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Number of items: 8.

Yurkewicz, K. L. ; Bazin, D. ; Brown, B. A. ; Enders, J. ; Gade, A. ; Glasmacher, T. ; Hansen, P. G. ; Maddalena, V. ; Navin, A. ; Sherrill, B. M. ; Tostevin, J. A. (2006)
One-neutron knockout from Ni57.
In: Physical Review C, 74 (2)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.74.024304
Article, Bibliographie

Yurkewicz, K. L. ; Bazin, D. ; Brown, B. A. ; Enders, J. ; Gade, A. ; Glasmacher, T. ; Hansen, P. G. ; Maddalena, V. ; Navin, A. ; Sherrill, B. M. ; Tostevin, J. A. (2006)
One-neutron knockout from ^57Ni.
In: Phys. Rev. C, 74
Article, Bibliographie

Maddalena, V. ; Aumann, T. ; Bazin, D. ; Brown, B. A. ; Caggiano, J. A. ; Davids, B. ; Glasmacher, T. ; Hansen, P. G. ; Ibbotson, R. W. ; Navin, A. ; Pritychenko, B. V. ; Scheit, H. ; Sherrill, B. M. ; Steiner, M. ; Tostevin, J. A. ; Yurkon, J. (2001)
One-nucleon knockout reactions: The test case 15C and the single-particle structure of 16,17,19C.
In: Nuclear Physics A, 682 (1-4)
doi: 10.1016/S0375-9474(00)00657-6
Article, Bibliographie

Maddalena, V. ; Aumann, T. ; Bazin, D. ; Brown, B. ; Caggiano, J. ; Davids, B. ; Glasmacher, T. ; Hansen, P. ; Ibbotson, R. ; Navin, A. ; Pritychenko, B. ; Scheit, H. ; Sherrill, B. ; Steiner, M. ; Tostevin, J. ; Yurkon, J. (2001)
Single-neutron knockout reactions: Application to the spectroscopy of 16,17,19C.
In: Physical Review C, 63 (2)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.63.024613
Article, Bibliographie

Navin, A. ; Anthony, D. ; Aumann, T. ; Baumann, T. ; Bazin, D. ; Blumenfeld, Y. ; Brown, B. ; Glasmacher, T. ; Hansen, P. ; Ibbotson, R. ; Lofy, P. ; Maddalena, V. ; Miller, K. ; Nakamura, T. ; Pritychenko, B. ; Sherrill, B. ; Spears, E. ; Steiner, M. ; Tostevin, J. ; Yurkon, J. ; Wagner, A. (2000)
Direct Evidence for the Breakdown of the N=8 Shell Closure in B12e.
In: Physical Review Letters, 85 (2)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.266
Article, Bibliographie

Aumann, T. ; Navin, A. ; Balamuth, D. ; Bazin, D. ; Blank, B. ; Brown, B. ; Bush, J. ; Caggiano, J. ; Davids, B. ; Glasmacher, T. ; Guimarães, V. ; Hansen, P. ; Ibbotson, R. ; Karnes, D. ; Kolata, J. ; Maddalena, V. ; Pritychenko, B. ; Scheit, H. ; Sherrill, B. ; Tostevin, J. (2000)
One-Neutron Knockout from Individual Single-Particle States of B11e.
In: Physical Review Letters, 84 (1)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.35
Article, Bibliographie

Pritychenko, B. V. ; Glasmacher, T. ; Cottle, P. D. ; Fauerbach, M. ; Ibbotson, R. W. ; Kemper, K. W. ; Maddalena, V. ; Navin, A. ; Ronningen, R. ; Sakharuk, A. ; Scheit, H. ; Zelevinsky, V. G. (1999)
Role of intruder configurations in Ne and Mg.
In: Physics Letters B, 461 (4)
doi: 10.1016/S0370-2693(99)00850-3
Article, Bibliographie

Navin, A. ; Bazin, D. ; Brown, B. ; Davids, B. ; Gervais, G. ; Glasmacher, T. ; Govaert, K. ; Hansen, P. ; Hellström, M. ; Ibbotson, R. ; Maddalena, V. ; Pritychenko, B. ; Scheit, H. ; Sherrill, B. ; Steiner, M. ; Tostevin, J. ; Yurkon, J. (1998)
Spectroscopy of Radioactive Beams from Single-Nucleon Knockout Reactions: Application to the sd Shell Nuclei A25l and P26,27,28.
In: Physical Review Letters, 81 (23)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.81.5089
Article, Bibliographie

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