (5)
doi: 10.3390/s23052703
Artikel, Bibliographie
Hoog Antink, Christoph ; Schulz, Romina ; Rohr, Maurice ; Wenzel, Konstantin ; Liebermeister, Lars ; Kohlhaas, Robert ; Preu, Sascha (2023)
Estimating Thoracic Movement with High-Sampling Rate THz Technology.
In: Sensors, 23 (11)
doi: 10.3390/s23115233
Artikel, Bibliographie
Rohr, Maurice ; Reich, Christoph ; Höhl, Andreas ; Lilienthal, Timm ; Dege, Tizian ; Plesinger, Filip ; Bulkova, Veronika ; Clifford, Gari ; Reyna, Matthew ; Hoog Antink, Christoph (2022)
Exploring novel algorithms for atrial fibrillation detection by driving graduate level education in medical machine learning.
In: Physiological Measurement, 43 (7)
doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/ac7840
Artikel, Bibliographie