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Munaò, Gianmarco ; De Nicola, Antonio ; Müller-Plathe, Florian ; Kawakatsu, Toshihiro ; Kalogirou, Andreas ; Milano, Giuseppe (2019)
Influence of Polymer Bidispersity on the Effective Particle–Particle Interactions in Polymer Nanocomposites.
In: Macromolecules, 52 (22)
doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.9b01367
Artikel, Bibliographie
Endoh, Kenkoh S. ; Kawakatsu, Toshihiro ; Müller-Plathe, Florian (2018)
Coarse-Grained Molecular Simulation Model for Gecko Feet Keratin.
In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122 (8)
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b10481
Artikel, Bibliographie
De Nicola, Antonio ; Kawakatsu, Toshihiro ; Mueller-Plathe, Florian ; Milano, Giuseppe (2016)
Fast relaxation of coarse-grained models of polymer interphases by hybrid particle-field molecular dynamics: Polystyrene-silica nanocomposites as an example.
In: European Physical Journal-Special Topics, 225 (8-9)
Artikel, Bibliographie