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Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Alzylaie, M. (2017)
Tragverhalten des „Dubai Sandstone“ bei Hochhausbelastung.
In: Mitteilungen des Institutes und der Versuchsanstalt für Geotechnik der Technischen Universität Darmstadt
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2016)
Prevention of mistakes at the design and the construction of deep foundations.
In: Geotechnics for Sustainable Infrastructure Development
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Norkus, A. ; Okonek, P. (2016)
Spinnanker - Experiences with a new foundation and anchor system.
In: 13th Baltic Sea Geotechnical Conference
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2016)
Optimised design of foundation systems for high-rise structures.
In: 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2016)
Underground structures in urban areas.
In: 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Seip, M. (2016)
Influence of large construction projects on existing underground structures.
In: 13th International Conference Underground Construction Prague and 3rd Eastern European Tunneling Conference,
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2016)
Interaction between new constructions and existing underground structures.
In: 4th International Conference on Architectures and Civil Engineering (ACE2016),
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Choudhury, D. (2016)
Foundation Systems for High-Rise Structures on Systems for High-Rise Structures.
In: Foundation Systems for High-Rise Structures on Systems for High-Rise Structures
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Seip, M. ; Leppla, S. (2016)
Gründung für ein Hochhaus der Superlative - der 1.007 m hohe Kingdom Tower in Jeddah.
In: Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau, (1)
Article, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Dunaevskiy, R. (2015)
Geotechnical challenges in urban development – chances and limitations.
In: Challenges in Geotechnical Engineering
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Seip, M. (2015)
Risk management and risk communication in geotechnical engineering by independent peer review and special technical solutions.
In: 5th International Symposium on Geotechnial Safety and Risk,
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Fischer, S. (2015)
Risk management and ground improvement technologies in the case of liquefaction.
In: DFI India 2015, Deep Foundation Technologies for Infrastructure Development in India
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2015)
Theory and practical experience with the Combined Pile-Raft Foudation (CPRF).
In: DFI India 2015, Deep Foundation Technologies for Infrastructure Development in India
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Lehmann, S. (2015)
Analysis of the correlation between static and dynamic plate load tests.
In: 16th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2015)
Determination of the time-dependent deformation behavior of soft soils for infrastructure applications.
In: 16th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Seip, M. ; Kurze, S. (2015)
Value Engineering as a basis for safe, optimized and sustainable design of geotechnical structures.
In: 16th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Burlon, S. ; Frömel, U. ; Kießling, S. ; Ullrich, F. (2015)
Technische Hilfeleistung bei Tiefbauunfällen (1/2): Grundlagen des Grabenverbaus und waagrechter Normverbau.
In: Florian Hessen, Hessisches Ministerium des Innern und für Sport, (4)
Article, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Weidle, Alexandra ; Seip, M. (2015)
Special aspects of constructions with deep mixing systems for infrastructures.
In: Deep Mixing Conference 2015
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Bergmann, C. ; Leppla, S. (2015)
Tunnel constructions in swelling rock.
In: World Tunnel Congress 2015
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Seip, M. (2015)
Existing underground structures in the vicinity of large construction projects.
In: World Tunnel Congress 2015
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Ramm, H. ; Bachmann, G. (2015)
Anforderungen an die bodenmechanische Modellbildung in der Baupraxis.
In: Aktuelle Forschung in der Bodenmechanik 2015, 2. Deutsche Bodenmechanik Tagung
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2015)
Analysis of the time-dependent deformation behavior of soft soils.
In: 16th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2015)
Determination of the modulus of deformation using static and dynamic plate load tests.
In: 16th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Seip, M. (2015)
Development in deep excavation and deep foundation technologies.
In: 16th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2015)
Optimisation and safety of urban geotechnical construction projects.
In: 16th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2015)
Realistic modelling of soil-structure interaction for high-rise buildings.
International Scientific Conference – Urban Civil Engineering and Municipal Facilities.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2015)
The responsibility of geotechnical engineers for safety, resources and cost-effectiveness – Examples from research and development.
In: Korean Geotechnical Society Spring Convention
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S.
eds.: Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2015)
Handbuch des Spezialtiefbaus. 3. Auflage.
In: Handbuch des Spezialtiefbaus. 3. Auflage
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Weidle, A. (2015)
In: Handbuch des Spezialtiefbaus, 3. Auflage
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Burlon, S. ; Frömel, U. ; Kießling, S. ; Ullrich, F. (2015)
Technische Hilfeleistung bei Tiefbauunfällen (2/2): Senkrechter Normverbau.
In: Florian Hessen, , Hessisches Ministerium des Innern und für Sport, (5)
Article, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Burlon, S. ; Frömel, U. ; Ulrich, F. ; Kießling, S. (2015)
Technische Hilfeleistung bei Tiefbauunfällen: Waagrechter und senkrechter Normverbau. Lehrunterlagen zur technischen Hilfeleistung.
In: Hessiche Landesfeuerwehrschule, Kassel
Article, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2015)
Verbesserung des Baugrundes.
