TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

TORPEDO: TOoltip-poweRed Phishing Email DetectiOn

Volkamer, Melanie ; Renaud, Karen ; Reinheimer, Benjamin (2016)
TORPEDO: TOoltip-poweRed Phishing Email DetectiOn.
Ghent, Belgium
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract)

We propose a concept called TORPEDO to improve phish detection by providing just-in-time and just-in-place trustworthy tooltips to help people judge links embedded in emails. TORPEDO’s tooltips contain the actual URL with the domain highlighted and delay link activation for a short period, giving the person time to inspect the URL before they click. Furthermore, TORPEDO consists of an information diagram to explain phish detection. We evaluated TORPEDO in particular with respect to its effectiveness: Compared to the worst case ‘status bar’. as used in Thunderbird and Web email clients. TORPEDO performed significantly better in detecting phishes and identifying legitimate emails (85.17 % versus 43.31 % correct answers for phish). A proof of concept implementation is available as a Thunderbird Add-On.

Typ des Eintrags: Konferenzveröffentlichung
Erschienen: 2016
Autor(en): Volkamer, Melanie ; Renaud, Karen ; Reinheimer, Benjamin
Art des Eintrags: Bibliographie
Titel: TORPEDO: TOoltip-poweRed Phishing Email DetectiOn
Sprache: Englisch
Publikationsjahr: Juni 2016
Verlag: Springer
Buchtitel: 31st International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (IFIP SEC)
Veranstaltungsort: Ghent, Belgium
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Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract):

We propose a concept called TORPEDO to improve phish detection by providing just-in-time and just-in-place trustworthy tooltips to help people judge links embedded in emails. TORPEDO’s tooltips contain the actual URL with the domain highlighted and delay link activation for a short period, giving the person time to inspect the URL before they click. Furthermore, TORPEDO consists of an information diagram to explain phish detection. We evaluated TORPEDO in particular with respect to its effectiveness: Compared to the worst case ‘status bar’. as used in Thunderbird and Web email clients. TORPEDO performed significantly better in detecting phishes and identifying legitimate emails (85.17 % versus 43.31 % correct answers for phish). A proof of concept implementation is available as a Thunderbird Add-On.

Freie Schlagworte: Security, Usability and Society;Secure Data
ID-Nummer: TUD-CS-2016-0056
Fachbereich(e)/-gebiet(e): LOEWE > LOEWE-Zentren > CASED – Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt
20 Fachbereich Informatik > Theoretische Informatik - Kryptographie und Computeralgebra
20 Fachbereich Informatik > SECUSO - Security, Usability and Society
Profilbereiche > Cybersicherheit (CYSEC)
20 Fachbereich Informatik
Hinterlegungsdatum: 28 Jul 2016 18:35
Letzte Änderung: 30 Mai 2018 12:53
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