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Book Section
Anderl, Reiner ; Rollmann, Thomas ; Völz, Diana ; Nattermann, Roland ; Maltzahn, Sebastian ; Mosch, Christian
eds.: Steinhilper, Rolf ; Rieg, Frank (2012)
Virtuelle Produktentwicklung.
In: Handbuch Konstruktion
Book Section, Bibliographie
Anderl, Reiner ; Maltzahn, Sebastian (2011)
Early Bom Derivation from Requirement Specifications by Reusing Product Knowledge.
In: Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
Book Section, Bibliographie
Anderl, Reiner ; Maltzahn, Sebastian ; Spieß, Daniel
ed.: Dietz, Jan L. G. (2009)
An Approach to Support Interdisciplinary Variant Diversity Optimization - Planning Variant Diversity - Beyond Complexity Reduction.
In: KEOD 2009 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Know ledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Book Section, Bibliographie
Conference or Workshop Item
Anggraeni, Nadia ; Maltzahn, Sebastian ; Anderl, Reiner (2013)
Similarity-Based Concept Development for Modular Platform Systems.
19th International Conference on Engineering Design – ICED 13. Seoul, Korea (19.08.2013-22.08.2013)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Maltzahn, Sebastian (2011)
C3I - Collaborative CAD/CAE Integration.
NAFEMS World Congress. Boston, USA (23.05.2011-26.05.2011)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Anderl, Reiner ; Maltzahn, Sebastian (2011)
Collaborative CAD/CAE Integration - Bringing SimPDM to practice.
NAFEMS European Conference on Simulation Process and Data Management. Frankfurt, Germany (24.11.2010-25.11.2010)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Ph.D. Thesis
Maltzahn, Sebastian (2013)
Simultane Anforderungs- und Architekturdefinition auf Basis semantischer Ähnlichkeit von Anforderungen.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Bibliographie