In: Handbuch des Spezialtiefbaus, 3. Auflage
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Ramm, H. ; Weidle, A. (2014)
Cost effective project executions by soil improvement technologies and
new design procedures.
In: GeoStructure Asia Converence
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Bergmann, C. ; Leppla, S. ; Ruppert, T. ; Weidle, A. (2014)
Geotechnical interaction between traffic infrastrucutre, existing structures
and groundwater.
In: 50th Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2014)
Challenging construction projects related to urban tunnels.
In: Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGESSA, 4 (3)
Article, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Krajewski, W. (2014)
Numerical analysis and verification of the soil-structure interadion in the course of large construction projects in inner cities.
In: International Conference on Soil-structure-Interaction: Underground structures and retaining walls
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2014)
Deep foundation systems for high-rise buildings in difficult soil conditions.
In: Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGESSA, 4 (2)
Article, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2014)
Independent peer review processes regarding stability and serviceability during planning, design and construction of underground structures.
In: World Tunnel Congress 2014
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2014)
Stability, traffic safety and durability of underground structures during service
time guaranteed by engineering inspection and supervision.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Vogler, M. ; Kurze, S. (2014)
Geotechnical requirements for successful realisation of construction works in the
vicinity of historical sites and World Heritage Properties.
In: PROHITECH’14- 2nd International Conference on Protection of Historical Constructions
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Krajewski, W. ; Schreiber, S. ; Reininger-Berenroth, M. ; Leißner, M. (2014)
Neugestaltung des Dom-Römer-Areals: Geotechnische Herausforderungen eines Großbauprojektes.
In: Deutsches Ingenieurblatt
Article, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2014)
Soil-structure-interaction of tunnels and superstructures during construction
and service time.
In: Symposium underground construction
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2013)
Independent peer review as a guarantee for safety, serviceability and optimization of deep foundation systems.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2013)
Geotechnical challenges at super high-rise buildings.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2013)
New experiences at urban tunnelling projects.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Krajewski, W. (2013)
Innerstädtische Großbaumaßnahmen und ihre Auswirkungen auf bestehende unterirdische U-Bahnbauwerke am Beispiel Frankfurt am Main: Verformungen und Auftrieb; baubegleitende Messprogramme.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Weidle, A. ; Vogler, M. (2013)
Wasserdichte Untergeschosse – Standsicherheit und Gebrauchstauglichkeit.
In: Baurechtstreff 2013
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2013)
Soil-structure-interaction of large storage constructions.
In: TC 207 Workshop on Soil-Structure-Interaction and retaining walls - 18th Conference of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2013)
Deformation behaviour of clay due to unloading and the consequences on construction projects in inner cities.
In: 18th Conference of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2013)
Engineering inspection and supervision of tunnels and underground stations of urban metro systems.
In: 18th Conference of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical, Engineering
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Seip, M. (2013)
Large tailings heaps and the influence on infrastructure due to the resulting soil
In: 18th Conference of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, Rolf ; Bergmann, C. ; Leppla, S. (2013)
Safety assurance for challenging geotechnical civil engineering constructions in urban areas. Open Journal of Civil Engineering.
In: Open Journal of Civil Engineering, 3 (3B)
doi: 10.4236/ojce.2013.33B006
Article, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Burlon, S. ; Reitz, M. ; Heerdt, V. (2013)
Trag- und Verformungsverhalten von Erdankern.
In: Brandschutz, 67 (7)
Article, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Ramm, H. ; Seip, M. ; Kuttig, K. (2013)
Optimised deep foundations and retaining structures in difficult soil and groundwater conditions.
In: 1st International Conference on Foundation and Soft Ground Engineering Challenges in MeKong Delta
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2013)
Qualified soil investigation and the 4-Eye-Principle as basis for safety and serviceability of geotechnical constructions.
In: 1st International Conference on Foundation and Soft Ground Engineering Challenges in MeKong Delta
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2013)
Economic solutions for geotechnical challenges like super high-rise buildings and urban tunnelling.
In: International Conference on “State of the art of pile foundation and pile case histories”,
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2013)
Large construction projects in soil with time dependent deformation behaviour and the effects on existing underground structures.
In: 18th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference & Inaugral AGSSEA Conference
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Ramm, H. ; Seip, M. ; Kuttig, H. (2013)
Design and construction of deep foundation systems and retaining structures in urban areas in difficult soil and ground water conditions.
In: 11th International Conference “Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques”,
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Vogler, M. ; Seip, M. ; Kurze, S. (2013)
Soil-Structure-Interaction of tunnels and superstructures during construction and service time.
In: 11th International Conference “Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques”,
Book Section, Bibliographie
Leppla, S. (2013)
Salzmechanik - Modellierung des Materialverhaltens und ingenieurpraktische Anwendung.
In: 1. Deutsche Bodenmechanik Tagung 2013
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Bergmann, C. ; Leppla, S. ; Kurze, S. ; Seip, M. (2013)
Die Berücksichtigung und Modellierung der Interaktion zwischen Baugrund und Tragwerk ist für die Standsicherheit und Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Konstruktion von entscheidender Bedeutung.
