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Kamali, S. ; Kilmametov, A. ; Ghafari, M. ; Itou, M. ; Hahn, H. ; Sakurai, Y. (2015)
Controlling spin polarized band-structure by variation of vacancy intensity in nanostructures.
In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 27 (7)
doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/27/7/075304
Artikel, Bibliographie
Ghafari, M. ; Sakurai, Y. ; Peng, G. ; Fang, Y. N. ; Feng, T. ; Hahn, H. ; Gleiter, H. ; Itou, M. ; Kamali, S. (2015)
Unexpected magnetic behavior in amorphous Co90Sc10 alloy.
In: Applied Physics Letters, 107 (13)
doi: 10.1063/1.4932113
Artikel, Bibliographie
Stoesser, A. ; Ghafari, M. ; Kilmametov, A. ; Gleiter, H. ; Sakurai, Y. ; Itou, M. ; Kohara, S. ; Hahn, H. ; Kamali, S. (2014)
Influence of interface on structure and magnetic properties of Fe50B50 nanoglass.
In: Journal of Applied Physics, 116 (13)
doi: 10.1063/1.4897153
Artikel, Bibliographie
Ghafari, M. ; Kohara, S. ; Hahn, H. ; Gleiter, H. ; Feng, T. ; Witte, R. ; Kamali, S. (2012)
Structural investigations of interfaces in Fe90Sc10 nanoglasses using high-energy x-ray diffraction.
In: Applied Physics Letters, 100 (13)
doi: 10.1063/1.3699228
Artikel, Bibliographie
Ghafari, M. ; Hahn, H. ; Brand, R. A. ; Mattheis, R. ; Yoda, Y. ; Kohara, S. ; Kruk, R. ; Kamali, S. (2012)
Structure of iron nanolayers embedded in amorphous alloys.
In: Applied Physics Letters, 100 (20)
doi: 10.1063/1.4717711
Artikel, Bibliographie