TU Darmstadt
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Springe zu: 2022
Anzahl der Einträge: 1.
Luo, Yuting ; Rezaei, Shahed ; Santos, David A. ; Zhang, Yuwei ; Handy, Joseph V. ; Carrillo, Luis ; Schultz, Brian J. ; Gobbato, Leonardo ; Pupucevski, Max ; Wiaderek, Kamila ; Charalambous, Harry ; Yakovenko, Andrey ; Pharr, Matt ; Xu, Bai-Xiang ; Banerjee, Sarbajit (2022)
Cation reordering instead of phase transitions: Origins and implications of contrasting lithiation mechanisms in 1D ζ- and 2D α-V2O5.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119 (4)
doi: 10.1073/pnas.2115072119
Artikel, Bibliographie