TU Darmstadt
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Anzahl der Einträge: 2.
Rauschenberger, P. ; Criscione, A. ; Eisenschmidt, K. ; Kintea, D. ; Jakirlić, Suad ; Tukovic, Z. ; Roisman, Ilia V. ; Weigand, B. ; Tropea, Cameron (2013)
Comparative assessment of Volume-of-Fluid and Level-Set methods by relevance to dendritic ice growth in supercooled water.
In: Computers & Fluids, 79
Artikel, Bibliographie
Shevchuk, I. ; Rauschenberger, P. ; Janicka, J. (2012)
A VOF method for isobaric expandable flows.
In: PAMM, 12
Artikel, Bibliographie