In: Der Prüfingenieur, 42
Article, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2013)
New concept of engineering inspection and supervision of tunnels and stations of urban metro systems during service time.
In: 12th International Conference Underground Construction Prague 2013
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Weidle, A. ; Choudhury, D. (2013)
Aspects of management of soil risk. Proc.
In: Proc. of the 4th International Seminar on Forensic Geotechnical Engineering
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Ramm, H. (2013)
Combined Pile-Raft Foundation – Theory and practice.
In: Design and analysis of pile foundations
Book Section, Bibliographie
Leppla, S. (2012)
Baugrund-Tragwerk-Interaktion von Rückstandshalden.
In: 32. Baugrundtagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V., Forum für junge Geotechnik-Ingenieure
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Ramm, H. ; Waberseck, T. ; Vogler, M. ; Seip, M. (2012)
Geotechnik und Geothermie in der Region Rhein-Main-Neckar.
In: 32. Baugrundtagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Bergmann, C. ; Leppla, S. ; Seip, M. (2012)
Interaktion Bauwerk – Boden – verschiedene Bemessungswerte – wie “funktioniert” der EC.
In: Arbeitstagung der Vereinigung der Prüfingenieure für Bautechnik,
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2012)
Displacement of infrastructures due to large tailings heaps of viscoplastic material and the resulting soil-interaction.
In: XII International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology, Energy and Global Sustainable Development
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2012)
Theory and practice of cost-optimised and sustainable deep foundations systems for high-rise buildings and civil engineering structures.
In: 7th Seminar on Special Foundations Engineering and Geotechnics
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Hoffmann, H. ; Giegerich, G. (2012)
Harbour constructions on very soft soils.
In: Baltic Sea Geotechnical Conference
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2012)
Stability and serviceability of infrastructure facilities due to large tailings heaps consisting of viscoplastic salt material.
In: International Conference “Topical Issues of Rational Use of Natural Resources”, St. Petersburg State Mining University
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Waberseck, T. (2012)
Deep excavations and deep foundation systems combined with energy piles.
In: CRC Press, London, New York
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Osthöver, U. ; Pulverich, V. (2011)
Ingenieurtechnische Bauwerksprüfung und –überwachung von Tunnel- und Haltestellenbauwerken innerstädtischer U-Bahnsysteme.
In: STUVA-Tagung ´11
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Clauß, F. ; Leppla, S. ; Ramm, H. ; Drobek, T. (2011)
Foundation of high-rise buildings including energy piles for CO2 free energy supply.
In: Tongji-TU Darmstadt Days
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Clauß, F. ; Leppla, S. ; Ruppert, T. (2011)
Potentials of environmental protection by geotechnical engineering. Proceedings of the XV.
European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Athen, Griechenland (12.09.2011-15.09.2011)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Clauß, F. ; Leppla, S. (2011)
Deep excavations and retaining structures. Proceedings of the XV.
European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Athen, Griechenland (12.09.2011-15.09.2011)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2011)
Scientific analyses of the bearing capacity and the deformation behaviour of the Spinnanchor system for engineering practice. Proceedings of the XV.
In: European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. (2011)
Cost-optimised foundations for high-rised buildings in soft soil.
In: Piling Foundations Summit, Shanghai, China
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Weidle, A. ; Werner, A. (2011)
Das Vier-Augen-Prinzip in der Geotechnik: Der Prüfsachverständige für Erd- und Grundbau.
In: Geotechnik-Kolloquium anlässlich des 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Placzek, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Wachter, S. ; Seip, M. (2011)
Scientific development of a visco-plastic constitutive law and the application for engineering practice.
In: Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Melbourne
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Ramm, H. ; Waberseck, T. (2011)
Enhanced Geotechnics and Geothermics for sustainable construction.
In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Construction
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Ramm, H. (2011)
Optimised foundation for high rise buildings in engineering practice.
In: Proceedings of the Conference “Topical Issues of Subsoil Usage”, St. Petersburg State Mining University,
Book Section, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Seip, M. (2011)
Das Verformungsverhalten des Frankfurter Tons infolge Baugrundentlastung.
In: Bauingenieur, 86 (5)
Article, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Burlon, S. ; Reitz, M. ; Heerdt, V. (2011)
Erdanker: Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Trag- und Verformungsverhalten
(Teil 2).
In: Florian Hessen, Hessisches Ministerium des Innern und für Sport, (11)
Article, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Burlon, S. ; Reitz, M. ; Heerdt, V. (2011)
Erdanker: Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Trag- und Verformungsverhalten (Teil 1).
In: Florian Hessen, Hessisches Ministerium des Innern und für Sport, (10)
Article, Bibliographie
Katzenbach, R. ; Leppla, S. ; Seip, M. ; Schleinig, J. P. ; Schnürer, F. (2011)
Verformungsprognosen für Infrastruktureinrichtungen im Nahbereich von Rückstandssalzhalden unter Verwendung eines visko-plastischen Stoffgesetzes.
In: Kali und Steinsalz, (2)
Article, Bibliographie