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Heid, S. ; Jähn-Siebert, T. K. ; Klinke, R. ; Hartmann, R. ; Langner, Gerald (1997)
Afferent projection patterns in the auditory brainstem in normal and congenitally deaf white cats.
In: Hearing research, 110 (1-2)
Artikel, Bibliographie
Heid, S. ; Jähn-Siebert, T. K. ; Klinke, R. ; Hartmann, R. ; Langner, Gerald (1996)
Projections from cochlear nucleus to inferior colliculus in connatally deaf white cat.
In: Ass. Res. Otolaryng.
Artikel, Bibliographie
Heid, S. ; Jähn-Siebert, T. K. ; Klinke, R. ; Hartmann, R. ; Langner, Gerald
Hrsg.: Elsner, N. ; Schnitzler, H.-U. (1996)
Quantitative analysis of the projections from cochlear nucleus to inferior colliculus in connatally deaf white cats by means of retrograde transport of a fluorescent tracer.
In: Göttingen Neurobiology Report 1996 : Proceedings of the 24th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie