TU Darmstadt
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Teichert, Florian ; Bastolla, Ugo ; Porto, Markus (2007)
SABERTOOTH : protein structural alignment based on a vectorial structure representation.
In: BMC Bioinformatics, 8
Artikel, Bibliographie
Hrsg.: Bastolla, Ugo ; Porto, Markus ; Roman, H. Eduardo ; Vendruscolo, Michele (2007)
Structural Approaches to Sequence Evolution : Molecules, networks, populations.
Buch, Bibliographie
Bastolla, Ugo ; Porto, Markus ; Roman, H. Eduardo ; Vendruscolo, Michele (2007)
The Structurally Constrained Neutral Model of Protein Evolution.
In: Structural approaches to sequence evolution : molecules, networks, populations
Buchkapitel, Bibliographie