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Obrocki, Lea ; Vött, Andreas ; Wolken, Dennis ; Peter, Fischer ; Willershäuser, Timo ; Koster, Benjamin ; Lang, Franziska ; Papanikolaοu, Ioannis D. ; Rabbel, Wolfgang ; Reicherter, Klaus R. (2020)
Tracing tsunami signatures of the AD 551 and AD 1303 tsunamis at the Gulf of Kyparissia (Peloponnes, Greece) using direct push in situ sensing techniques combined with geophysical studies.
In: Sedimentology, 67 (3)
doi: 10.1111/sed.12555
Artikel, Bibliographie
Vött, Andreas ; Willershäuser, Timo ; Röbke, Björn R. ; Obrocki, Lea ; Fischer, Peter ; Hadler, Hanna ; Emde, Kurt ; Eder, Birgitta ; Gehrke, Hans-Joachim ; Lang, Franziska (2019)
Major flood events recorded in the Holocene sedimentary sequence of the uplifted Ladiko and Makrisia basins near ancient Olympia (western Peloponnese, Greece).
In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie: Supplementary Issues, 62 (2)
doi: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2018/0499
Artikel, Bibliographie
Obrocki, Lea ; Eder, Britta ; Gehrke, Hans-Joachim ; Lang, Franziska ; Vött, Andreas ; Willershäuser, Timo ; Rusch, Katharina ; Wilken, Dennis ; Hatzi-Spiliopoulou, Georgia ; Kolia, Erofili-Iris ; Vikatou, Olympia (2019)
Detection and localization of chamber tomes in the environs of ancient Olympia, Peloponnese, Greece, based on a combination of archaeological survey and geophysical prospection.
In: Geoarchaeology, 34 (6)
doi: 10.1002/gea.21724
Artikel, Bibliographie