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Brechtel, Andreas ; Gramlich, Philipp ; Ritterskamp, Daniel ; Drossel, Barbara ; Gross, Thilo (2018)
Master stability functions reveal diffusion-driven pattern formation in networks.
In: Physical Review E
Artikel, Bibliographie
Gramlich, Philipp (2018)
Stability of steady states of meta-food webs on discrete spatial networks.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung
Brechtel, Andreas ; Gramlich, Philipp ; Ritterskamp, Daniel ; Drossel, Barbara ; Gross, Thilo (2016)
Master stability functions reveal diffusion-driven instabilities in multi-layer networks.
In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.07635
Artikel, Bibliographie
Gramlich, Philipp ; Plitzko, Sebastian J. ; Rudolf, Lars ; Drossel, Barbara ; Gross, Thilo (2016)
The influence of dispersal on a predator--prey system with two habitats.
In: Journal of theoretical biology, 398
Artikel, Bibliographie