Items in division
- TU Darmstadt (106441)
- 20 Department of Computer Science (16021)
- Embedded Sensing Systems (49)
- 20 Department of Computer Science (16021)
Ali, Azad (2017)
Fault-Tolerant Spatio-Temporal Compression Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication
Borazio, Marko Antonio Matteo (2014)
Rhythm Modelling of Long-Term Activity Data.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication
Becker, Holger ; Borazio, Marko ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van (2010)
How to Log Sleeping Trends? A Case Study on the Long-Term Capturing of User Data.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16982-3_2
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Borazio, Marko ; Blanke, Ulf ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van (2010)
Characterizing Sleeping Trends from Postures.
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2010). Shanghai, China (Nov. 7-11, 2010)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Berlin, Eugen ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van (2010)
An On-Line Piecewise Linear Approximation Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks.
5th IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp 2010).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Berlin, Eugen ; Liu, Jun ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Schiele, Bernt (2010)
Coming to Grips with the Objects We Grasp: Detecting Interactions with Efficient Wrist-Worn Sensors.
International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI 2010).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Berlin, Eugen ; Guerrero, Pablo ; Herzog, Arthur ; Jacobi, Daniel ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Schiele, Bernt ; Buchmann, Alejandro (2009)
Demo Abstract: Whac-A-Bee -- A Sensor Network Game.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Berlin, Eugen ; Guerrero, Pablo ; Herzog, Arthur ; Jacobi, Daniel ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Schiele, Bernt ; Buchmann, Alejandro (2009)
Demo Abstract: Whac-A-Bee — A Sensor Network Game.
Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2009).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Berchtold, Martin ; Riedel, Till ; Decker, Christian ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van (2008)
Gath-Geva Specification and Genetic Generalization of Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy Models.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Christian, Seeger (2013)
Event-driven Middleware for Body and Ambient Sensor Applications.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication
Cakmakci, Ozan ; Coutaz, Joelle ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner (2002)
Context Awareness in Systems with Limited Resources.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Kern, Nicky ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner ; Schiele, Bernt (2003)
Towards an Intertial Sensor Network.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van (2011)
ISWC 2010: The Latest in Wearable Computing Research.
In: IEEE Pervasive Computing, 10 (1)
Article, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Berlin, Eugen (2009)
When Else Did This Happen? Efficient Subsequence Representation and Matching for Wearable Activity Data.
Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2009).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Berlin, Eugen ; Schiele, Bernt (2009)
Enabling Efficient Time Series Analysis for Wearable Activity Data.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2009).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Borazio, Marko ; Kilian, David ; Schiele, Bernt (2008)
Sustained Logging and Discrimination of Sleep Postures with Low-Level, Wrist-Worn Sensors.
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2008).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Kilian, David ; Schiele, Bernt (2008)
Using Rhythm Awareness in Long-Term Activity Recognition.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Aronsen, André Kvist (2007)
Memorizing What You Did Last Week: Towards Detailed Actigraphy With A Wearable Sensor.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner ; Malliaris, Yanni (2006)
Long-Term Activity Monitoring with a Wearable Sensor Node.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner (2006)
Fair Dice: A Tilt and Motion-Aware Cube with a Conscience.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Berchtold, Martin (2005)
Real-Time Analysis of Correlations Between On-Body Sensor Nodes.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Lo, Benny P. L. ; Ng, Jason W. P. ; Thiemjarus, Surapa ; King, Rachel ; Kwan, Simon ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner ; Sloman, Morris ; Wells, Oliver ; Needham, Phil ; Peters, Nick ; Darzi, Ara ; Toumazou, Chris ; Yang, Guang-Zhong (2004)
Medical Healthcare Monitoring with Wearable and Implantable Sensors.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner (2004)
Spine versus Porcupine: A Study in Distributed Wearable Activity Recognition.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van (2004)
The Pervasive Sensor - Invited Talk.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Villar, Nicolas ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner (2003)
A Layered Approach to Wearable Textile Networks.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Villar, Nicolas ; Schmidt, Albrecht ; Kortuem, Gerd ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner (2003)
Using an autonomous cube for basic navigation and input.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Villar, Nicolas ; Schmidt, Albrecht ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner ; Holmquist, Lars Erik (2003)
Pin{&}Play: The Surface as Network Medium.
In: IEEE Communications, 41 (4)
Article, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Villar, Nicolas ; Hakansson, Maria ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner (2002)
Pin{&}Play: Bringing Power and Networking to Wall-Mounted Appliances.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Schmidt, Albrecht ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner (2002)
Multi-Sensor Context Aware Clothing.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Schmidt, Albrecht ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner (2002)
Pin{&}Play: Networking Objects through Pins.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van (2001)
Combining the Self-Organizing Map and K-Means Clustering for On-Line Classification of Sensor Data.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Aidoo, Kofi Asante ; Lowette, Steven (2001)
Real-time Analysis of Data from Many Sensors with Neural Networks.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Aidoo, Kofi Asante (2001)
Teaching Context to Applications.
In: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 5 (1)
Article, Bibliographie
Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Cakmakci, Ozan (2000)
What Shall We Teach Our Pants?
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Muhammad, Agha ; Klein, Niklas ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; David, Klaus (2011)
A Feature Set Evaluation for Activity Recognition with Body-Worn Inertial Sensors.
Workshop on Interactive Human Behavior Analysis in Open or Public Spaces (InterHub) 2011.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Matthews, Tara ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Dey, Anind (2004)
Augmenting Collections of Everyday Objects: A Case Study of Clothes Hangers As an Information Display.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Norrdine, Abdelmoumen (2009)
Präzise Positionierung und Orientierung innerhalb von
Book, Primary publication
Stikic, Maja ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Schiele, Bernt (2008)
Exploring Semi-Supervised and Active Learning for Activity Recognition.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Stikic, Maja ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van (2007)
Recording Housekeeping Activities with Situated Tags and Wrist-Worn Sensors: Experiment Setup and Issues Encountered.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Silva, Paula Alexandra ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van
ed.: Holzinger, Andreas (2007)
BadIdeas for Usability and Design of Medicine and Healthcare Sensors.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Sheridan, Jennifer ; Short, Ben ; Kortuem, Gerd ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Villar, Nicolas (2003)
Exploring Cube Affordance: Towards A Classification Of Non-Verbal Dynamics Of Physical Interfaces For Wearable Computing.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Schmidt, Albrecht ; Strohbach, Martin ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Friday, Adrian ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner (2002)
Context Acquisition Based on Load Sensing.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Schmidt, Albrecht ; Strohbach, Martin ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner (2002)
Ubiquitous Interaction - Using Surfaces in Everyday Environments as Pointing Devices.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Schmidt, Albrecht ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van (2001)
How to Build Smart Appliances?
In: IEEE Personal Communications
Article, Bibliographie
Schmidt, Albrecht ; Aidoo, Kofi Asante ; Takaluoma, Antti ; Tuomela, Urpo ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Van de Velde, Walter (1999)
Advanced Interaction in Context.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Villar, Nicolas ; Kortuem, Gerd ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Schmidt, Albrecht (2005)
The Pendle: A Personal Mediator for Mixed Initiative Environments.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Villar, Nicolas ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Gellersen, Hans-Werner (2004)
A Physical Notice Board with Digital Logic and Display.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Zinnen, Andreas ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Schiele, Bernt (2007)
Toward Recognition of Short and Non-repetitive Activities from Wearable Sensors.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Zinnen, Andreas ; Laerhoven, Kristof Van ; Schiele, Bernt (2007)
Toward Recognition of Short and Non-repetitive Activities from Wearable Sensors.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie