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Ochse, M. ; Langner, Gerald
Hrsg.: Elsner, E. ; Zimmermann, H. (2003)
Modulation tuning in the auditory midbrain of gerbils : band passes are formed by inhibition.
In: The neurosciences : from basic research to therapy
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Langner, Gerald ; Simonis, C. ; Braun, S.
Hrsg.: Elsner, E. ; Zimmermann, H. (2003)
Periodotopic organization of the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus in the gerbil.
In: The neurosciences : from basic research to therapy
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Pfeiffer, B. ; Langner, Gerald
Hrsg.: Elsner, E. ; Richter, D. W. (1992)
Effects of stimulus frequency and amplitude on intrinsic neuronal oscillations in the auditory midbrain (Inferior colliculus) of chinchilla.
In: Rhythmogenesis in neurons and networks
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Albert, M. ; Langner, Gerald
Hrsg.: Elsner, E. ; Richter, D. W. (1992)
Lateral inhibition in the periodicity domain : a possible mechanism involved in pitch processing in the auditory midbrain (Inferior colliculus) of chinchilla.
In: Rhythmogenesis in neurons and networks
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Biebel, Ulrich W. ; Langner, Gerald
Hrsg.: Elsner, E. ; Richter, D. W. (1992)
Still a mystery : the pitch of the missing fundamental.
In: Rhythmogenesis in neurons and networks
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Jähn-Siebert, T. K. ; Langner, Gerald
Hrsg.: Elsner, E. ; Richter, D. W. (1992)
Three-dimensional computer reconstruction of the central auditory system in the Guinea fowl : Field L and nucleus mesencephalicus lateralis pars dorsalis (Mld).
In: Rhythmogenesis in neurons and networks
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Langner, Gerald
Hrsg.: Elsner, E. ; Richter, D. W. (1992)
A possible role of neuronal oscillations in processing of accoustic patterns.
In: Rhythmogenesis in neurons and networks
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie
Albert, M. ; Hose, B. ; Langner, Gerald
Hrsg.: Elsner, E. ; Singer, W. (1989)
Modulation transfer functions in the auditory midbrain (MLD) of the Guniea fowl (Numida meleagris).
In: Dynamics and plasticity in neuronal systems
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie