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Mayland, Wibke (2012)
Untersuchungen zu Spannungssingularitätsordnungen in linear-elastischen und piezoelektrischen Multimaterialkonfigurationen mit der Rand-Finite-Elemente-Methode.
Buch, Erstveröffentlichung
Mayland, Wibke ; Becker, Wilfried (2010)
Investigation of Stress Singularities due to Geometrical and Material Discontinuities in Piezoelectric Laminates by the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method.
In: International Journal of Advances in Mechanics and Applications of Industrial Materials 1,
Artikel, Bibliographie
Mayland, Wibke ; Becker, Wilfried (2009)
Scaled boundary finite element analysis of stress singularities in piezoelectric multi-material systems.
In: PAMM — Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 9,
Artikel, Bibliographie
Mayland, Wibke ; Becker, Wilfried (2009)
Semi-analytical investigation of stress singularities due to geometrical and material discontinuities in piezoelectric laminates.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie
Mayland, Wibke ; Becker, Wilfried (2009)
Stress Singularities in Piezoelectric Multi-Material Systems.
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie