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Trapp, M. ; Müller, M. M. ; Nazarpoor, Z. ; Kleebe, H.-J. (2017)
Full reoxidation of CuMn2O4 spinel catalyst triggered by epitaxial Mn3O4 surface nanocrystals.
In: Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 100 (11)
doi: 10.1111/jace.15032
Artikel, Bibliographie
Stötzel, J. ; Schneider, T. ; Müller, M. M. ; Kleebe, H.-J. ; Wiggers, H. ; Schierning, G. ; Schmechel, R. (2017)
Microstructure and thermoelectric properties of Si-WSi2 nanocomposites.
In: Acta Materialia, 125
doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2016.11.069
Artikel, Bibliographie
Komar, P. ; Chávez-Ángel, E. ; Euler, C. ; Balke, B. ; Kolb, U. ; Müller, M. M. ; Kleebe, H.-J. ; Fecher, G. H. ; Jakob, G. (2016)
Tailoring of the electrical and thermal properties using ultra-short period non-symmetric superlattices.
In: APL Materials, 4 (10)
doi: 10.1063/1.4954499
Artikel, Bibliographie
Rubat du Merac, M. ; Kleebe, H.-J. ; Müller, M. M. ; Reimanis, I. E. (2013)
Fifty Years of Research and Development Coming to Fruition; Unraveling the Complex Interactions during Processing of Transparent Magnesium Aluminate (MgAl2O4) Spinel.
In: Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 96 (11)
doi: 10.1111/jace.12637
Artikel, Bibliographie