Items in division
Ackermann, W. ; Benderskaya, G. ; Weiland, T. (2010)
State of the Art in the Simulation of Electromagnetic Fields based on Large Scale Finite Element Eigenanalysis.
In: International COMPUMAG Society Newsletter, (17(2))
Article, Bibliographie
Ackermann, W. ; Müller, W. F. O. ; Steiner, B. ; Weiland, T. ; Enders, J. ; Hessler, C. ; Poltoratska, Y. (2007)
Utilizing a wien filter within the beam dynamics simulation tool V-code.
doi: 10.1109/PAC.2007.4440393
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Burandt, C. ; Bonnes, U. ; Enders, J. ; Konrad, M. ; Pietralla, N. (2013)
Socket-CAN Device Support for EPICS IOCS.
9th International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls. Kolkata, India (December 04-07, 2012)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Burandt, C. ; Bonnes, U. ; Enders, J. ; Hug, F. ; Konrad, M. ; Pietralla, N. (2013)
Status of the Migration of the S-DALINAC Accelerator Control System to EPICS.
9th International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls. Kolkata, India
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Burandt, C. ; Bonnes, U. ; Enders, J. ; Hug, F. ; Pietralla, N. ; Schösser, T. (2013)
The EPICS-based Accelerator Control System of the S-DALINAC.
14th International Conference on Accelerator & Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2013). San Francisco, USA (06.-11.10.)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Franke, Sylvain Sebastian ; Ackermann, Wolfgang ; Weiland, Thomas ; Eichhorn, Ralf ; Hug, Florian ; Klose, Christian ; Pietralla, N. ; Platz, Markus (2011)
Integration of the Moment-Based Beam-Dynamics Simulation Tool V-Code into the S-DALINAC Control System.
13th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems. Grenoble, France (10.-14.10.2011)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Franke, Sylvain ; Ackermann, Wolfgang ; Weiland, Thomas ; Eichhorn, Ralf ; Hug, Florian ; Klose, Christian ; Pietralla, Norbert ; Platz, Markus (2011)
Moment-Based Simulation of the S-DALINAC Recirculations.
In: Proceedings of IPAC2011
Book Section, Bibliographie
Franke, Sylvain ; Ackermann, Wolfgang ; Weiland, Thomas ; Quincey, Timothy ; Hug, Florian ; Görgen, Paul ; Klose, Christian ; Platz, Markus (2010)
Further Development of the V-Code for Recirculating Linear Accelerator Simulations.
In: Proceedings of the XXV International Linear Accelerator Conference
Article, Bibliographie
Franke, S. ; Ackermann, W. ; Weiland, T. ; Enders, J. ; Heßler, C. ; Poltoratska, Y. (2009)
Handling Overlapping Fields Within the V-Code Beam Dynamics Simulation Tool.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Franke, S. ; Ackermann, W. ; Weiland, T. (2009)
A Fast and Universal Vlasov Solver for Beam Dynamics Simulations in 3D.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Franke, S. ; Ackermann, W. ; Steiner, B. ; Weiland, T. ; Enders, J. ; Heßler, C. ; Poltoratska, Y. (2008)
Integration of Fringe Field Alpha Magnets into the V-Code Beam Dynamics Simulation Tool.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Konrad, M. ; Burandt, C. ; Enders, J. ; Pietralla, N. (2013)
Control System Studio Archiver with PostgreSQL Back-end: Optimizing for Performance and Reliability for a Production Environment.
9th International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls. Kolkata, India (December 04-07, 2012)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Roggen, T. ; Masschaele, B. ; De Gersem, H. ; Achermann, W. ; Franke, S. ; Weiland, T. (2011)
Embedding Finite Element Results for Accelerator Components in a Moment Approach Beam Dynamics Code.
In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference
Article, Bibliographie